Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2231 first contact

In Xingyun Manor, Asakura Luzheng was lying on the bed with a face full of excitement. Although after a few hours of rest, the pain caused by the battle has been relieved a lot. From the beginning it hurts to breathe until now as long as you don’t do big movements. Can't feel pain anymore. After he transformed back, he went to find Moya Aizaki, but she was no longer there. It was only after calling that he found out that she had left with AIB's rescue helicopter, so Riku Asakura went straight back to Xingyunzhuang.

Asakura Lu flipped the new Ultra Capsule in his hand without reaching his right hand, carefully inspected the red flat horn-like Ultraman inside, turned over and said to Pejia who was sitting on the other side: "Peijia, I didn't expect there to be other Ultra Capsules."

"Yes," Peijia nodded in agreement, then looked at Chao Canglu's capsule holder on the table, her eyes lit up and she said, "Xiao Lu, there are four spaces in this capsule holder, could it be How about four Ultra Capsules?"

"That's right!" Asakura Lu took the capsule holder on the table in his hand, and then inserted the Ultra capsule in his hand into the capsule holder, and the Ultra capsules of Beria and Ultraman had already With three of the four capsule slots filled, only the last empty slot remains.

"Where is the last Ultra Capsule you said?" Zhao Canglu looked at the last empty space very dazzlingly, and he was almost obsessive-compulsive.

"I don't know," Peggy shook her head, then turned her head to the big screen and asked, "Lime, do you know? Isn't your Utome able to investigate? Find out where the last Ultra Capsule is. .”

"Youtom can't detect the position of the Ultra Capsule that hasn't appeared, it can only detect the Ultra Capsule that has been recorded," Lime's voice sounded, and then the Ultra Capsule that Asakura Rokuxin got appeared on the big screen Ultraman's message: "Xiao Lu, the Ultraman Capsule you got is Ultraman Leo, 52 meters tall and 48,000 tons in weight. Fighting skills are unmatched."

"Really?" Asakura Lu suddenly regained his energy, and said a little excitedly: "In this way, if I use Leo Ultraman's Ultra Capsule for fusion and sublimation, can I use Leo Ottoman?" How about Terman's fighting skills?"

"Sorry, Xiaolu, I don't have any information about this in my database, so I can't answer your question."

"Oh!" Chao Canglu sat up, looked at the three Ultra capsules in the capsule holder, and couldn't help but think of the unknown voice during the battle in the morning. Without the help of that voice, I'm afraid he would never be able to lie down now. It's here, but directly buried in the ground.

Peijia looked at Chao Canglu and couldn't help asking: "Little Lu, do you want to become stronger?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Canglu nodded seriously, and then said: "If it wasn't for that voice today, I would have been killed by that cosmic man. If I was strong enough..."

"Little Lu, do you still want to integrate and sublimate in the future?" Peijia seemed very surprised, didn't she just decide not to carry out fusion and sublimation? Why does it sound like Asakura Riku is going to continue and Ultraman Gide will continue to fight? Every time he came back from the battle, he was full of pain, and Peijia felt pain when he watched it. Why is Chao Canglu still a little bit happy about it?

"Why not?" Asakura Riku hung the capsule holder on his belt, then stood up and said, "I know I'm still weak, but isn't the Flash also fighting against the subordinates of the evil weirdo demon Zoko Did you grow up a little bit? I believe that one day I will be able to protect world peace like The Flash."

Peijia was stunned when he heard that, the influence of the Flash Man is too deep, why is he still in the second grade after graduating from high school, but Peijia still expressed his support for Asakura Lu: " Xiao Lu, I support you, you can definitely become stronger."

"Yeah!" Zhao Canglu nodded vigorously, and then heard 'Gulu! There was a very loud voice, and Zhao Canglu couldn't help covering his stomach with a strong sense of hunger. He raised his arms and looked at his watch. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and Chao Canglu couldn't help screaming: "It's already so late Come on, it's time for dinner, no wonder you're so hungry."

After speaking, Zhao Canglu walked towards the elevator: "Peijia, I'm going to buy dinner, and I'll be right back."


Chao Canglu said as he walked into the elevator, waved at Pejia, and then the alloy door closed, and the smile on Chao Canglu's face disappeared, even though he always acted in front of Peijia He looked as if nothing had happened, but Asakura Lu couldn't forget the Shura field caused by the Metronians shooting on the street at noon.

He really felt at close range how vulnerable human beings are in front of these powerful aliens. The Metronians have not grown bigger and only launched a round of attacks, leaving so many people to die street. This kind of scene is a super impact that cannot be brought by watching the news and newspapers. Back then, when I watched Scargomora destroying the city from afar, I was just indignant about the monster destroying the city. There was no concept at all, but this time He saw the bloody scene from almost zero distance, which caused a strong impact on Zhao Canglu's heart, and even now Chao Canglu felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

If he was an ordinary human teenager, he could only lament a few words, but now that he has the power to stop such a monster, can he still sit back and watch such a thing happen?

While he was thinking, the elevator had already reached the ground, and it was already dusk outside. From here, half of the sun was covered by the high mountain on the north side of the town, and the golden light shone on the mountain, showing Out of the delicate outline of the mountains, the scenery at this moment from here is extremely beautiful and fascinating. If a poet saw it, he might compose a poem impromptu; if he was a writer, he might paint this beautiful scene with splashes of ink.

And Chao Canglu just glanced at the setting sun that was about to set, and walked towards the town. He had to quickly buy some food to bring back to Peggy. He only took two or three steps, and a sudden voice came A voice sounded in his mind: "Hi, can I talk to you?"

This familiar voice made Zhao Canglu stop suddenly, turned his head and looked around to find out where the person who guided him in the morning battle was, but when he looked around, there was nothing around him except for the dense bushes and grass. alone.

Zhao Canglu couldn't help shouting to the surroundings: "Who are you? You told me how to defeat the Cosmic Man before, right? Thank you very much."

"I'm here at the old observatory in town, you should know it."

When Chao Canglu heard this, he ran as fast as he could to the old observatory on the edge of the town not far away from him. There were no vehicles on the town road at dusk, only Asakura Riku running alone in the setting sun.

Not long after, he saw the old observatory, and ran there out of breath, only to find that the door that had been locked was wide open, revealing the dusty corridor inside, and nothing could be seen in the dark hole It feels like the mouth of a man-eating monster, if you step into it, you can't get out again.

"Why is it here?" Zhao Canglu couldn't help but frowned, but he still stepped into the gate. The other houses along the way were locked, only the one leading to the highest place, where the astronomical telescope was placed The iron door of the stairway to the dome was open, and it was obvious that the person who could talk directly to his brain was there.

'clatter! clatter! 'In the silent observatory, there are only his footsteps, plus the dusty stairs and rusty handrails, plus the environment here is so dark that it is almost invisible, it is simply the scene of a natural horror movie. I'm afraid he was so frightened that his legs went limp and his pants were wet.

Even Zhao Canglu felt a little uncomfortable in such an environment, his eyes looked around from time to time, for fear that something would suddenly jump out of the darkness, and he complained in his heart why the other party had to be here, and it happened to be at dusk , If you were a timid person, you might just shrink back. If he didn't want to know who was guiding him, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to go forward.

Chao Canglu walked over the forty-eight steps step by step with fear in this way, and arrived at the door of the observation platform at the highest point. The door that had been locked for a long time was also wide open.

"That...is anyone there?" Zhao Canglu cautiously poked his head out to look into the dark room, his voice echoed in the empty room, but he didn't get any answer at all. This made Zhao Canglu a little confused, and walked in, looking around for the person who was talking to him.

He had just stepped on the ground with his hind legs, and the surrounding darkness suddenly changed. Although it was the same darkness, it was not the kind of darkness where you couldn't see your fingers. Even if you were in it, you wouldn't feel afraid. and panic.

Looking carefully at Chao Canglu, there are a lot of light spots around, like starlight, and not only the top but also the feet are dark and there are bright starlight in the dark, even the left and right fronts are the same. And Chao Canglu turned around and was stunned. Behind him was a huge planet exuding blue luster. He had seen this planet countless times on news TV, pictures and books.

"Earth? No way?!" Chao Canglu was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. He thought that the place he was in was like the sky. He had seen the cosmic scenes taken by astronauts on TV before. Exactly the same as where he is now. But it doesn't mean that there is no air in space, and it is impossible to survive without wearing a spacesuit, so why doesn't he feel difficulty in breathing?

"Do you think there is any difference between the darkness just now and the darkness now?" The familiar voice sounded in the ears of Chao Canglu, who was extremely shocked, and Chao Canglu couldn't help being startled. I saw a young man stepping through the void and walking over from the starlight all over the sky.

"It's you?!" Zhao Canglu couldn't help showing surprise. After he fought against the aliens in the morning, this boy was standing on the viewing platform on the north side of the town. From a close distance, he looked about the same age as him , maybe a little smaller than him.

"Hello, my name is Yuan Xingye, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice!"

"My name is Chao Canglu. It's the first time we meet. Please give me your advice!" Chao Canglu hurriedly introduced himself, and then asked cautiously, "Well, is that the voice that told me to defeat the Maitron star this morning?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded slightly, then looked at Chao Canglu and said, "You were almost in the dark all the way just now, and the void of the universe is also pitch black, so it can be said that you have some knowledge about these two kinds of darkness." Do you feel any different?"

"Ah?!" Zhao Canglu couldn't help being taken aback, he really didn't understand why this young man named Yuan Xingye insisted on saying this, but he honestly expressed his feelings: "Well, although it's all dark Yes, but there are many luminous things in the universe, such as the sun and stars, so the universe is not invisible like a planetarium at dusk and night, probably so?!"

At the end, Zhao Canglu raised his eyes and looked at Xingye cautiously, like a student answering a teacher's question, waiting for the teacher to judge whether the answer is correct or not.

"You're right, that's it," Xingye raised his hands, looked at the stars all over the sky with a little emotion, and said, "The darkness is very scary, it blocks people's vision, making you unable to see anything, and your heart is also dark." Because of this, you will become panicked, no matter how strong you are, you will become extremely vulnerable in such boundless darkness."

"Yeah!" Zhao Canglu nodded in agreement, no matter how strong a person is in the lonely darkness, he will feel fear, just like he just walked alone in the observatory alone, and there was a trace of fear in his heart. fear and retreat.

"But look..." Xingye pointed to a bright star in the distance: "The darkness is so fragile, even such a faint light can cut away the boundless darkness."

Listening to Xingye's words, Zhao Canglu felt that the words seemed to point to something, but he didn't understand what it meant, so he couldn't help asking: "Well...do you want to say something?"

Xingye said to Chao Canglu very seriously: "Maybe you don't understand now, but I hope you remember that no matter how thick the darkness is, it is impossible to block the light, so even if you are shrouded in darkness, you must never give up. , because even a ray of hope will break through this seemingly solid darkness."

"Oh." Seeing Xingye's seriousness, Zhao Canglu nodded in confusion, "I see."

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