Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2200 The Destroyed Town

Scargomora opened his mouth and roared, then raised his legs, pulled out the legs that were sunk in the ground, and splashed a huge amount of soil into the sky, falling towards the ground like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

A pair of huge horns on the top of the head flashed bright red electric light, making the pair of sharp horns on the top of Scargomora's head transparent and beautiful like onyx, and with the strong lightning lingering around, it looked extremely beautiful .

But the more beautiful the thing, the more dangerous it is. The crimson lightning lasted for three seconds, and then two crimson lightning beams were fired from the two corners, obliquely hitting Scargomora in front of him. on the ground.

I just heard 'Boom! 'A thunderous explosion sounded, and the crimson lightning beam hit the ground and exploded two flame clusters, which went straight to the sky, and as the lightning beam extended forward, the flames of the explosion also continued moving forward.

Wherever they passed, the houses were instantly reduced to fragments like paper. Both the building materials and the residents in the houses were turned into fly ash in the explosion. In the blink of an eye, before the rising flames dissipated, two gaps with a width of more than ten meters appeared in the high and low buildings in front of Scargomora.

Not to mention the buildings above, even the ground was dug out into two bottomless ravines, and countless pieces burning with raging flames fell from the sky and smashed to the surroundings, fueling the fire even more. Straight into the sky, puffs of black smoke are very conspicuous in the clear blue sky, even if they are far away, they can be clearly seen.

The raging lightning bolts extended for nearly 600 meters before disappearing. One of the huge ravines with plumes of black smoke extended to the side of the road in front of a two-story small building. The advertising banners were also ignited in the blazing heat, 'Whoo! call! ’ It started to burn, but within five or six seconds, it was burnt to nothingness.

And the two people in the store just ran out when they saw a deep and wide gully at the door, and a huge monster stood at the other end.

"Strange...weird...monster?!" The middle-aged store manager looked at the huge monster in the distance, his voice of astonishment changed, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground, Asakura beside him Lu hurriedly supported the store manager, and dragged him to run away from the monster: "Shop manager, go, go!"

Fushii Deji stood on the park platform at the highest point of the town, where he had spread the Karelan elements back then, but today he was sitting on a chair and looking at the town below the mountain leisurely. Scargomora's incomparably huge body was clearly visible even though it was so far apart, and all the places he walked were ignited with raging flames, turning everything into ashes. The residents of the small town screamed, cried and ran desperately away from the monster. Although these escaped people were terrified, they were extremely lucky compared to those who had already perished in the flames. of.

"Fear, fear to your heart's content, the more you are afraid, the faster the seeds of light will germinate." Fushii Deji said in a very peaceful tone. What he saw was not only the small town at the foot of the mountain, but also the The sight and hearing from Lugomora.

The painful cries of the people buried under the ruins, the cries for help, and the screams of the people when they fled echoed in his ears, making him feel like listening to the most beautiful movement, and the more desperate, the brighter the light The dazzling light particles, which were only in the embryonic state, have now shown their embryonic form. I believe that these light particles can be transformed back into Ultra Capsules soon.

This made Fushii Ideji nodded in satisfaction, and the top of the black crutch held in his right hand lit up, projecting a holographic map of the town, one of which was extremely conspicuous, and the light particles With Scargomora's continuous destruction, its activity became more and more vigorous.

"It seems that even if it's just Ultraman's light particles, it has a heart to protect mankind. It's really a hero of justice. Then the hero of justice, in order for you to reappear earlier, I will destroy it for a while." Fushii Deshi said, his eyes flashed red, and then Scargomora, who was standing in the small town, immediately moved his legs and walked forward. The light bullets whizzed through the air and hit the ground around Scargomora, bursting into clusters of flames, blasting large areas of buildings into ruins all over the ground.

Amidst the thunderous explosions, a hysterical shout came from the loudspeaker in the town: "A monster appeared in the southeast of the town and is heading north. All residents should evacuate the town immediately..."

It's just that compared with the thunderous explosion, the sound was so weak that it was almost inaudible. The sound of the explosion echoed over and around the entire town, and puffs of black smoke rose from the town and rushed straight into the sky. Going to the sky, almost dyed the sky of the small town black.

Looking down at the town from above, one can clearly see a broad road of flames appearing in the town, extending all the way to the outside of the town. Scargomora was walking towards the north at an unhurried pace. About 13 to 14 kilometers ahead of him was a larger modern city.

The piercing air defense sirens reverberating over the city broke the blossoming calm. Helicopters took off from the airport and spread out to hover over the city. I am walking towards Xingshan City from the south, and an evacuation order has been issued here, and the citizens in the following areas are requested to evacuate in an orderly manner according to the instructions of the police and fire brigade..."

The streets are full of crowds with their families and their families running away in panic. Police officers in uniform are standing everywhere in the streets and alleys, guiding the crowd to evacuate the area as soon as possible. Flying towards the south, the tense atmosphere made many children cry in fright, which brought a bit of sadness to this fleeing evacuation operation.

Scargomora has already walked out of that small town and came to the edge of the city. With a body weighing 60,000 tons, Scargomora leaves a deep footprint on the ground every step he takes. Behind him are two neat rows of huge footprints, extending from the small town to the edge of Xingshan City.

There was a sharp piercing sound from far and near in the air, causing Scargomora to raise his head. Six scrambled fighter jets were flying towards him. Scargomora rushed over.

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