Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2216 Dark Cyclops

Iga Li looked up at a group of experts on the big screen who were arguing about how to solve the continuous appearance of giants and monsters. He tilted his head slightly and asked, "Siro, why are you fighting?"

"Are you talking about Beria?" Sai Luo's voice sounded in Iga Liren's mind, and then Iga Liren suddenly felt that the environment around him changed, and he appeared on an unknown planet. And Shiro also appeared beside him.

"Here is..." Iga Li looked at his position in horror, and there was a bottomless cliff under his feet. The height made his heart skip a beat, and his legs felt limp.

"Don't worry, this is the sea of ​​consciousness, everything is illusory, not real," as Sai Luo's voice sounded, huge robots descended from the sky one after another, and began to destroy the buildings on the planet In front of these robots, the houses made of stone are like paper.

Huge spaceships slowly moved forward in the sky, and giants who were very similar to Sai Luo jumped off these spaceships and joined the army of destruction. After the entire city was turned into ruins, Beria in a red robe stepped on the ruins and led the army to move on to the next city.

"This is Beria. He once established a huge robot army in another universe and destroyed countless life planets in that universe. I defeated him time and time again, but he resurrected again and again, and even destroyed my universe. They were all blown up, this time he set his sights on this planet, he must be trying to do something..."

Iga Li looked at the ever-changing scene in front of him. Planets with different appearances, technological development levels, and civilizations entering the city were destroyed by the same army. These gigantic robots ravaged and wailed and ran away, but what they got in exchange was only huge metal feet, and rays and lasers that brought death.

Scargomora, who appeared yesterday and the day before yesterday, was heaven compared to the scene in front of him, at least it was just a monster, but in front of him, this dense army of robots was simply terrifying.

"No way?!" Iga Li, who has always been an ordinary office worker, asked tremblingly: "Will Beria send so many robots to the earth? It's too scary."

"I don't know!" Sai Luo shook his head lightly, was about to say something but then stopped, and said in a deep voice: "That dark breath appeared again, and it was a little different from the previous one, there must be someone Manipulating from behind."

When Sai Luo said this, Fushii Deji had already inserted the dark brown capsule in his hand into both ends of the sublimator in his hand, and he did not press the button on the handle but directly raised the sublimator in his hand , said softly: "Come out, Dark Cyclops, kill Ultraman Zero for me!"

Following his words, the dark Cyclops capsule immediately glowed with dazzling luster, and then turned into a dazzling beam of light and flew towards space, and then condensed an extremely huge figure at a height of more than 300 meters in the sky, standing on the ground Under the action of gravity, it fell towards the ground.

'boom! '

A dull impact resounded on the ground, and the solid road and several cars driving on the road were trampled under by these two huge metal feet, and then the black-gray metal feet sank deeply into the ground Among them, there is no ankle.

The sudden vibration made the citizens more than a thousand meters away couldn't help being startled. They subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the vibration, and saw a black and brown giant standing up slowly among the tall buildings. There are two silver-white ice axes on the top of the head, the eyes are connected, and a white light spot lights up in the middle, which looks almost exactly the same as the giant named Sai Luo that appeared two days ago.

Before the citizens could react, this huge figure started to move. The metal body weighing 35,000 tons walked on the street, leaving deep footprints one after another on the solid street.

A dazzling light flashed in the one eye, and then a powerful light beam was fired from it to bombard the building in front of it, easily piercing through this building with a height of more than 80 meters, and continued to move forward unabated, penetrating through It took seven or eight buildings to stop.

Then there was a series of rumbling explosions, and all the pierced buildings exploded, turning into bricks and rubble flying all over the sky, and the glass within a few hundred meters nearby was all shattered at the moment of the explosion .

Many human beings were immediately involved in the explosion, or were affected by the subsequent shock wave, blood was splashed and mixed in the dust and debris, and the stumps and arms were either buried in the ruins or burned by the flames. ash.

Asakura Lu, who had just stepped into the elevator, hadn't even lifted his other foot when he heard Lime's voice: "Xiao Lu, there is a huge robot in Xingshan City, and Utom is rushing there. Transfer the screen later."

"Then send me to Xingshan City first..." As Canglu said, he had already stepped into the elevator, and then the alloy door closed, blocking the rest of his words behind the door, and he was packing his things. Pejia stood up immediately, but the elevator had already slid upwards, so he could only sigh, and continued to organize these things, and put them into a home.

The elevator went up quickly, and within five seconds, the elevator door opened. Chao Canglu had already arrived in a small alley between two tall buildings, and the two ends were empty except for puddles and garbage. .

There were muffled explosions from the left side, mixed with the sound of the building collapsing, causing the ground to vibrate slightly, and even the buildings in this alley trembled slightly, as if they were about to collapse at any time .

"You must not sit still when you encounter something!" Asakura Lu raised the sublimator and said in a deep voice, opened the capsule holder at his waist, and then took out the Ultra capsules of Ultraman and Beria, and opened the flow limiter It was inserted into the gaps on both sides of the sublimator, and firmly stuck in the gaps.

"Ged!" Asakura Lu pressed down the button on the handle with all five fingers, and then raised the sublimator in his hand high. They fused together under rotation, and then bloomed a dazzling dark red light.

Enveloped by the light, Chao Canglu turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky, flew over the roof on the left, and then drew an arc and flew towards the direction of the explosion.

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