Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2210 the first fusion sublimation

Zhao Canglu yawned and rubbed his eyes, stood up, and said weakly: "Lime, what's the matter, is it dawn?"

"No, the monster Scargomora has appeared." Lime repeated again, and then the city in the night appeared on the big screen, and a huge monster was walking rampantly on the street. On the road, the houses along the way were all turned into piles of burning ruins, and the onyx-like horns on the top of the head continuously spewed out flame bombs lingering with red lightning, driving a group farther away. Buildings were blown into pieces all over the sky.

"How did you do it? It's so clear." Zhao Canglu looked at the monster on the screen that was almost close at hand in amazement. The picture quality was so high-definition that even every scale on the monster's body was clearly visible.

Lime immediately said: "It's the spherical reconnaissance plane Youtom. It can take pictures of objects with a length and width of more than ten centimeters on the ground from an altitude of 500 meters."

Asakura Lu nodded clearly, Utom's camera slowly turned, and through the gap between the monster's huge body, he could see the scene on the ground. Many people were desperately going down the stairs in the building in front of the monster. Running down and down, and some even jumped directly from upstairs.

It's just that their efforts were in vain. Whether they were running down the stairs or jumping directly from upstairs, they were all buried in the ruins of the bombed building after Scargomora flew past. Down below, no more sound.

"Damn it!" The tragic scene in front of him made Asakura Lu couldn't help showing anger. Although he now knew that he was an alien, he had lived on this planet for so long and had already integrated into human society. Think of yourself as a human being.

Now many, many human beings are being slaughtered by this huge monster, just like many residents in the small town yesterday, don't be slaughtered without any power to fight back, some of them can't even find any corpses... .

Asakura Riku came to the table, made up his mind and reached out to grab the sublimator, then put the two Ultra capsules into the capsule holder, and then hung the capsule holder firmly on the belt.

After doing all this, he raised his head and asked, "Lime, didn't you say that the elevator can reach any place at will? Then let me go near the monster."

"Master, please take the elevator, the coordinates have been set."

Chao Canglu walked into the elevator with firm steps, Peijia was fully awake, and looked at Chao Canglu holding the sublimator with great worry: "Little Lu..."

Chao Canglu showed a smile at Peijia, and then said: "It's okay, Peijia, and... I also want to know what my real body looks like."

The alloy door was closed, blocking the view of both parties, and then the elevator slid upwards rapidly, Zhao Canglu's five fingers holding the sublimator became tighter and tighter, although he was ready, but he really had to face At that time, I was still extremely nervous. What does he really look like? Does he really have enough strength to fight that terrifying monster? besides......

At the moment when Zhao Canglu was thinking wildly, the alloy door had already opened, and the starlight all over the sky was reflected in his eyes, and there were crackling sounds of explosions in his ears, and the vigorous fire burning in the city reflected the night sky. It became fiery red.

"Can you hear me? Master!" Lime's voice rang in Chao Canglu's ear, making Chao Canglu stunned, and then he heard Lime's words: "As long as the master holds the sublimator, you can dialogue."

"Oh!" Asakura Lu nodded clearly, and then said, "Lime, you call my master weird, just call me Xiao Lu just like Peggy."

"Yes, Xiaolu." Lime continued: "On the route of Scargomora, there are a large number of fleeing people at 500 meters away. Because of the distance between the buildings, these refugees did not find Scargomora. Mora is behind them, according to the current speed of the two sides, they will make contact in twenty seconds, if Scargo Mora fires an energy bomb, then..."

Asakura Lu didn't want to listen to these analyzes anymore. After hearing that a large number of people were on the route of Scargomora, he had already picked up the sublimator in his hand, with a trace of nervousness and excitement, but in his mind I can't help but think of the Flash Man in "The Flash Man of Burst War", which has always been an idol.

"I'm doing the same thing as The Flash now, so what should I call my biochemical fusion name? Um... Geed, let's call it Geed." Asakura Lu nodded, and then moved his right hand He touched the belt, opened the capsule holder, and then pulled out the same Ultra Capsule inside. According to the method Lime taught him, he pressed the button on the top of the Ultra Capsule with his thumb.

"You go (fusion)!" With Asakura Riku's voice, the Ultra Capsule that pressed the button lit up with golden light, and then was inserted into the right side of the sublimator by Asakura Riku.

"I go (with me)!" Asakura Riku pulled out Beria's Ultra Capsule again, pressed the button on it, and quickly inserted it into the left end of the sublimator. The blue and dark purple rays of light are fused together in the hourglass-like container in the middle of the sublimator, glowing with red and blue intertwined lights, which are extraordinarily conspicuous and bright.

"Here we go (let's fight hand in hand)!" Asakura Lu violently grasped the handle of the sublimator with his fingers, pressed down the button on the handle, and then stretched the sublimator across his chest. The hourglass in the sublimator Turning quickly, the two completely different energies were completely fused together, and at the same time, a dazzling red and blue radiance bloomed to envelop Chao Canglu.

"Be prepared, let's go!" Chao Canglu turned into a beam of light soaring into the sky, flew nearly a thousand meters away in an instant, and came to the advancing Scattered Gomora, and then fell towards the ground After falling down, just as it touched the ground, the rays of light converged, forming an incomparably huge giant.

'Boom! With a soft sound, the giant fell to the ground in a half-squat, raised his head slowly, and looked around in amazement. The tall buildings seemed very low, some taller than him and some lower than him. It's like overlooking the whole city from a high tower.

And in the underground base dozens of kilometers away, Peijia looked at the giant squatting in the city, and said in disbelief, "This...is Xiao Lu?"

"Yes, this is Xiaolu's original appearance - Ultraman Geed!"

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