Chapter 2196 The Beginning of Despair

Scaru's ultra-vibration wave, which was the color of lava, instantly bombarded the rocks in front of him, and he could only hear 'Boom! ’ There was a loud noise, a thunderous cracking sound, which caused the family of three to lose their hearing all of a sudden, and was so shocked that they almost fainted.

'Om! hum! ’ The tinnitus made the three of them unable to hear anything, and the shock wave from the explosion blew the three of them away two or three meters before falling heavily on the rocky ground.

The hard stone was painful, but they ignored the pain, supported each other and quickly stood up, wanting to stay away from this huge monster, but just when they stood up, there was a sharp cracking sound above their heads. Empty sound.

The three of them raised their heads subconsciously. Under the impact of the explosion, the large and small gravel scattered in all directions like heavenly maidens scattered flowers. The speed was as fast as shells being fired, and the three of them were right here. Within the coverage of gravel flying from the mountainside.

Countless stones were thrown towards the side, and the little girl who had never encountered such a situation was stunned. The panic of the kingdom made her stand there, her mind went blank and she even forgot to run away. Moreover, the speed of the falling rocks might not be able to wait for the three of them to run a few steps, and they would be smashed down by the sky-filled gravel.

At this moment, the parents behind her suddenly rushed forward, together they pressed the little girl under them, and then falling rocks fell from the sky, covering most of the valley with gray dust. Looking down, except for the diffuse dust, there is only Scargomora standing in the dust, and everything else is covered by the diffuse dust.

On the halfway up the 700-800-meter-high mountain opposite Scarugomora, a huge gap and landslide appeared, and a huge amount of earth and rock rolled down the mountain, destroying the vegetation along the way. All buried below.

The 'Boom! ’, and the ‘click! Click! ’ The sound was covered, and the billowing dust filled the sky and covered the sun, covering most of the mountains in this gray dust.

"Not bad, not bad!" Fushii Deji nodded in satisfaction. There was no hindrance in the delivery of energy or the use of skills. This shows that the two experimental capsules are successful, and then you can follow the procedure Made on a large scale.

The valley where Scarugomora stood was originally covered with lush green grass and flowers, and there was a trickling stream, but now it is covered with dust, large and small gravels are splashed everywhere, making this The fairyland-like valley is full of withered flowers and plants, making it a mess.

And among the piled up rocks not far from the stream, one could see a family lying down on the ground. The dust falling from the sky covered their bodies with a layer of gray dust. There are many large and small gravel. Streams of blood poured out from their bodies, staining the clothes and dust with blood, and the blood-colored area is still expanding.

The little girl under the protection of the middle-aged couple moved her fingers slightly, and then she woke up slowly. The heavy pressure on her body made her unable to stand up at all, and only her head could be slightly turned towards Turn left and right.

From the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of the gigantic monster still standing there. The little girl was frightened again, and even stopped breathing. She stared straight at the huge monster standing in the valley. Immediately, a dazzling red light emerged from the monster's body. Its huge body was as bright as a small sun, shining through the dust in the valley and shining in the little girl's eyes.

In this red light, Scargomora's huge body shrunk rapidly, and finally turned into a small crimson light group that fell towards the ground, falling very lightly on the ground, the crimson light It was quickly put away, revealing the figure of Fushii Izuki wrapped inside, and the light finally converged into the two monster capsules held in Fushii Izuki's hands.

The little girl looked at this even more shocking scene. The huge monster turned out to be a person alone. This really challenged her cognitive limit and worldview. It was even more unbelievable to her than seeing monsters appearing in these valleys. .

As if feeling it, Fushii Deji turned his head to look this way, and saw the two people buried in the rubble and the little girl struggling under them. Blood was flowing out from the wounds, which had already soaked the clothes on their backs. Even the dust in the sky could not cover up the unpleasant smell of blood.

Those two people were silent. Fushii Izushi glanced at the three of them indifferently, then turned his eyes back to the monster capsule in his hand. To him, the two dead people and the one struggling to survive The little girl is not as important as a monster capsule in his hand.

Immediately, Fushii Deji walked towards the direction he came from, and only took three or two steps forward before disappearing into the air that was dyed khaki by the dust all over the sky, leaving only the little girl trembling on her stomach. On the ground, she shouted her parents' names loudly, but she didn't get any response. The bloody smell lingering in her nose made her realize what happened to her parents, but she couldn't believe this fact, crying and twisting hard. Come over. What he saw was the closed eyes of his parents, his gradually icy body, and the gradually congealed blood.

The hoarse cry for help echoed in the valley, and it did not disperse for a long time, but there was no response. In the end, the cry disappeared, leaving only the cry full of despair and sadness, echoing In the darkened land...

The sun had already set below the horizon, and the cloud gradually enveloped the earth, making the ground plunge into darkness. The street lamps on both sides of the street, the lights in the shops, and the lights in the residential buildings were lit up, dispelling the heavy night.

Wearing a decent black suit, Fushii Deji sat in an elegantly decorated coffee shop on the side of the street, holding a spoon in his right hand and gently stirring the coffee on the table. On his right was a transparent glass window, from which he could see the crowd outside Bustling streets.

The news is being broadcast on the huge LED screen opposite. In the slightly dark valley in the picture, there are rocks all over the ground. A group of rescuers are carrying two corpses onto stretchers. A little girl is sitting on the ground covered with a blanket. Huddled together, the voice-over was explaining the accident: "This afternoon, an unexplained landslide occurred at the foothills of the northern side of Mount Guangse. According to the reports of nearby residents, they heard a huge explosion. The trapped body was found at the scene Of the three people involved in this landslide, two of them have already died, and the cause of the landslide is still under investigation..."

The hustle and bustle outside is all blocked by this layer of transparent glass. Melodious light music floats in the luxuriously decorated coffee shop, and even the air is filled with the aroma of coffee. Fushii Deshi picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, and with a gentle smile on his face, he said softly: "The next step is to find a way to recondense those Ultra Capsules."

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