Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2271 King Aire

"There..." Zhao Canglu pointed down in amazement at the flower shop surrounded by soldiers walking from both ends of the street. He was still very familiar with that place. The shop came to the small shop five years ago. An aunt in the town opened it.

He and Mengya often passed by there when they were in school, but they hadn’t dealt with the aunt. After all, it was a flower shop, and he had no money to buy these romantic things, and the gifts for Mengya were shared by the two of them. Hobbies - Flash cards, dolls, stuff like that. He never gave such romantic things as flowers, er, mainly because he couldn't afford them.

"Cosmic people, I didn't expect that there are also cosmic people hiding here," Toba Raiha said in a flat tone, then took the piano case off his back, threw it in front of him, and then patted the piano case, the silver The sharp sword flicked out of the piano box immediately, and she took it in her hand. Then she opened the lid of the piano case, revealing a big black robe stuffed inside, which she put on and quickly fastened, wrapping her whole body at once, even her face was widened His hat was covered.

Asakura Lu stared dumbfounded at the 'disguise' that Toba Raiha completed in the blink of an eye, and asked in a daze, "Well...where are you going with this appearance?"

Toba Raiha, whose whole body was covered under the black robe, turned his head, glanced at Asakura Riku, and said as a matter of course, "Of course I want to see if this is that man?"

"Hey, go take a look?" Asakura Riku couldn't believe Toba Raiha's words, pointed to the two rows of AIB soldiers on the street below, and said, "Aren't they already arresting them? You still want to ..."

"I absolutely want to avenge this revenge with my own hands." Toba Raiha said, he had already placed the piano box in his hand on the ground, and then jumped up, jumping out directly from the rooftop. Asakura Riku screamed, and subconsciously raised his hand to grab Toba Raiha, but it was too late.

Under Asakura Riku's stunned gaze, Toba Raiha quickly fell towards the ground, stepped on the edge of the bed on the fifth floor of the opposite building, bent his legs slightly to relieve some of the falling force, and jumped straight away To the ground in front of the flower shop.

A black-robed man who fell from the sky scared the soldiers who had already approached here and took two steps back. The guns in the hands of more than a dozen people all pointed at the black-robed man who fell from the sky.

Toba Raiha didn't care about these soldiers at all, and walked step by step towards the house with beautiful flowers inside and outside the shop with a sharp sword in his hand, and said without emotion: "Come out, I have seen where you are hiding Now, don’t think that if you can hide from these human beings, you can hide from my eyes, and let me see what you really look like.”

But there was no sound in the shop, which made Toba Raiha narrow his eyes slightly, raised his left hand, and clenched the silver-white sharp sword with both hands, causing an extremely slight tingle on the blade. Golden luster.

A man in a black suit with a trumpet appeared behind the soldier on the left. He raised the big trumpet in his hand and shouted: "Unidentified people in black robes, we are AIB, please put down the weapons in your hands immediately, and don't do anything. Be provocative or we will shoot...."

Before he finished speaking, Toba Raiha swung the sharp sword in his hand violently. The golden luster on the sword gathered into a crescent-shaped golden light blade, whizzing and hitting the flower shop in front of him.

Just when the light blade flew to the door of the store, a crescent-shaped light yellow electric light bomb suddenly flew out from the store, collided with the golden light blade, and exploded immediately.

'boom! 'A loud bang resounded through the street like thunder, and the soldiers couldn't help shaking, their fingers almost pulled the trigger. There were still some residents of the small town who were still watching the fun. After the explosion, these residents Run faster than a rabbit. Although it is natural to watch the excitement, compared with life, nature can be completely thrown away.

Amidst the explosion, there was an extremely sharp roar in the store, which was definitely not something a human can make, and then a small beige figure rushed out of the store like lightning, and rushed towards Toba Raiha.

This speed made Toba Laiye startled, and he immediately blocked the sword in front of him. Just when this figure was about to hit Toba Laiye's sword, a voice came from the shop: "King Airi, stop!"

This lightning-like figure immediately circled around, flew back in front of Toba Laiye Jian, and landed at the door of the store, where a small figure of King Airi, not more than half a meter high, stood at the door of the store and rushed to the door. Toba Laiye couldn't help roaring.

Toba Raiha narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the thirty-something aunt who came out of the store, with regret and sadness on his face, Toba Raiha's pupils glowed golden, but The golden light just disappeared in a flash.

"Still not!" Toba Raiha's tone was full of disappointment, and then his right wrist turned around, driving the sharp sword in his hand to swipe a sword flower, and glanced at the cosmic man disguised as a human. The little monster with a glance at the cow, then turned around without hesitation, never looking at the soldiers at both ends of the street.

But these AIB soldiers were terrified. They could clearly see the scene of the explosion in front of the store. Two lights of different colors collided with each other in a flash, and then a ball exploded out of thin air. Raging ball of fire. The shock wave caused all the pots of flowers placed outside the door, causing the petals to float on the street with the wind, like flowers and snow.

Seeing the 'behavior' of Toba Raiha and this strange-looking guy like this pet, the AIB was not calm at all. The command post in the rear gave the order to fire without hesitation, which was transmitted to the headset of the on-site commander through electromagnetic waves. The AIB employee with the horn immediately shouted loudly: "Fire!"

'Shua! '

The soldier who had already aimed at the gun immediately pulled the trigger, and brass bullets flew out of the gun barrel, and all of them rushed towards Toba Raiha and the small and exquisite monster.

The speed of bullets bouncing far exceeds the speed of sound, so when you hear the gunshot, you have already been hit by the bullet, but Toba Raiha seemed to feel it, and kicked the ground with both legs, The body immediately jumped up into the air, and jumped onto the windowsill on the fourth floor. After stepping off the windowsill, the body jumped up again, jumped to the eighth floor, took advantage of the fire escape, and then jumped directly to the roof of the tenth floor and disappeared. In the sight of soldiers.

And the metal storm formed by these bullets hit the ground and wall bricks one after another, drilling small holes one after another, smashing pots and pots of flowers, and splashing soil, branches and leaves everywhere, making the universe People can't help but step back, so as not to be accidentally injured by these things.

"Damn it," the on-site commander immediately raised the communicator in his hand, and shouted, "The second team will follow up immediately, we must not allow it to escape."

Immediately, more than a dozen soldiers ran quickly to the building that Toba Raiha jumped into. At the same time, the rest of the soldiers pushed towards the flower shop, firing while walking, and bullets roared towards the building. This little flower shop.


The little King Airi stood there and yelled at the soldiers. There was a faint blue electric light on the surface of his body, as if his body was inflating, and there were big bumps in various places, and the small body was also It began to swell, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled from the size of a pug to the size of a bear.

"Attack! Attack! Attack!" As the commander yelled, the guns in the hands of more than thirty soldiers were not easy to attack, and brass bullets hit King Ai Lei's body, but they had just touched Ai Lei. Thunder King's body surface was struck by the endless thunder and lightning that permeated King Airei's body, and disappeared without a trace. The flashes of light and lightning made King Airi's expansion speed up.

"King Airi, it's not allowed." The woman hiding under the counter in the store yelled at the swelling King Airi, roaring that the swelling speed of King Airi stopped immediately, and the strong pain in her body The blue electric light also slowly dissipated.

The AIB people saw this phenomenon, and the on-site commander raised his hand and pointed at the woman in the store, and ordered: "She can command the monster and carry out the capture task. The first team and the third team will force the monster back."

Following the command of the commander, the sniper in the building across the street immediately pulled the trigger, and anesthesia bombs flew out, piercing through the wall and hitting the woman, making her tremble, and then the whole body Falling limply to the ground.

The soldiers on the south side of the street immediately evacuated into the alley, and only the soldiers on the north side continued to attack King Airi, who had become the size of a bear. It was broken down, and it disappeared without a trace. Two armored vehicles also drove over, and the anti-aircraft machine guns on them also roared, firing large-caliber ammunition and hitting King Ailei's body, making King Ailei retreat to the south side uncontrollably.

This kind of attack lasted only three or four seconds, and King Airi was enraged, his body was covered with blue electric light, and the electric beams hit the air one after another, making a crackling sound! ’ The sound filled the air with an extremely unpleasant smell like burnt fur.

In such a strong electric light, King Airi's body swelled crazily again, and the swelling speed was faster than before. In just three to five seconds, the original height of two or three meters became thirty or forty times larger and grew into a body. A huge monster with a height of only fifty-three meters.

Asakura Lu saw Toba Raiha jumping down, before recovering from the shock, he saw Toba Raiha did not know what to do, and then there was loud gunshots on the street, scared Asakura Lu hurriedly He hastily retracted his protruding head, for fear that a stray bullet would hit him.

Although he said that he had obtained the power of Ultraman, but after watching too many war movies and gangster movies, the bullets still made him feel that they were deadly things, so he subconsciously squatted down and hid behind the roof railing, so as not to affected. As for Toba Raiha who just jumped off, he dared to jump from the tenth floor. He was absolutely superhuman, and bullets were nothing to worry about.

He just squatted down here, when he heard 'Boom! ' A muffled sound made Chao Canglu turn his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw Toba Raiha wearing a black robe inserting the sharp sword he was holding into the piano case, and then putting the sword on his body The black robe was untied and put back into the piano case.

"Let's go, I led the AIB people to the next building, but they will find them here soon, if you don't want to be interrogated, then leave quickly." Toba Raiha said and reached out and grabbed the strap of the piano case , flung it on his back with a little force, and was about to turn around and walk towards the stairs, wanting to leave here.

Asakura Lu hurriedly got up, bent over and followed behind Toba Raiha, the two of them had just walked three or four steps, when the street behind them was full of gunshots, like fried beans.

However, then they heard an extremely loud roar, which overshadowed the gunshots like fried beans, and the two couldn't help turning their heads. A huge beige creature suddenly rose from the street, as if It was like squatting on the street at home, but now it stood up. The top of the ten-story building where the two of them were located was barely even with the monster's waist, and it felt like a large toy.

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