Ultraman Senki

Chapter 230 Destroyed Memories

PS: I can finish writing Gauss today, but you will have to wait a few days to see it.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two dazzling beams of light were launched from King Hayes' arms and hit the big iron block, and then there was a deafening roar, even though the base was thousands of meters away from the test site, they still felt the power of the ground. shaking.

The big iron block disappeared completely immediately, and along with the disappearance of a huge amount of soil, a spherical pothole with a radius of a kilometer appeared at the place where the big iron block was placed.

"Ah!" Commander Sahara stared at the big pit with dull eyes, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Saijo did not urge Commander Sahara, and stood there confidently waiting for Commander Sahara's reply.

"Is there anything I need?" Commander Sahara finally said.

"Well, a large amount of Sua ancient ore is needed for the reactor, and the designer has already formulated a plan to strengthen King Hayes. Once completed, King Hayes will be stronger than now in terms of defense and attack." Military officer Saijo was overjoyed : "Once the human beings are completed, they will have a super weapon. Even Chaos's head will not be the opponent of King Heyz."

"The Defense Force will fully support this plan." Commander Sahara nodded slowly.

Xingye actually didn't like staying in Stone Wings very much. Although the surroundings were full of light, it was really too quiet, without a single sound, it felt as if the whole world had left him.

The golden sea of ​​light was still as far as the eye could see, and the golden light particles continuously merged into Xingye's body to repair his injuries and restore Xingye's almost exhausted physical strength.

I don't know how long Xingye finally opened his eyes, and what he saw was an extremely bright sea of ​​light. His body, which was extremely painful and exhausted before falling asleep, had returned to its original state.

A flash of light suddenly flashed above the EYES base, and it fell silently to the highest balcony of the base, condensing the figure of Xingye. Xingye scanned the endless sea around him, and then walked into the base like flying.

The door of the command room opened, and there was a busy scene in sight. Everyone was staring at the screen in front of them very seriously and didn't notice anyone walking in.

"Everyone is so serious!" Xingye was a little surprised, the command room, which used to be very relaxed, was now extremely solemn.

"Huh?" Ayano Morimoto raised his head first to see Xingye who was entering the command room, and immediately jumped up in surprise: "Ah, Xingye, you are back!"

The command room suddenly became commotion, Captain Hiura, Kazebuki, and Mizuki Shinobu all left their positions and surrounded Xingye.

"Are you all right?" Captain Hiura asked first with concern.

Xingye smiled: "It's all right, where's Musashi?" Xingye glanced left and right to see that someone was wrong: "Where's Doi Heng?"

"Doi Tsune is synthesizing Chaos head enzymes at the SRC Scientific Analysis Center, Musashi..." Captain Hiura couldn't help but sighed: "I haven't woken up yet."

Xingye couldn't help frowning: "How did it take so long?"

When I came to the medical department and looked at the sleeping Musashi through the glass, Ayano's eye circles suddenly turned red, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down. Holding the glass with both hands, she whispered: "Musashi!"

"It's been like this since the last battle. There is no injury on his body but he has been unconscious." Captain Hiura's tone was very low.

Xingye closed his eyes and entered Musashi's consciousness. At this time, Musashi's consciousness was in the void of the universe, and when he raised his eyes, he looked around and saw river systems emitting faint light everywhere. The magnificent universe is actually very beautiful. The river system composed of countless galaxies exudes beautiful light, as beautiful as gems dotted in the void of the universe.

Gauss and Musashi stood in the void of the universe, and beside them was a gray planet.

Gauss turned around and looked at Xingye: "Hello Ultraman Nexus!"

"Altman Gauss." Xingye nodded.

"Kaos's head has been wandering in the universe, devouring life planets one after another, leaving them in a dead silence and becoming a forbidden area for life." Gauss's sad voice sounded, and he stared straight at the nearby star. Gray planet.

"Why did Chaos head do this?" Musashi was very puzzled.

Then the screen changed and the three of them came to the planet to show that the earth is an extremely silent desert, and there is no sign of life. Countless dilapidated buildings are scattered on this planet, and the collapsed buildings seem to tell the prosperity of this planet.

"This is the planet I wanted to protect before I came to Earth, but I failed. Chaos' head changed the ecological balance of this planet, and then all life on this planet was killed by Chaos' head." is completely wiped out, and this planet has become a dead star like this, which will never be able to give birth to life again." Gauss sadly told what happened.

"It's a lie!" Musashi was shocked, and wiped out countless lives on the entire planet, which seemed unbelievable to Musashi.

"It's true!" Xingye said: "When I first came to this universe, I saw with my own eyes that Chaos' head turned a planet full of life into a dead star."

With Xingye's narration, the screen changed again, and turned into the planet where Xingye set foot on a different universe for the first time.

Countless life plants on the green planet were devoured by Chaos' head one by one, the green area on the planet was receding, the yellow desert was expanding, and finally all the green life was concentrated in a small area , and then Nexus appeared to fight Chaos on the head.

"This planet has handed over the final power to me. The only request is to stop Chaos' head and prevent other living planets from falling into the same fate of destruction as them." Xingye couldn't help touching his chest and looked up. Gauss: "Gauss, your condition is already very bad. Leave the rest to me, and I will definitely destroy Chaos' head."

"I have failed once, so I want to save the earth, no matter what the price is, I will save the earth." Gauss said firmly.

"Gauss!" Musashi exclaimed.

Gauss' figure disappeared, and Musashi on the hospital bed opened his eyes: "Goss Ultraman!"

"Musashi, you're awake!" Ayano shouted excitedly with tears in her eyes.

"The mourning of the earth!" Musashi said blankly.

"What?" Everyone froze for a moment.

"I heard the earth's mournful cry." Musashi raised his head to look at Captain Hiura and the others: "The earth has already made a mournful cry."

At this time, the room suddenly shook, and everyone was almost knocked to the ground by the sudden vibration. The vibration stopped quickly, and it took only a few seconds, and the vibration was not very serious.

Ayano happily walked in and helped Musashi out, constantly caring about Musashi's physical condition, the eagerness made Musashi feel very embarrassed, especially when everyone was here.

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