Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2188 Monster Graveyard Prohibition Command

The gate of the monster cemetery in the form of a Klein bottle quietly suspended in the void, looking like a sailor's knot made of gray-black stone pillars. The surrounding area was empty, and there was nothing else except this building that was more than ten kilometers long.

A silver stream of light rushed straight towards this complex structure. It was obviously a solid building, but when it hit this building, it disappeared abruptly, making the building appear like a wave of water. There were slight ripples.

It was clearly pitch black one moment before, but a dark red appeared in front of his eyes the next moment, as if the sky was full of flames burning. Pieces of strangely shaped rocks are suspended in this vast dark red void. Some are flat, some are round, and some are tapered... It's like coming to the meteorite museum, there are all shapes and sizes.

Noah is suspended in the sky, behind him is exactly the same shape as the gate of the monster cemetery outside, but it is completely opposite. As if in a mirrored world, Noah looked around, and some meteorites in the far distance were surrounded by some monster souls, more or less.

Although it is said that only one percent of the meteorites are surrounded by monster souls, there are countless meteorites in this vast and boundless small universe. The largest meteorite found in the Kingdom of Light so far is more than one hundred thousand Kilometers in size, and the monster souls surrounding this meteorite are as many as one million, and it is also the key protection place of the Kingdom of Light.

"Reboldes, without the supply of monster souls here, let me see how you can create the so-called Ultra Killer. I am looking forward to the wonderful expression on your face when you find that you cannot enter here." Noah Whispering, the more you do, the more information you will reveal. Reboldes was actually very mysterious at the beginning, and there is basically no information other than knowing that he is from the Rebrad star.

But the two appearances of this guy have already given Noah a lot of information, especially the four powerful monsters last time, which made Leiboldes' bottom line leaked, and Leiboldes made so many monsters. For puppet monsters like Mechagomora, the number of monster souls required is absolutely massive.

There is probably no other place to get so many monster souls except the monster cemetery. Noah never believed that Reboldes had the patience to slowly collect monster souls from one universe to another. This is like a person who has a rice cooker and does not have to chop firewood to cook.

The wings of time and space behind Noah glowed with dazzling colorful lights, dazzling like a small sun, and suddenly illuminated the originally fiery red universe into colorful colors. Endless colorful brilliance emitted from the wings of time and space, with The way of space transition spreads to the surroundings, and it takes only five or six seconds to reach the edge of this small universe called the monster cemetery.

This small universe is hundreds of thousands of light-years wide, and no one can count how many monster souls there are. Until now, the Kingdom of Light has not even explored every corner of this small universe.

Countless fine colorful light particles adhere to the barriers of this small universe, and spread out quickly like ink dripping in clear water, connecting with the surrounding colorful light particles to form a layer of colorful light that is only five femtometers thick. The light film is tightly attached to the barrier of the small universe, as if the two sides are one.

It took only half a minute for the colorful film of light to completely cover the barrier of the small universe, like a pocket containing the small universe inside. The only gap is the Klein bottle structure building behind Noah.

Noah slowly lowered his arms, the wings of time and space exuding colorful brilliance behind him were so dim that they could barely see the outline, and then the silver light flashed, and Noah immediately changed back to the Nexus form, the Y on the chest The font energy core flickers on and off, as if it will go out at any time.

The last time it was just a patch on the basis of the King of Ultra, it was just repairing the corners and corners, it was not difficult at all. But this time, a huge space-time barrier with an area of ​​nearly 400 million square light-years has been created, and it must be perfectly integrated with the barriers of the monster cemetery. This operation requires extremely high precision, just like using a laser knife Like a carving on an egg, if you don't pay attention, you may poke a gap in this small universe barrier, which naturally consumes a lot of energy and energy.

"Phew!" Nexus let out a long sigh of relief. Although it took a lot of energy, he finally completed the work. Unless Leiboldes came to open the gate of the monster cemetery with great fanfare, he would not want to do it again. came in. The current monster cemetery is equivalent to an independent small universe, and it is also indestructible. If you want to enter, you can only use violence to break through Noah's blockade.

"Let's have a bloodbath. I'm looking forward to seeing you, Reboldus." Nexus said, turning around and flying towards the back, rushing directly into the gate behind him, and returning to the Kingdom of Light.

Although there is an extra layer of colorful light film, it has no effect on the monster cemetery. The sky is still dark red, and the floating meteorites and monster souls have not changed at all, except for Noah. It doesn't feel like a change has taken place here either.

Therefore, Beria still followed the original method, using the gene of the Rayblad star to induce dark energy, and then revealed the gap in the monster cemetery, thus entering the monster cemetery.

He is already so proficient at this set that he can no longer be proficient at it. Holding the ultimate fighting instrument, he is suspended in the void of the universe, suppressing the light energy and then releasing the dark energy through his body, rushing into the ultimate fighting instrument, causing the ultimate fighting instrument to spread A thick black-purple mist rose.

"Ha!" Beria snorted softly, and thrust the Ultimate Fighting Instrument forward suddenly, emitting a dark purple beam of light that penetrated the universe and disappeared in Beria's eyes in an instant.


Belia looked at the void in front of him in a daze, and the beam that had disappeared, wondering why the passage to the monster cemetery was not opened. Beria tried again and sent out another dark beam, but the beam still disappeared into the sky without any reaction at all.

"How could this happen? Impossible!" Belia looked at the unresponsive universe void in astonishment. He has entered and exited the monster cemetery seven or eight times like this, and there was no problem once. Why is he suddenly unable to enter the monster cemetery now? It's time to play, and it's still at this critical moment.

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