Ultraman Senki

Chapter 224: The Monster That Swallowed Chaos' Head

Everyone was obviously stunned for a moment, then Captain Hiura smiled and helped Musashi: "It's okay, everyone has their own secrets, right?"

"That's right, just like Team Ayano never told us her real weight." Xingye sat on the chair leisurely and said relaxedly.

"Xingye, what are you talking about? Weight and age are women's biggest secrets." Ayano suddenly became unhappy, and jumped to Xingye's side with her mouth pouted.

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded without any sincerity, and said casually, "I never knew your weight was 49.7 kilograms."

"Ah! You know that?" Ayano shouted suddenly.

Doi Tsune tapped Morimoto Ayano's shoulder and whispered, "Yesterday your medical report was left in the command room."

"Ah!" Ayano was immediately unhappy: "You guys are peeping into other people's privacy."

"Ala, we're not peeping, but looking openly." Xingye turned the chair leisurely, with an extremely relaxed tone.

"You? Who else?" Ayano glanced sharply, and Doi Heng immediately looked at the ceiling, and Ayano immediately clenched her fists like an angry little hen: "Team Doi Heng!"

"I still have experiments to do!" Doi Heng saw that the situation was not good and was about to run away immediately.

"Don't run!" Ayano shouted and chased Doi Heng.

"Ha!" Everyone laughed out loud, and the delicate atmosphere in the commander's room suddenly became joyful again.

"By the way, what do you think about this incident?" Captain Ripu turned his attention to Xingye after the play was over.

"Actually, Chaos head invaded the base this time because of me," Musashi said, "To be precise, Ultraman Gauss, he wants to copy Gauss' power."

"Copy the power of Gauss?!" Everyone was shocked. Although they had seen Ultraman Chaos appear before, they always thought that Chaos' head was simply imitating Ultraman. Ultraman power.

"The reason why Chaos Gauss was able to exert fifty times the power of a single Chaos head this time is because Chaos' head read my memory and perfectly copied Gauss' power. I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone. Already." Musashi felt a little guilty.

"Musashi," Captain Hiura looked at Musashi seriously: "You have done a lot for the earth, so you don't need to apologize at all. Instead, I need to thank you, thank you for fighting for us silently for so long on."

"No, the captain doesn't need this." Musashi said hastily.

"Okay, everyone, stop thanking each other, let's quickly discuss how to deal with Chaos' head!" Xingye clapped his hands and interrupted the never-ending mutual thanks.

"But at present, although the head antibody of Chaos can barely deal with Chaos' head after being combined with the Suagu ore, it is still not enough to destroy Chaos' head." Heng Doi shook his head regretfully.

"After all, it's just an antibody. It's really difficult to convert it into a vaccine, especially since Chaos's head is not a simple virus." Xingye couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.

"Kaos's head is still evolving. Before the Gauss corona form was enough for the opponent's Chaos head, but now it can only be done in the eclipse form." Musashi said: "If the opponent evolves again, I'm afraid that even Gauss may not be able to defeat him."

Musashi's words cast a haze over everyone's hearts, and their faces became serious.

"Anyway, be careful!" Captain Hiura raised his head and sighed.

The exploration of point P87 is still going on, and a steady stream of data is transmitted to the earth through satellites. Researched and analyzed by countless scientists, this space channel is not only the key to the future life and death of human beings, but also a rare research material.

"This is the latest data from the Universe Development Center." Ayano said and uploaded the data just received to the central computer.

"Well, the analysis of point P87 is still not good. Our understanding of space is really too little, and many of them are just to verify the previous conjectures." Doi Heng could not help but lament.

"At least the understanding of space is one step closer, isn't it?" Captain Hiura said optimistically.

Xingye got up and carried a large stack of documents to the data room. These needed to be physically archived, so as not to cause all the documents to be lost due to problems with the central computer.

Walking out of the archives room, I saw Feng Chui leaning against the wall, with his head bowed in thought.

"What's wrong?" Xingye looked at the wind suspiciously.

Feng Chui opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, and turned his head away awkwardly.

The two walked to the highest balcony of the base, from which they could clearly overlook the entire island, which was covered with lush vegetation. If you don't know, no one would have thought that there is an extremely huge base hidden under this island.

"Actually, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to you and Musashi." I don't know if it is because there is no third person, but now the wind is blowing and it seems very frank: "I have always suspected you, and even targeted you. And But you have saved me so many times regardless of previous suspicions, I am really ashamed..."

Xingye stretched out her hand to stop the wind from continuing to say: "I didn't take it to heart, you were just doing your duty."


At this moment, the ear-piercing siren sounded in the base, Feng Chui had no choice but to put away his unfinished words and ran to the command room together with Xingye.

"I found the trace of Chaos' head." Ayano's eager voice was heard just after entering the command room.

"Get ready to go!" Captain Hiura ordered.


"Ah, there is a flying object behind Chaos's head chasing Chaos's head!" Ayano's surprised voice came.


The satellite image has been transmitted to the big screen, and I saw a familiar colorful light group flying rapidly in front of it, and behind Chaos's head was a monster with a pair of wings and a huge It looked like a shell, and it was covered with folds, which was very ugly.

"The monster chased Chaos's head, how is it possible?" Doi Heng looked at the screen in disbelief, feeling his world view collapsed again.

At this moment, the monster behind suddenly accelerated and caught up with Chaos's head. The cover on the head suddenly opened, and even swallowed Chaos's head under the eyes of everyone who was even more astonished.

"Swallow...swallow...swallow!" Doi Heng opened his mouth so that he could swallow his fist.

"The head reaction of Chaos disappeared." Ayano raised her head and looked like a ghost: "How is it possible?"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

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