Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2176 Battle of the Peak

At the same time as Noah's voice sounded, he had suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared beside Hikari in an instant. At the same time, he quickly raised his leg, and kicked fiercely towards the void in front of Hikari with a whip kick. At the same time as Noah appeared, a figure surrounded by wisps of black and purple mist suddenly appeared beside Hikari, and his left hand struck Hikari from left to right at a very fast speed.

It's just that his arm had only cut half the distance, and he was hit in the abdomen by Noah's high kick, and his body couldn't help but retreated tens of meters, making the remaining strength empty, but even with Noah's kick Urgently intercepted, the black shadow's attack was repelled after only half of the slash, but the half of the attack force still splashed bright sparks on Hikari's chest, and the warrior's armor was immediately slashed out of a long Gap up to five meters and up to two meters deep.

Hikari let out a scream, and the huge force made him roll and fly backwards involuntarily. A few sparks flew from the gap between the warrior's armor and his body that helped him block most of the power of the blow, and then dissipated. Kailai converges into Hikari's body. The displayed colored timer had already flashed a red light, and the opponent directly hit Shikari severely with one move.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. When Seven and the others reacted, Hikari, who was standing side by side with them, had already flown upside down hundreds of meters away, and Noah had already kicked the attacker away.

"Hikali..." Ace immediately turned around and flew in the direction of Hikali, and Zoffy and the others immediately raised their arms at the guy opposite Noah, through the The black-purple mist around the black shadow clearly shows the figure of this guy.

The whole body is wrapped in silver-gray armor made of unknown alloy. On the chest, waist, shoulders and abdomen, there are strips of soft armor similar to Seven covering the silver-gray armor. Fei is very similar, but it looks very messy. The middle part of the chest is the gathering point of these soft armors. It is a ring-shaped luminous body exuding dark purple light. Half of Killer Xeo'ot's chest was reflected dark purple.

At the end of the arms are ten sharp claws that are as sharp as drill bits, and there are two thick wrist guards with two fifteen-meter-long sharp blades on the wrists. The shape is very similar to Seven's ice axe, even It can be said that it is a twice-enlarged version of the Seven Ice Axe, except that there is a dark purple beam light that is exactly the same as the Seven Beam Light near the end of the hand.

The facial features on the head are 80% similar to Ultraman, that is, the eyes are blood red, and there is a bristle in the middle of the head that is very similar to Ace, and there is the same signal light as Ace on it, but it is dark purple of light. Extending from the top of the head to the left and right sides are two metal tentacles, which are very similar to Taro, and slightly inside are placed along the arc of the top of the head with two curved blades that are 90% similar to the Xero ice axe.

"This is the Dark Super Evil Ultra Killer?" Zuofi murmured in a low voice. This guy is not big, only seventy meters in size, but just judging from the attack on Hikari just now, this guy The strength is definitely far beyond them.

After all, this dark and super-evil killer still hit Hikari in seconds under Noah's obstruction. If it wasn't for the warrior's armor that took most of the damage, then Hikari might not be as simple as flashing a red light now. of. If Noah hadn't stopped him in time, I'm afraid that even Shikali, who has the armor of the warrior, would not be just injured.

Noah kicked the so-called Dark Ultra Evil Ultra Killer into the air, and before he could deliver a second blow, the Dark Ultra Evil Ultra Killer disappeared in a flash, and then appeared tens of kilometers away in an instant, quietly Standing there quietly, his blood-red eyes stared at Noah on the opposite side.

The voice of Reboldes sounded from within the Dark Ultra Evil Ultra Killer, and his tone couldn't hide his pride: "How about my Dark Ultra Evil Ultra Killer? Noah, it's a combination of the strongest ones in my hands. The abilities of monsters and cosmic beings, plus the light energy that the four cannon fodder collected from you Ultraman just now, he can use all your skills..."

Leibodusi's triumphant introduction was not over yet, Noah raised his hand to condense the super-strong destructive light into a small light blade, and then flew towards the dark super-evil Alt killer in front of him.

It's just that the light blade has just been issued, and the dark ultra-evil ultra killer on the opposite side suddenly raised his arms and placed them on both sides of his forehead. The erected signal light above his head and the beam light on the arm guards on his wrists turned on at the same time. Then, a shock laser and Emelium light were emitted, and the three tiny beams flew out a hundred meters before colliding together, and then the two Emelium rays changed from a straight line to a fast rotation around the shock laser, Form a spiral beam.

Noah Light Zhan collided with this Aimelium laser in an instant, and then both of them were annihilated. The terrifying explosion bloomed a brilliance comparable to that of a star, turning the surroundings into daylight, reaching hundreds of thousands of people. Kilometers away, the light began to become weaker.

The moment this unbearable light bloomed, Noah had disappeared in place, and instantly appeared beside the Diablo Super Evil Ultra Killer, and then slammed the Diablo Super Evil Killer with a heavy fist of flames. The Xeort Killer.

Although the Dark Super Evil Ultra Killer can't detect the changes in time and space around him like Noah, but the super perception ability he got from Hypageton sensed Noah's body the moment Noah appeared. location.

The Dark Super Evil Ultra Killer immediately raised his arms, and the two sharp blades on his wrist guards instantly separated from his wrist guards and flew up. Under the control of the Dark Ultra Evil Ultra Killer's mind, he flew towards Noah like a floating cannon. , the beam lamp at the top continuously fired tiny beams of Emelim light towards Noah, and the tiny emerald beams pierced the dark void of the universe at an extremely fast speed, rushing towards Noah.

It’s just that before these Emelium rays of light flew over, Noah had already disappeared in place, making the five or six Amellim rays of light that came later hit nothing, and then appeared more than a thousand meters away on the left outside, and then kicked towards the dark super evil Ultra Killer. This time, the Dark Super Evil Ultra Killer did not evade, but rushed towards Noah, raised his leg and collided with Noah.

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