Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2192 The Beginning of Resurrection

The dejected Fushii Idesi suddenly raised his head, with surprise in his eyes, and said, "Master, maybe this idea of ​​yours... No, it will definitely be possible." Clicking, following his movements, a frame of a double helix structure appeared on the screen in front of him, and following Fukui Deshi's operation, genetic factors were filled into this frame one by one.

He said while operating: "The master's current gene is a combination of the genetic factors of the Rayblad star and Ultraman. I can pick out the light genetic factor of the master's Ultraman and re-edit it. And I can add relevant programs to the genome according to the master's condition, so that there will be no hindrance when the master merges, and..."

Fushii Deji quickly operated with his eyes shining brightly, and filled the genetic factors of Beria's light into the genetic framework of the double helix structure on the screen. Did Fushii Deji stop and think about it, and Carrying out relevant calculations, it took a long time to fill up this frame.

And in this process, the spaceship is also constantly moving forward, returning to the universe where Beria and Zero fought decisively. When the spaceship reaches the destination, Fushii Deshi's work is also completed.

Belia stared at the dark universe outside, and said softly: "Fujing, tell Silan and others to stop expanding and send all the energy here. I want to recast my body based on the dark circle. You go to the earth, Controlling the process of activating the Ultra Capsule with this tool, we must never let him out of our control, especially pay attention to the intervention of the Kingdom of Light, although they have not yet expanded to this planet, but just in case."

"I know, master!" Fushii Deji nodded and said, "I will set up monitors next to the star gates of more than a dozen universes near this universe, and as soon as Ultraman appears, I will dispatch monsters as soon as possible. Lead them away. As for this tool, I will personally formulate and monitor his growth plan, and will never let him escape the master's control, and when the master returns, he can hinder the integration with him."

"That's good!" Beria nodded in satisfaction.

The spaceship shuttled through the pitch-black universe, and finally stopped near a star that was in its prime. Tens of thousands of spaceships had parked nearby, all of which were painted with Beria's crimson Otto signature.

The Dark Five Heavenly Kings have already made preparations. Tens of thousands of spaceships are quickly working in the void, building a huge spherical frame to wrap the star inside, and then laying reflective panels to reflect all the light and heat of the star. Go back and don't let it leak.

Silan, a Mephilas star, held the dark ring respectfully. When the Dyson sphere project was halfway through, he threw the dark ring in his hand at the star. It flew into the flame mushroom cloud raised by the nuclear fusion explosion on the surface of the star.

The dark ring just flew into the flaming mushroom cloud that rose into the sky, and began to rapidly absorb the energy contained in the flaming mushroom cloud, causing the flaming mushroom cloud that was hundreds of kilometers wide to stop expanding immediately, and quickly Shrink it up, and the effort will disappear in the blink of an eye.

The energy contained in such a nuclear explosion enough to shatter an asteroid seven or eight kilometers away just disappeared, which shows how fast the dark circle absorbs energy.

And tens of thousands of kilometers away from this star, the five dark kings stood side by side and stared at the place where the dark ring disappeared. In just twenty-four hours, a black spot appeared at the place where the dark ring fell. .

All the energy there was absorbed by the dark ring, which made the originally extremely hot magma-like star cool down into a black-gray rock, which fully occupied one seven thousandth of the star's surface area. It can be seen that the dark ring absorbs energy The speed is fast and strong.

The reflector of the last Dyson sphere has also been laid, completely covering the last ray of light of the star, and the star can no longer radiate any ray of light and heat towards the universe, which is equivalent to being invisible in the universe , unless the coordinates of this star are known in advance, no one can find this star.

These construction spaceships have not yet been evacuated, and the spaceships used to transport energy have arrived here, injecting a large amount of pure energy into the Dyson sphere, which the Dark Five Heavenly Kings painstakingly stored, and used it to supply the Imperial Hunters when the Beria Universe Empire expanded. All the energy is sent here for Beria's resurrection. A large amount of pure energy is injected, and the gaps of the Dyson sphere, which is said to be able to isolate all the light and heat of the star, reveal a trace of light, showing that there is a lot of energy inside.

Silan from Mephilas stared at Dyson Ball and said softly, "Your Majesty's resurrection is just around the corner. What are your plans?"

Grozam's character Grojian said lazily: "Do you need any plans? All the energy used for expansion is used to revive His Majesty. Without energy, the Imperial Hunters are just a pile of scrap iron. It depends on the six of us to fight." , I won’t be able to occupy a river system in my next life.”

Disrem star Disrogu glanced at Gero Jian with a slight contempt, and said mockingly: "You can rest if you are afraid of being tired, I will fight for His Majesty."

"What did you say?" Gero Jian stared at Disrogu coldly, and two slender sharp blades slipped out soundlessly from the gaps in the silver-white gauntlets on both wrists.

Fushii Deji had already changed back to the original state of the Strum star. He didn't care about the open and secret fights of these five guys. He turned around and flew towards his own spaceship. I was stopped by shouting: "Hey, newcomer, where are you going?"

Fu Jing didn't look back, and said in that emotionless tone: "I'm going to complete the task of the master, I don't have time to chat with you here, you should focus on expanding the empire."

With that said, Fukui Ideki flew back to his spaceship, then started the spaceship and flew towards the earth, flying out of the field of vision of the Dark Five Heavenly Kings in the blink of an eye. His attitude made the Hippolyte star Xia Taer very dissatisfied and said: "Hmph, what is this guy, how dare he be so arrogant."

Silan from the Mephilas star glanced at Shatar, and said in a calm tone: "If you can be so highly valued by His Majesty, you can also be so arrogant, most of the current technology of the empire is brought by him, or Think about how to get enough energy to start the empire's war machine, this is our business."

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