Chapter 2263 the simplest thing

When Nexus turned around and split the separated light with an ice axe, the remaining three separated parts of the Pedanim Killer immediately rose from the ground, shining bright light at the same time, and then brushed Three brown rays of light were fired towards Nexus, attacking Nexus from different directions.

The energy reaction from the back and left and right made Nexus kick the ground with both feet without hesitation, and his body jumped into the air immediately, jumping three to four hundred meters into the sky like a rocket, and then flew three hundred meters in the air. Turning over at 60 degrees, he landed firmly on the ground more than 300 meters behind him.

In front of him was a mushroom cloud of dust and flames rolling towards the sky. It was obviously caused by the explosion of the three separate brown rays hitting the ground just now. The diffuse dust and raging flames blocked Nexus Si and the killer of Pedanim, blocking the sight of both sides.

The four parts of Pedanim Killer's split body were quickly reassembled and turned into that mighty giant robot again, but the sparks constantly bursting out from the deep gap inside the arm affected his movement. mighty image.

Here, the Pedanim Killer has just successfully reorganized, and a silver streamer rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, tearing apart all the flames along the way, and then hit the Pedanim Killer's chest heavily, making a "bang" ! ’ There was a thunderous sound of gold and iron clashing.

The powerful force of the impact knocked the Pedanim killer back a few steps, bright sparks burst out from his chest, and a five-meter-long, one-meter-wide, and three-meter-deep hole appeared on the golden armor with amazing defense power. Gaps.

The ice ax flew back along the original path under the reaction force, and only after flying back a distance of more than a hundred meters, it was caught by the red palm of Nexus, and Naixus rushed over from the other end of the flame Xersus is like a red whirlwind.

Before the Pedanim Killer could stand still, Nexus had already rushed in front of him, raised his right arm high, and when he was nearly sixty meters away from the Pedanim Killer, he swung down suddenly, his palm clenched The ice ax he was holding slashed fiercely from bottom to top at the joints of the left arm and shoulder of the Pedanim killer.

The huge slashing force made the ice ax deeply cut into the left arm of the Pedanim killer, and the solid golden armor was chopped open at once, and under the increasing strength of Nexus, Continue to go deep into the inside of the killer's arm in Pedanim. All the energy lines, support bonds and parts along the way were all sliced ​​in half before the sharp ice axes.

It was too late to say it, but in an instant, the killer of Pedanim saw Nexus rushing towards him, just when he stabilized his body, Nexus, whose whole body was glowing red, had already gone wrong with him. pass by.

Fukui Desi only heard 'Zhila! ’ There was a sound of metal breaking, and then the left arm of the Pedanim Killer turned red on the operation screen in front of him, indicating that the left arm had lost contact with the central control hub.

This made him turn his head to look at his left arm, and the Pedanim killer also turned his head to the left. The first thing that caught his eyes was clusters of sparks radiating out, like thousands of fireworks sticks being thrown At the same time, like lighting, it is particularly conspicuous at dusk.

However, the left arm of the Pedanim killer has disappeared. This discovery made Fushii Izuki's eyes widen. He twisted his neck and looked behind him. Nexus was holding an ice ax in his hand. Standing about 200 meters behind him, a familiar metal object fell from the air and hit Nexus more than 30 meters behind, bouncing on the ground several times before coming to rest. The familiar shape and golden surface armor clearly revealed that this metal object was the missing left arm of his Pedanim killer.

"Are you kidding?!" Ged already wondered if it was his ice axe. How could it become so sharp and destructive? The ice ax he threw before was directly thrown by the Pedanim killer. Not only did he catch it, but he even used it to attack him.

As a result, in Nexus' hands, it turned into a sharp weapon like a magic weapon. He cleanly removed one of the Pedanim Killer's arms, and accomplished what he wanted to do but failed to do. Arm' thoughts.

Nexus turned around, raised his foot and stepped on the fallen left arm of the Pedanim Killer, then raised his right arm again towards the Pedanim Killer, and put the ice ax blade in his hand Aim at the Pedanim Killer, as if telling the Pedanim Killer 'I'll hit you with an ice ax'.

The Pedanim Killer with only one right arm is unable to emit the various rays of the Ultra Brothers at all, and all he can use is Seven's Aimelium light, so the Pedanim Killer has no He hesitated to cross his right arm, and the beam light on his forehead immediately lit up, and then a thin emerald-colored light shot out from it, rushing towards Nexus.

"Is it just these outdated light data?" Nexus murmured in a low voice, and then threw the ice ax in his right hand forward without hesitation, spinning the forward ice ax before turning After only four or five laps, Nexus had already jumped into the air, but this time it was only more than 30 meters in the air. Nexus turned around and rushed towards the Pedanim killer with both feet. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the spinning ice ax and precisely stepped on the back of the ice ax with his right foot, causing the spinning ice ax to stop spinning all of a sudden, and the sharp blade rushed straight towards the Pedanim killer. .

Emelim's light hit the ice ax in an instant, but the impact of Amelim's light was completely unable to withstand the impact of the ice axe. Just as they collided together, the ice ax had already rushed away from Emery The Mu light directly hit the head of the Pedanim killer.

There was an even louder '嗤啦! ’ The sound sounded, and the metal head of the Pedanim killer flew towards the rear along with Nexus, and the only remaining neck cavity spewed out bright sparks and energy like a volcanic eruption.

"Damn it, just wait!" Fushii Ideki clicked a button in front of him without hesitation, and then raised the sublimator in his hand without hesitation. His body was immediately enveloped by dark red light, and then disappeared into the broken body. among the Pedanim killers.

The broken body of the Pedanim Killer who had lost its controller was immediately divided into four parts, braving bright sparks, and rushed towards Nexus in one go, with an aura that felt like they were going to die together.

"Cut!" Nexus snorted, then raised his arms and crossed his body, the energy core on his chest immediately lit up with a dazzling golden light, and then Nexus spread his arms left and right, and the gathered energy immediately spewed out Then, a thick Y-shaped light beam was formed—the core pulse.

The core pulse exuding golden brilliance instantly hit the parts of the Pedanim killer who flew over first, and there was almost no hindrance. The lower body was smashed into pieces and disappeared without a trace, and then the three flying parts flew into the core pulse one after another like moths to a flame, and then turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace under the impact of energy.

When the last bit of metal disappeared, the golden core pulse also dissipated, finally disappearing into nothingness. The setting sun in the distance has completely set into the sky, and the last afterglow has disappeared, and the darkness on the earth is getting thicker and thicker.

The six fighter planes of the AIB in the distance have turned their heads and are flying towards here. From a distance, you can see the light from the eyes of the two giants and the color timer on the chest, but you can't see the huge The robot, which made these pilots startled.

I saw the red giant who appeared later stepping towards the red giant who appeared earlier, and then threw the thing in his hand.

Ged caught his ice ax and placed it on top of his head again. He still hasn't come to his senses. The robot he tried his best to defeat was defeated by Nexus. It took only forty seconds for Si to solve it?

Nexus stood in front of Ged, and said in a calm tone: "Did you see that? The competition in battle is never about how powerful your light is or how strong you are, but what you hit on the opponent. How much light and power is there. Your power in this form is indeed strong enough, but if you can't hit the enemy, your power is equal to zero."

"Yeah!" Ged nodded heavily. He had just seen clearly from the sidelines that the power Nexus used was not much stronger than him, but the damage and effect caused were much stronger than his attack. Too much. There is only one difference, and that is that every attack of Nexus hits the Pedanim killer, and he hits nothing with the light or the ice ax, making the attack effect almost zero.

Helicopters circled back and forth at an altitude of tens of meters, bright searchlight posts swept back and forth on the ground, huge vertical searchlights stood on the ground, and a huge metal head that fell on the ground and Daylight shone around a huge metal arm.

Three to four thousand soldiers and police officers sealed off the five kilometers in the vicinity, put up a cordon and anti-collision piles, and non-AIB and corresponding personnel were not allowed to approach this area, but they couldn't stop the enthusiasm of curious citizens and reporters. .

A large number of people wearing chemical protective suits walked into the battlefield area. Hundreds of people walked around the metal head and metal arms, and connected strips of metal wires wrapped in insulating plastic to the exposed metal head of the Pedanim killer. The outside is on a line of unknown material that is completely different from the pipelines used by humans.

More people are in this messy battlefield, searching for the fragments of the giant robot that was knocked down by Ultraman. This robot obviously possesses technology far surpassing the current technology of humans, and even the fragments are of great research value. Human beings have not yet analyzed the metal structure of the few fragments of the dark cyclops found in the city last time, but their hardness far exceeds any natural metal or alloy known to mankind.

Not to mention the complete alien robot head and an arm that are countless times larger than those metal fragments. This is simply an alien gift package from the sky. Even if a little bit of research is done, it is enough to improve human technology a lot.

Such a precious thing, even if it is gold that is hundreds or thousands of times heavier than this metal head, is not as valuable as any chip inside. Because of this, more soldiers are gathering here to seal the battlefield. Even a mosquito is not allowed to enter, and a piece of iron is not allowed to flow out, for fear that it contains superb alien technology. .

The news of the complete head and arms of the alien robot swept the world like a storm, and all countries moved upon hearing the news. At this moment, the contacts between the high-level leaders of the countries were instantly intensive, and everyone was hearing the news about the alien robot.

Human beings were so busy collecting things, two meteors pierced the sky and landed on a mountain in an instant, condensing the figures of Xingye and Chao Canglu. As soon as he landed on the ground, Zhao Canglu fell to his knees weakly, clutching his chest and gasping for breath. Although the pain was not as painful as before, the previous battle had exhausted his physical strength, making him unable to stand up. I have no strength left.

"It seems that you still need to exercise more." Xingye stretched out his hand towards Zhao Canglu.

"Thank you!" Zhao Canglu raised his hand and grabbed Xingye's arm, stood up with the help of Xingye's strength, leaned on a rock beside him, and said with a little reverence: "No matter how hard I exercise, I can't catch up with you, senior. Your weapon is useless in my hands, but senior you..."

"Everyone starts from scratch, no one can reach the sky in one step, your performance today is better than last time, and your performance last time is better than when you first transformed into Ultraman, as long as you get better every time. , There is no need to compare with others." Xingye said calmly: "Siro's current training is the most effective for you, he has received the complete Space Guard training and the more rigorous Leo's elite training. He will adjust the training progress according to your situation, just follow him and continue training."

"Thank you very much." Chao Canglu stood up straight, and then bowed to Xingye: "How should I repay you?"

"There's no need to be so polite." Xingye smiled slightly, raised his head, looked at the stars all over the sky and said, "Our purpose is very simple, we just want to add an Ultra warrior who protects justice to the universe, instead of destroying the universe crazily Peaceful Second Beria."

Chao Canglu opened his mouth and said after a long time, "Is that all?"

Xingye said seriously: "It's just that, making you a righteous Ultraman is equivalent to eliminating the second Beria. What we want to do is such a simple thing."

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