Ultraman Senki

Chapter 222 Musashi is Gauss

PS: Subscriptions are so low that I can’t believe it. I’m still fattening up if I don’t watch it! If you want to fatten up, say a word, otherwise you will die (crying). Brace yourself, Gaia, write better, and try to bring the subscription back.

"Captain!" Doi Heng shouted at the communicator.

"It's out of control." The voice of Captain Hiura clenching his teeth came from the communicator, and the traces of the defense force's fully armed fighter planes could already be seen in the distance.

Musashi yelled, and suddenly strode away from Doi Henghe Fufui's side, with his right hand already holding Sun and Moon Tonghui high. Dazzling blue light bloomed from Musashi's body and completely covered his figure, and then a huge blue figure suddenly flew into the sky.

"No way, Musashi...it's Ultraman Goss!" Mizuki Shinobu followed the familiar blue figure with his eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

"It's a lie, are you dreaming?" Morimoto Ayano stopped with her arms that were typing on the keyboard rapidly, and squeezed her face in suspicion: "It hurts! It's true!"

"What a familiar scene!" Doi Heng was completely stunned, his mind went blank and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Yeah! It's the second time!" Feng Chui nodded blankly. Musashi and Xingye were like this. They ran behind them, and suddenly changed from a one-meter-high human into a human being in front of their eyes. Ultraman tens of meters high.

This visual and psychological impact made the two of them feel as if they were in a dream, and everything in front of them was an illusion. If Xingye is Nexus, they can still accept it a little bit. After all, Xingye came from the universe, and they have always given them the impression of being very powerful and mysterious. But Musashi, a native of the earth, suddenly turned into an extremely powerful Ultraman Gauss, which made them a little unacceptable, and made them feel that their worldview was broken.

"Musashi, he's Gauss!" Doi Heng regained his sanity a little bit, tilted his head and sighed uncontrollably: "It's too unbelievable."

"Yeah!" Feng Chui nodded in agreement.

Doi Heng suddenly snickered as if thinking of something, Feng Chui turned his head to look at Doi Heng: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Don't tell me you are going to transform too."

Doi Heng smiled like a fox who stole a pullet and leaned into Fengzi's ear with a smile: "Fengzi, you seem to have troubled Musashi and Xingye when they first entered EYES! Haha, you can do it , actually offended two Ultramans. Powerful!"

"Hey, don't laugh like this!" The wind looked at Doi Heng, who was about to roll with laughter, and said, "How do I know they are Ultraman!"

Gauss, who was shining with blue light all over his body, stretched out his hands to catch the Tektronix 1 that was about to fall to the ground, stood firmly on the ground and put the Tektronix 1 on the ground.

"Musashi," Captain Hiura looked up at the blue figure and smiled, "Thank you!"

Gauss nodded and turned around, and jumped in front of Chaos Gauss with a leap. Chaos Gauss was about to gather energy to emit erosion waves, but Gauss restrained his arms and made it fall into the air.

Gauss turned his head and nodded at Tektronix 2 in the air.

"I understand!" Mizuki Shinobu nodded and flew towards Delat. The sight was aimed at Drat's back, and the launch button was pressed hard, and the anti-body missile on Chaos' head hit Drat's back with a howl.

"Ang!" Drat roared in pain, and with the injection of antibodies in Chaos's head, his arms slowly dropped, his body slowly returned to its original shape, and his red eyes also changed. came back.

"It works." Mizuki Shinobu shouted in surprise, the antibody on Chaos's head that he used for the first time actually worked.

"Very good," Captain Hiura smiled, "Catch Delat immediately and send him to the Kasaya Islands."

"Understood!" Mizuki Shinobu pressed the green button, a burst of white airflow spewed out from the back of the machine belly, a disc with a radius of several meters flew out suddenly, hovered over the monster's head and then released a cuboid energy barrier to kill the monster locked inside.

"This is the latest capture net jointly developed by me and Xingye. Not only is it several times stronger, but the size of the fence can also be adjusted according to the size of the monster." Doi Hengxian introduced.

The Tektronix 2 flew over the drone, and the two docked. The Tektronix 2 flew towards the Kasashi Islands with the monster locked in the fence hanging.

"Only this side is left." Captain Hiura cast his gaze on the four huge entangled figures.

Gauss has turned into a coronal form, and every time the two red figures collide, they are full of power.

Gauss raised his leg and kicked violently, and Chaos Gauss also kicked at the same time, no matter the angle or posture, it was exactly the same. However, after the violent collision, Gauss took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground, while Chaos Gauss only took two steps to stabilize his body.

"The power of Chaos Gauss is stronger than Gauss." Doi Heng was surprised.

"Now is not the time!" Feng said angrily, then raised his gun and shot out all the remaining Chaos antibodies in one breath, hitting Chaos Gauss's chest, and dazzling sparks bloomed Its offensive posture also could not help but stagnate.

Gauss raised his arms, and the dazzling golden light bloomed from his hands, covering Gauss's body. The blue pattern appeared on Gauss's body again, and the red and blue were symmetrically distributed at both ends of the colored timer. The blue junctions are separated by silver stripes.

"Well, ha!" Gauss punched with great momentum, and the punch was so fast that it made a piercing sound in the air.

Nexus stretched out his arms to open the Otto barrier, and the eyes of Chaos's head entity on the opposite side poured out destructive rays frantically, and the black and purple destructive rays bombarded and exploded on the Otto barrier, endless The flames almost covered Nexus' huge body.

"Ugh!" Nexus pushed against the Otto barrier forcefully, and the huge explosion force pushed it back continuously, and his legs drew two long gullies several meters deep on the ground.

Nexus kicked hard on the ground with his left leg, his left foot sank deeply into the ground, and his backing body suddenly stopped.

"Ugh!" Nexus jumped up suddenly, and several destructive rays hit Nexus' leaping legs and bombarded the ground, and the rising flame mushroom cloud instantly swallowed Nexus.

"Ah, Starry Night..." Doi Heng covered his mouth in surprise.

"No!" Captain Hiura nodded firmly.

"Ha!" A blue figure rushed out of the flames, straightened his right leg and rushed towards the head entity of Chaos, kicking him on the shoulder before he could react.

"Boom" With the dazzling sparks blooming, Chaos' head flew out involuntarily, hitting the ground heavily, and dust splashed tens of meters high around his body.

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