Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2269 Enemies meet, then practice

Xingye continued after Sai Luo's words: "Yes, for Beria, he can blow up a universe without hesitation and destroy countless lives. It's just two lives, which is really not worth mentioning. Not to mention Beria, even wars in human history don’t place much value on the lives and deaths of civilians, right? Just like in the great war decades ago, didn’t both sides bomb the city with all kinds of bombs?”

Toba Raiha's right hand gripped the hilt tightly, with such force that the hilt made of solid wood made a slight 'squeak! squeak! ’ The sound, I am afraid that the material has been crushed by her bare hands a little earlier.

"I don't care about other people. He killed my parents. Even if he dies, I will drag him to hell with him." Toba Raiha said resolutely, his tone full of doubts.

If she finds her enemy, she may dare to rush to the other party with a bomb all over her body, and blow the enemy and herself to pieces. Revenge is the only belief that supports her. Anyone who dares to stop her, she will definitely dare He chopped the opponent with his hands.

Xingye shrugged and nodded in agreement: "At this point, our purpose is the same, we must find each other out, and then destroy him. You are for revenge, and we want to restore this world peace, and leave here to return to our homeland."

"Leave..." Zhao Canglu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this word, but he felt a sense of anxiety in his heart. When he thought of Sai Luo and Nexus leaving the earth, he was full of anxiety. What would happen to the earth if the two left? Even if Beria's subordinate who released the monster is eliminated, what if Beria sends others?

"Yeah, there is no permanent banquet in life, we have to separate," Xingye stared at Zhao Canglu with black eyes, and said softly: "After all, this is not our hometown, and we have to go back sooner or later. When the time comes, the earth will be yours." One person came to guard. After all, even if there is no Beria, there must be many creatures in such a large universe that invade other planets with the idea of ​​​​dominating the universe. I have seen too many such creatures and civilizations in many universes Too much."

Chao Canglu opened his mouth to say something, but he closed his mouth before the words came out. He couldn't say that he wouldn't let others go back, but once the two of them went back, the earth could only be guarded by him who was half-assed. okay?

Xingye saw Zhao Canglu's hesitation and hesitation, smiled at him, and then said: "Are you worried that you can't do well? Don't worry about it, just now I know who Beria's subordinates are on Earth? I don’t know when we will find him, so instead of worrying about us leaving now, it’s better to practice quickly and become a qualified Ultra fighter.”

"Yeah!" Zhao Canglu heard Xingye's words, 'Teng! ’ Standing up suddenly, he said impatiently to Sai Luo: "Senior, please give me your advice."

Before Sai Luo had time to answer, Xingye had already said: "Actually, Laiye can train you. Although she said she was only human, she said very strongly that it is more than enough to train you."

Before Asakura Lu could make a statement, Toba Raiha got mad and shouted angrily: "Don't be kidding, he is Beria's son, let me train him, you..."

"You have to figure it out," Xingye's voice suddenly raised several degrees, and his originally peaceful tone suddenly became a little cold: "Didn't you just say that as long as you can get revenge, any price is fine?"

"I..." Laiye Toba was swallowed speechless. She really had the attitude of giving up everything and taking revenge, but what do you think about training the enemy's boss's son? It all looks very weird.

"He has Beria's genes, but that's all." Xingye sighed and said, "Besides, do you think you can deal with monsters? If you can, then ignore what I said before, otherwise, go Training Xiao Lu to make him a qualified Ultra fighter, any combat power is necessary to eliminate Beria."

Toba Laiye stared straight at Xingye, and after a long time, he opened his lips and said: "I know, I will do my best to train him, and I can teach him everything I know, but can he It's up to him to keep going."

Xingye chuckled, Toba Laiye still couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart, it was just that she just said "at all costs for revenge", the subtext was "I can teach, but if he can't bear not to learn, then None of my business'.

"No matter how strict your training is, it can't compare to Leo's. Don't worry, if Xiaolu can't even stand this level of training, then there is no need to talk about becoming a qualified Ultra fighter, and then guard this planet. .”

Zhao Canglu stood up suddenly, and said very firmly: "I will definitely persevere, and I will definitely not let the seniors down."

"You didn't train for us. The results of the training are yours, the power you gain is also yours, and whether you can protect this planet is also your business. If you still regard this place as your hometown, then work hard to make it yours." Let's keep increasing your own strength." Xingye turned around as he spoke, and fought against Xiao Zou, with a wave of his hands, he opened more than ten augmented reality virtual projection screens in front of him, on which were displayed images from half a month ago. All fusion beasts and robots that have appeared since.

Xingye quickly clicked on the screen in front of him with both hands. With his operation, each monster was disassembled into its original appearance, and then the data of each part also changed rapidly. Xingye tried to restore the data changes when the two monsters merged. In this way, the change of each character during fusion is determined.

For Zero to successfully use the Ultraman capsules of Galaxy, Victory, X and Uub, a lot of calculations and experiments are required. At present, the successful fusion of these four Ultraman powers is There is only Uub, but Uub uses the power of Uub's ring.

Sero does not have the Orb Circle, and the only method he can learn from is the sublimator developed by Beria. After all, the successful example of Geed is in front of him, and there is also the monster fusion capsule evolved from it. If the data of the sublimator and the fusion data of the Orb Circle are successfully connected, then the formula for Sailo's fusion of the four Ultra Capsules can be developed, and the four-in-one fusion will no longer be an illusory shadow .

Sai Luo sat on a chair beside him, closed his eyes, and looked rested with his eyes closed, without any sign of getting up. Asakura Lu turned his head and looked at Toba Raiha standing beside him, who still had a cold face, as if he owed her a million dollars.

Toba Raiha felt Asakura Riku's gaze, and said expressionlessly, "Are you training here? I won't pay for anything broken."

"No, there is a simulated war room here. I'll take you there. I'll trouble you later." Asakurari stood up and walked towards the simulated war room with Toba Raiha. Slowly closed, but Sai Luo opened his eyes, and said with some puzzlement: "Xingye, why did you let this girl train Asakura Riku? Anyway, she and Beria are enemies, and Xiao Lu is Beria's son again."

"It's because of this," Xingye slightly turned her head to look at Sai Luo and said, "If you come to Ye, you won't hold back your hands during training, but you won't make dead hands either. This is the closest to the actual combat effect, no? , Lai Ye will definitely fight him as an enemy."

"Huh?!" Sai Luo looked surprised, with a look of 'you are teasing me', because he disliked him for being too light during training, but Iga Li was extremely happy, so in this case , there is no need to train Asakura Riku hard.

Although the body is dominated by Sai Luo, it still consumes a lot of physical strength. As a result, after each training, not only Asakura Riku is exhausted, but Iga Liren is also exhausted after regaining the dominance of the body. One time was fine, but two or three times caused Runami to ask several times if Iga Kurari had changed jobs, otherwise, it was obviously an office job, but it was as tiring as going to a construction site to move bricks .

Sai Luo shook his head, put this matter in his mind, and asked with some doubts: "What do you think is the origin of that Toba Raiha, who is clearly a human being but can see through our appearance, does the human world really exist? A superhuman?"

"Superpower..." Xingye stopped the movement of his hands, but a figure appeared in his mind——Kirino Mufu, who possessed superpowers different from ordinary people, such as foreseeing the future and telepathy. Before he disappeared into the sea of ​​people, he once said that he would use his ability to do something within his power, and then there was no news about him. After such a long time, I am afraid it will be ashes to ashes, dust to dust, but not To know whether his ability has been inherited, or whether other people have suddenly possessed strange abilities like him.

Xingye withdrew her thoughts, and clicked on the screen again: "After all, there are billions of lives, it's normal for a few mutant individuals to appear by chance, but..." Xingye frowned slightly, and pondered for a long time Huizai said: "Toba Raiha doesn't seem to be gifted with superpowers. He has such abilities after surviving the landslide accident caused by the appearance of Scargomora six years ago, and recently For half a month, her super powers have become stronger and stronger, maybe... probably not."

Sai Luo asked curiously: "Hey, what did you think of?"

"I'm just guessing, might it be because she has a high affinity with light that she has attracted some diffused light from the Ultra Capsule and used it as a capsule host, which gave her such a different personality than ordinary people? ability."

"Really?" Sai Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, but then nodded thoughtfully: "It's not impossible, after all, the Ott Brothers once had one heart with many human beings on Earth. What is contained in the Ultraman capsule is also the light of Ultraman. It is not impossible for a certain kind of light to fluctuate in unison with a certain person, so that the two parties attract each other."

"Hikali made so many experimental Ultra Capsules, and you released all the light on the earth. Maybe whose light was attracted by Toba Raiha six years ago." Starry Night Shout She shrugged and continued to get busy. Just a little bit of light gave her some superhuman abilities. It was not enough for Toba Raiha to transform into an Ultraman, so it was not worth discussing in depth.

In the simulated combat room, Asakura Lu looked at Toba Raiha standing with his back facing him with some unease. They are still vivid in his mind, so how can Zhao Canglu not be a little afraid.

Toba Raiha didn't mean to use the sword, he took off the piano box on his shoulder, and put it lightly on the ground, then straightened up, looked at Asakura Lu with no expression on his face, Qi Lip said: "I won't keep my hand, you better have this awareness."

"Yeah!" Asakura Riku nodded vigorously, then opened his legs and raised his arms in a fighting gesture. After glancing at Toba Raiha to make sure she was ready, he rushed towards Toba came out.

"Is this the level? It's too bad." Toba Laiye raised his hand, took a sudden step forward, and leaned forward against Chao Canglu who was rushing forward, and at the same time pushed forward with his right palm go. This palm looked soft and weak, but when it got close to Chao Canglu, the wind from the palm shook Chao Canglu's clothes, and then hit Chao Canglu's body.

Zhao Canglu intuitively felt a strong blow to his abdomen, causing his body that was rushing forward to retreat all of a sudden, his body arched, and he couldn't help but fly upside down three or four meters away, and then fell heavily to the ground superior.

"It hurts!" Chao Canglu, who was sitting on the alloy floor, exhaled immediately. His abdomen hurts and his butt hurts even more. He didn't know which one to rub, but before he figured it out, the bird Yu Laiye had already rushed over, raised his right leg and stepped on Chao Canglu who was sitting on the ground without hesitation, and aimed at Chao Canglu's abdomen, the raised leg moved from top to bottom Asakura Lu was stunned, the opponent's strength didn't look like a joke at all, and Asakura Lu hurriedly rolled towards the left, making Toba Raiha's blow hit nothing.

When Zhao Canglu was still rolling, Niaoyu stomped on the ground with his foot, and the collision between the sole and the alloy floor made a 'boom! With a soft sound, Zhao Canglu couldn't help but widen his eyes. If that foot stepped on him, it would be so painful. Cooperating with this guy, he hated him so much that he didn't hold back his hand at all. Let Chao Canglu, who has long been accustomed to the rhythm of attacking when Serona knocks down Asakurau, wait for Asakurau to stand up, wonders for a moment whether the opponent wants to take revenge through training.

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