Chapter 2186 Alien Investigation Bureau

The ruins smashed by Beria cast a shadow, the sunset has completely fallen below the horizon, the last light has disappeared, and the city is gradually shrouded in darkness, lampposts, one by one Two light bulbs lit up one after another, dispelling the darkness and returning the city to its glory.

Helicopters and various vehicles are everywhere near the ruins, cleaning up the ruins, rescuing the victims, and detecting the traces of the giant who only stayed here for less than two minutes. Six years later, the unknown giant visited the earth again And this city, the news spread extremely fast, and it spread all over the world in less than three hours.

It took a lot of energy and time to suppress the Impak crisis, which was brought up again. The video of the two giants fighting, which was defined as fake and artificially synthesized, was once again on the hot search and was reposted by countless people. , Let many people who don't know the news also know that the Impak crisis is actually caused by the battle between two giants, not the impact of a meteorite.

But this time, the governments of various countries rarely issued any official statement or even suppressed the news, but allowed it to spread, and did not give any explanation for the truth of the Inpark crisis six years ago, completely silent response to this incident.

It was very calm on the surface, but inside it was like a turbulent sea. Secret phone calls and contacts between countries suddenly increased dozens of times. High-level officials from various countries and international organizations held several meetings overnight to discuss the impact and significance of this giant's visit. .

After the minutes of various meetings were written on paper, all countries exchanged their opinions and suggestions on the Impak crisis and this incident. Although there were differences, there was a consensus on one thing, that is, the giant is likely to Will come again.

Six years ago, the sky broke and the two giants appeared. The opinion of the scientists is that these two giants came to the earth by means of 'wormholes', but this time they did not use 'wormholes' at all but appeared directly After landing on the earth, it fired a beam of light up to hundreds of kilometers and left.

So far, it has not been detected what the purpose of the light beam is, and what kind of impact it will have on the earth, but the uneasiness of creatures when facing the strong makes human beings want to do something to deal with these giants.

These alien giants of the same race have appeared on the earth twice, and now no one can guarantee whether these aliens will appear again in the future. What if they appear and start to destroy the earth? This is something that countries worry about and need to consider.

At the end of the meeting, the countries decided to unite and establish an international organization to deal with such extraterrestrial life visiting the earth, to achieve information sharing about extraterrestrial life and global joint response to these powerful extraterrestrial life in times of crisis. They are all earthlings, and they must be united when facing these unknown and powerful extraterrestrial life forms.

With such a consensus, it is necessary to explain the distorted facts that caused the meteorite impact to cover up the truth of the Impak crisis six years ago. However, apart from Neon, other countries didn't care very much. They just said that they were deceived by the meteorite impact when they received Neon's statement. Cover up the truth, distort the facts, fabricate lies, etc., as an organization with credibility and responsibility to the people, they will never do this.

As for what to do with the neon lights, all countries just want to say, what does this have to do with me? A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist. And the current Prime Minister of Nihong is not under any pressure. He has only been in office for a short time. These evil things are done by him. He has nothing to do with him. He is a good leader who is responsible to the people and has integrity.

In the early morning of the next day, the ruins of the building had only been cleared a little, and the morning news special report was played on the big screen next to the street. Caused damage, expressed strong protest against the other party's behavior of going to the earth without saying hello, turned a blind eye to the damage and casualties caused, and expressed strong condemnation.

After some indignant protests and condemnations aroused people's feelings of common hatred, they began to talk about the Impak crisis. The cover-up of the truth is to stabilize social order, the distortion of the facts and the fabrication of lies are to avoid mass panic, in short everything It's all for the good of mankind.

After more than ten minutes of blah blah, blah blah, I started to talk about the really important thing, that is, all countries have united to establish an international armed organization to deal with such unknown extraterrestrial creatures. As long as the other party dares to invade again, Then countries will launch a counterattack to let these unknown extraterrestrial creatures know how powerful human beings are. Countries have the ability and confidence to protect human life and property from these unknown extraterrestrial organisms...

The official officially made a sound, confirming that the Impak crisis caused by the meteorite impact six years ago was fake, public opinion was in an uproar, and the explanation was not important. The most important thing is that the official admitted that they were fraudulent, and the major media were instantly excited. Various conspiracy theories were flying all over the sky, and some even said that the high-level officials cooperated with these aliens. Now the cooperation broke down, so the other party came to retaliate. As for the beam This is aliens transforming the earth's environment and wanting to destroy human beings...

All kinds of true and false news are flying all over the sky, making people panic. Some places have caused panic. Many people have begun to hoard a large number of living supplies. Civil air defense projects and the like have suddenly become advertisements for many real estate developers. It is fate to say that the built community has an anti-nuclear project, and aliens can hide in it without being invaded, so it is almost impossible to say that their basement can prevent nuclear bombs.

However, no matter how big the turmoil is, it will gradually subside as time goes by. The hustle and bustle at the beginning only lasted for three months. The days of calm time after day gradually subsided the panic and uneasiness in people's hearts.

Newspapers and media no longer cling to this matter. After all, the news has been like this for several months. They don’t bother the audience. Naturally, it will no longer be reported.

Subsequently, the Aliens Investigation Bureau (Alien Investigation Bureau), an armed organization that was officially said to deal with aliens three months ago, also officially appeared in the eyes of the world. A huge international organization with a total of 70,000 people, in more than 30 countries All have branches, all members are selected from the elites of various countries, and the weapons and equipment are all advanced.

It is completely a combination of special forces and intelligence agencies. The so-called branch is actually a country that has the ability and wants to form such an organization. Then it will hang a branch brand, saying it is a joint international organization. In fact, it is still playing its own way. Yes, the so-called cooperation and internationality are only for information exchange, and then, if capable, support the country that asks for help, and there is nothing else.

In any case, such an organization is still very bluffing from the outside. At least the countries have made gestures and formed special troops to deal with extraterrestrial creatures. In a certain sense, it still reassures people a lot and makes This time the turmoil subsided even faster.

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