Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2261 The Real Pedanim Killer

'Chila! There was an extremely unpleasant sound of metal rubbing, the sharp blade of the ice ax collided with the red and silver armor on Ged's chest, and fierce sparks were splashed, the power of the ice ax slashing plus the collision between Ged and the Pedanim killer The recoil caused Gedd to stagger back.

After taking only three or five steps back, the Pedanim killer on the opposite side suddenly raised his right arm, and then swung it forward vigorously. He also threw the ice ax in his hand vigorously, smashing it hard. on Geed's chest.

Amidst the violent sparks, Jed, who had not stood still, stepped back again, and took several steps before half-kneeling on the ground, clutching his chest in pain. The silver ice ax bounced from Ged's chest, whirled in the air, rose to the highest point, and then fell powerlessly towards the ground. It stuck on the ground 30 to 40 meters in front of Ged, and the sharp blade sank into the soil immediately. , leaving only the ends exposed.

The light on the dim ground caused Gedd to raise his head slightly, and immediately saw that it was his ice axe. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Pedanim killer standing in front of him and raised his arms wrapped in golden armor. , the forearm was glowing with bright energy light, and then the arms quickly formed a cross shape, emitting a golden Spethium light, whizzing and hitting Gedd directly.

It was too late for Ged to dodge when he saw the Pedanim killer, but he was half kneeling on the ground, and his figure had only stabilized. There was no strength for him to dodge, so Ged immediately lifted up Facing the Pedanim killer with both arms and palms, he unfolded a circular Geed barrier.

It was too late to say it, and in the blink of an eye, the light of Spetsium bombarded the Gedd barrier. The collision between the two sides sparked extremely fierce sparks, and the powerful energy impact caused Jedd, who was half kneeling on the ground, to tilt his upper body backwards, and his body slowly began to slide towards the rear.

"Ugh!" Gedd growled under the heavy pressure, and the injector on the back immediately started to work, spraying out a scorching flame column, and the powerful thrust brought Gedd's body that had already leaned back. A little bit of board is right.

The energy in Gedd's body poured into his palms continuously, supporting Gedd's barrier and preventing the invasion of Spyium's light, but the energy consumed by such a collision was extremely huge, and the propeller behind him made Gedd's energy was rapidly consumed.

Ged's originally upright arms slowly bent backwards, causing his elbows to change from a straight state to a vertical state with the ground, and then the jets at the elbows suddenly sprayed out scorching flames, and at the same time the jets on the back It will also be closed. It caused Geed to fly towards the sky at once, and the light of Spetsium then broke through the weak Geed's barrier, brushed past Geed's body flying towards the sky, and bombarded the ground.

As soon as Gedd flew into the sky, he immediately changed his flight trajectory. He turned over in the air, and a Gedd kick fell from a height of two to three hundred meters. With the jet behind him, Gedd went straight at a speed beyond sound. Kicked at the Pedanim Killer.

The ultra-fast speed made it impossible for the Pedanim killer, who was firing the Spesium beam, to react, and was kicked by Geddfly. De's blow carried such a strong force that he actually kicked the Pedanim killer three or four hundred meters away.

Gedd himself was not feeling well. The strong kicking power and super fast speed in the past made him unable to land safely. After touching the ground, he became a rolling gourd directly, rolling on the ground for several times before stopping.

Before he could feel the pain in his body and footsteps, Ged immediately got up, and saw that the Pedanim killer hit the ground hard at this time, Ged spread his arms without hesitation, and at the same time raised his forearm He raised his fists so that they pointed directly at the sky. The energy in the body rushed to the silver-white soft armor on the chest, causing the original silver-white soft armor to glow blue, and finally converged into a huge blue flame light, which pierced through the void and hit the ground just now. The Pedanim killer who fell on the ground went away.

This blue ray is extremely dazzling, and it is particularly conspicuous when it passes through the slightly dim earth. Even if it is far away, you can clearly see the scene where the blue light shuttles through.

Gedd chose the right timing. The Pedanim Killer had just fallen to the ground and was bouncing up under the reaction force of hitting the ground. He was unable to make any movements at all. His light could definitely hit the robot and destroy it. his.

Xingye, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but shook his head when he saw Zed's actions, and said with a frown: "This guy relies too much on light skills, and he still wants to use light to destroy this robot, instead of using ice ax or fighting skills." The probability of the direct light hitting this robot is too low, so it is just a waste of energy whispering."

Sure enough, Gedd's blue flame light had just been fired, and the Pedanim Killer, which bounced up two meters from the ground slightly due to the impact, split into four pieces in an instant again and flew in four directions, making Gedd's momentum In the blow that must be won, it hits an empty space again.

When the blue flame light bombarded the ground, the Pedanim killer that separated into four parts quickly flew towards the same place. It took less than half a second from separation to reorganization. Mu Killer appeared at a distance of 600 meters at a distance of 45 degrees to the left of Gedd.

A huge mushroom cloud of flame rose from the place where Ged's blue flame light bombarded. Neutralized by this dazzling flame, the Pedanim killer raised his arms, stretched his right hand forward, and stretched his left hand horizontally in front of him. Immediately, a pink ball-shaped M87 light with lightning was emitted.

In the blink of an eye, the M87 beam instantly hit Gedd, who was still emitting blue flame light, and directly knocked Gedd out. The M87 beam with terrifying high temperature is even the layer of defense on Gedd's body is amazing The crimson armor can't completely resist it.

A burst of lightning-like energy hit the crimson armor on Gedd's body, and violent sparks exploded. The high temperature contained in the M87 light made the armor on the hit part of Gedd's body show signs of melting.

The M87 light lasted for only three seconds before it was stopped by the Pedanim killer himself, giving Gedd, who couldn't back up, a chance to breathe. A large piece of the originally delicate and bright silver-white armor on his chest became It was scorched black, with wisps of black smoke.

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