Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2167


The sky-filled Reboldes was silent, staring at Nexus in the middle with a pair of blue eyes, waiting for his next words, but he had a faint feeling in his heart that he might have made a mistake.

Nexus folded his arms in front of him, looking leisurely and leisurely, looking at the sky full of flowers in front of him with some amusement, and said with a hint of ridicule: "If that guy is really so eloquent, directly If we are convinced, then why should we destroy their universe."

Leiboldes still didn't reply, or he had unconsciously followed what Nexus said. A long, long time ago, the ancestors of Leiboldes suddenly discovered one day that it had been a long time since they had heard any news about which civilization the four guardians of the universe had wiped out.

He carefully investigated, and later, by chance, he used the Rayblad star's undead resurrection technology to resurrect a drifting soul fragment, and then learned what happened on that planet at that time. Only then did he know that Noah They were actually persuaded to stop the killing.

After the ancestors of Reboldes learned the news, instead of telling the remnants of the ancient civilization hiding in that small universe, they buried the news in their hearts, and dispatched Reboldus without others knowing it. The monsters made by the German stars went out to investigate the situation in the big universe.

It took him a very long time to finally confirm that the four guardians had not appeared in the big universe for a long, long time. His ancestors were ecstatic and hurriedly dispatched many monsters and robots to occupy them. Resource stars mine minerals and resources, and develop technology.

And pass on this secret from generation to generation, not to mention that the Rayblad star civilization, which was not the highest technology in that small universe, was passed down from generation to generation, and technology has not regressed or even been cut off directly like other civilizations.

But on the surface, the Rayblad people still pretended to be declining technology from generation to generation, and quietly proposed the exchange of technology to ensure that civilization does not regress, so that they obtained the technology of other civilizations at a small price, and then used them in Develop your own top.

In this way, the Rebolds gradually grew stronger, but also because they were sneaky, and the number was too small, so that he was the only one passed down to the generation of Reboldes. However, it was 300 million years ago when we learned the news, and the time spent on subsequent investigations and explorations made the Rayblad civilization only develop for more than 200 million years, and the limitation of the number of races made it impossible to cover everything He researches all the technologies, so he only made progress in monster manufacturing technology, but has been regressing in other aspects. For example, the small universe created by the Rebrad civilization was lost long before Reboldes.

It’s just that the kingdom of light that was accidentally discovered later shocked and frightened the Rayblad star people. The figure and existence form were exactly the same as those of the original guardian of the universe, and the Rayblad star people hurriedly moved The searching gaze was withdrawn from that universe, and even the forces of several nearby universes withdrew.

Until the generation of Reboldes, after he knew the monster cemetery that existed near the Kingdom of Light, he continued to observe that universe. After all, the monster cemetery and the Rayblad star civilization were used to invade other universes His small universe is so similar, and the complete technology of the Rayblad star civilization is stored in it, so he ventured to continue observing that universe, and kept collecting news about Ultraman.

In order to further confirm the news of the Kingdom of Light and the monster cemetery, he also promoted the plasma galaxy that has been drifting in the big universe to integrate into this universe, and also sent people to contact Lugiel of the plasma galaxy, and used the monster spark doll As a trading item, let Lugiel as a pioneer to test the Kingdom of Light.

After gaining a deep understanding of the Kingdom of Light, he began to take action. With the help of Beria, he used a time-space bomb to get rid of the King of Ultra who had been guarding the Kingdom of Light, and then began to expand aggressively. It was only in the first battle of that universe that his super-dimensional beast De Sastro, who was still in the experimental stage, was defeated, and it was also Noah who hadn't appeared for billions of years.

This forced Leiboldes to continue to hide, making Noah think that he was destroying himself, and then prepared to use Beria's hand to lead Noah to this place, and prepared to use the news passed down from the ancestors to make Noah once again Disappeared, so as to fight for billions of years of development opportunities for myself. After all, no one knew what happened in that universe at the beginning, and more than three billion years had passed by the time Leiboldes' ancestors knew about it. He didn't make good use of this blank period because he was cautious at the beginning and didn't dare to develop aggressively in the first test, but this time, once he succeeds, he will immediately expand aggressively, so that the glory of Rayblad star civilization will shine again, and it will be even better than It was even stronger billions of years ago.

The guy from Star Stroom used the technology he got from him to create the so-called monster capsules, but he didn't know that he had installed secret doors in the souls of monsters delivered to other civilizations. He could check the souls of those monsters through the ultimate fighting device. Location. Beria's action of leading the Kingdom of Light to the small universe where the survivors of the ancient civilization were hiding, but Leiboldes modified the coordinates inside, allowing Noah and the others to come here and watch his big movie.

The plan went smoothly, but it seemed that something went wrong at the most critical point. Why didn't Noah reflect on it? On the contrary, he still looks mentally retarded. It is obvious that the people on that planet were just persuading with simple words, but he integrated vision, hearing and touch, and the persuasion effect is much stronger than that of billions of years ago. , Why does it seem to have no effect.

Nexus looked at Leiboldes' puzzled look, shook his head in disappointment, and said, "Since you don't understand, then I will tell you mercifully, in fact, at that time What that person said is very reasonable, and it is indeed very thought-provoking. But..."

Nexus paused for a while when he said this, and inadvertently raised his eyes and glanced at the countless Leiboldes in front of him, keeping their expressions in his heart, and then continued: "But no matter what he said What does that have to do with us? Are they innocent? I don’t think so, because the development of their civilization is a history of aggression. Wherever they expand, all civilizations are wiped out, occupying one after another. A resource star, they have killed too many lives. As for those people who are also enjoying the dividends of the blood-stained war, it is really ridiculous to talk about their innocence."

"And the eradication of that civilization was 3.7 billion years ago. I forget the exact time. After all, it has been so long, and I won't remember them all. The time I retired was 25 years ago. Hundreds of millions of years ago, during these more than one billion years, I wiped out more than one hundred thousand such aggressive civilizations. That day was indeed the time for the executioners to disappear, but what I did afterwards was indeed to protect the great civilization. Universe, so... your intelligence is a little behind."

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