Chapter 23 - Battle at the Foot

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Xingye felt that his body was no longer inferior to his own, as if he had just stopped after running for thousands of meters, his lungs were as hot as if they were being roasted by charcoal fire. His whole body seemed to be falling apart, and every part was painful even if he breathed a little harder, especially the right shoulder, which was finally hit by Impreza, was so painful and numb.

Trying to lean his body against the tree, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to take off the right sleeve of the jacket. The shoulder of the T-shirt inside was already stained red with blood.

"It seems that the injury was serious this time!" Xingye smiled wryly and looked up at the sky. The rocket that had tried its best to protect it had already completed the last step and released the armed satellite from its head. The solar panels on both sides of the armed satellite are slowly unfolding, and the laser cannon in the center is also slowly extending out, adjusting the angle and aiming the laser cannon at the black cosmic void. Later, the satellite will be connected with the receiving device on the ground to receive the remote control command from the ground control center, and start to calculate the orbital position, offset angle and the position of the most important space solar power station.

"This time, I really need to take good care of him for a few days. I wonder how Dagu is? The injury is not serious." Hoshino sighed and looked at the sky in a daze. Slowly move the left arm as far as possible not to affect the wound, took out the shock wave launcher from the pocket, endured the pain and raised the arm to aim at the sky, a ray of light shot up into the sky like fireworks and exploded in the air.

"What's that?" Xincheng, who was looking for Dagu, accidentally looked up and found a light that exploded in the air like fireworks: "It doesn't look like a rescue signal, let's go and have a look."

Xincheng reported into the headset: "The commander just raised a light that looks like a rescue signal from the woods in the southeast. I suspect that Dagu is there."

Zong Fang looked up and saw that the scattered light had basically dissipated: "Understood, be careful and report immediately if there is any situation."

Xincheng hurriedly ran towards the woods, and when he just ran into the woods, a flying object that looked like wings on both sides made of stone just flew into the woods.

Stone Wing quickly rushed over and floated in front of Xingye. Xingye relaxed and closed his eyes and fell backwards. Before his head touched the ground, his body turned into a ball of light and merged into Stone Wing.

The stone wing was full of light. The azure blue light quickly wrapped the stone wing, and then the light slowly soaked into the stone wing. The shell of the stone wing slowly changed from a stone-like color to silvery white.

Entering the new city in the woods, I was looking for Dagu everywhere. Just when I ran up a small hill, I suddenly felt that there was a light shining on the right. Running over to see a silvery-white object floating in the air half a meter above the ground, Xincheng moved his right hand to the holster and pulled out a Haipa pistol, pointing at Stone Wings, paced slowly and hurriedly reported to the commander: "Commander, I'm here An unknown object was found in the woods."

"Understood, the victorious team will rush over immediately." Zong Fang immediately ran towards the woods after giving the order.

Xincheng slowly moved towards Stone Wing. The closer he got, the slower his steps became. When he was ten meters away from Stone Wing, Stone Wing's light flashed and rushed to the sky, leaving behind because the speed exceeded the sound barrier. The sound of breaking through the air, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it!" Xincheng waved his hand angrily and pressed the communication button: "Command that thing to fly into the sky."

"We found Dagu," Lina's anxious and happy voice came from the earphones: "He was seriously injured, has the ambulance arrived yet?"

"It's already close to your place, just wait a little longer." Ye Rui smiled happily and quickly sent them the location of the ambulance squad.

Lina found Dagu next to a pile of wreckage. There were several big holes in the team uniform on his body, his face was blackened by the smoke, and a large area of ​​his forehead was covered with blood. The whole person has fallen into a coma, Lina pulled the team uniform away and tore off a large piece of the jacket, carefully took off Dagu's helmet, slowly wrapped the cloth around the wound, and waited for the arrival of the ambulance team.

"This kid is really lucky!" Hori heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Dagu, a plane with a red cross logo painted on its shell was descending in the sky.

"What the hell is that thing I saw?" Xincheng tilted his head and thought for a long time, but he couldn't find a suitable earth creation in his mind.

"Maybe it's an alien. Seeing that robot was defeated by Ultraman, he ran away quickly." Zong Fang guessed.

Xingye lay in the void and all he could see around his body were golden rays of light, and the golden rays of light merged into his body from time to time, especially where the right shoulder was most seriously injured.

Xingye opened his eyes and stared blankly at the surroundings. It took a long time before he came back to his senses, and looked at the light spots on his right shoulder that were constantly merging into the wound. The wound had healed and no longer bleed. The evolutionary trustee floats on the right hand side and flashes with the beating of the heart.

"Alas!" Xingye closed his eyes tiredly, quietly enjoying the few leisure time. When he recovers from his injury, he will be involved in the endless research and intrigue again. TPC personnel come from all over the world, and many high-level officials are senior officials from the old Defense Bureau era. Among them, Director Jigang is the representative, and TPC was originally only director Sawai. established by a group of scientists. What scientists know the most is that they have studied how to fight for power and gain, play tricks and tricks, and count the money if they are sold by others.

Therefore, after the Defense Force disbanded a large number of old Defense Forces and joined TPC, these scientists withdrew from management and established a research department independent of TPC. That is, to vacate a large number of positions for those in the defense forces to win them over, and to free themselves from cumbersome things and devote more energy to research.

Collaboration can benefit both sides, but fighting can hurt both sides. The two parties reached an agreement with a tacit understanding. The research department belongs to TPC but is directly under the management of the director. It is only responsible for the research and application results to be used first by the TPC, and the TPC is responsible for providing the resources needed by the research department. Compensation for Dissolution.

"It's really embarrassing this time!" Xingye smiled wryly at first. He thought he was ready, but he didn't expect that the group of aliens would spend so much money and buy the most expensive combat weapon in the entire universe——Ying Plai tie. In the first battle, no matter how you attack it, it will have no effect. Compared with Impreza, the monster Ligadron turned into by the Jupiter spacecraft is as gentle as a little sheep.

The ultimate ray emitted with all the energy of the whole body can break through his armor. If there is no Tiga's Dirashum ray, I am afraid it can only hurt the robot but not blow it to pieces. But I finally have time to arrange the strategy. Impreza was blown to pieces, and even if it is to be repaired, it may take a long time.

Xingye sneered, based on the fact that those poor aliens would probably be able to afford this Impreza, some of them felt sorry for the damage. However, since Impreza is not something from this universe, since it appeared here, at least it means that a super civilization has appeared in this universe, but this is the best possibility, and it may even be...

Thinking of this, a haze flashed across Xingye's eyes, and a nightmarish name crossed his mind: "Zaki... that guy may have a lot to do with this matter."

Even if he has self-destructed into countless dark lights. But those dark lights are part of Zaki after all. His understanding of space and time far surpasses the advanced civilizations in the universe. Even Nexus itself has a good space power that can be used, but it needs to consume a lot of energy. So Starry Night has not been used nor necessary.

But fortunately, the Impreza that came this time was not a high-end luxury version, otherwise I would have knelt down directly, thinking that the group of poor aliens could not afford such an expensive Inpreza. That is equipped with the most advanced power system and almost endless energy. It can be said that it is by no means like the Impreza just now, but bombing all the way. And the weapons on his body are not those particle cannons, but dimensional energy cannons that can smash even space. He even has a space transfer device on his body, and the repair device on his body is even abnormal. repaired in between. The armor on the body is made of metal obtained from a neutron star, which cannot be melted even by the sun.

However, aliens who can afford this kind of Impreza may not look down on the earth. If there is any precious material, even if they sell the earth, they will not be able to buy a finger.

The hunters need to hunt, and the loss this time should be recovered from those aliens, just to find an excuse to convince the TPC executives to start hunting aliens again. The Hunter Force and its Extraterrestrial Biology Research Institute and Intelligence Department have always been firmly held by Xingye, which means that those who pry open the aliens' mouths to obtain advanced alien technology have always been mastered by Xingye So, this point has long been snooped by many people and tried everything possible to get it.

In this way, not only can you get a research institute with a lot of alien technology, but you can also increase your voice in TPC.

The shoulder no longer hurts and the wound has healed completely. Without the blood stains on the clothes, it is impossible to tell that there was a wound there.

"Alas!" Xingye sighed worriedly and was about to return to his busy life. He picked up the evolution trustee, and the evolution truster flashed with light, and Xingye's body turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the sea of ​​light. .

A golden ray of light fell from the sky on the road around the sea, Xingye stood up and looked at the magnificent sea, the seagulls were singing, the waves were beating against the reefs and embankments on the shore, and the cool sea breeze brought Here came the fishy smell of the sea. In the distance, through the hazy fog, you can vaguely see the TPC Far East base towering over the sea.

The TPC base is connected to the mainland by a subsea tunnel, which facilitates the entry and exit of vehicles and personnel, and there are patrol boats on the sea to prevent accidents. A sonar matrix is ​​laid on the bottom of the sea to detect and disperse large fish. This base is more used for scientific research than military use. Now it is turned into military use because of monsters and aliens. At the beginning of the design, most of them were considered for scientific research purposes. Even the central take-off cabin and the largest F4 hangar were originally considered to be take-off and exploration spacecraft.

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