Chapter 2159 Capture Dark Energy


The big hole in the elbow made Guerra roar crazily, shaking his head, and the mane all over his body glowed with fiery red energy light again, obviously wanting to launch the map cannon again like just now.

Ubu kicked his feet on the ground vigorously, his body jumped into the air immediately, his arms were crossed in front of him, and the X-shaped phosphor around the ring-shaped color timer on his chest gushed out strong lightning, gathering on Uub's arms. Arms, so that his arms are wrapped in this strong lightning.

"Gra, come and try my trick." With Uub's loud shout, his crossed arms were separated vigorously, and the gathered lightning immediately condensed into several lightning spears, Rush towards Gera.

The lightning spear just pierced the rocky shell on the surface of Guerra's body, and immediately spread out, pouring into Guerra's body, and then quickly spread out in Guerra's body, entangled with the plasma in Guerra's body, disturbing these Normal transport function of the plasma.

The originally dense mane fell down with the expansion of Uub's lightning, and the accumulated energy dissipated because of the loss of restraint, completely losing the ability to attack. Just two lightning spears made more than half of the mane on Gera's chest lose their original function, and some of them were even detached from Gera's body.

"It works!" Uub was overjoyed when he saw this situation. Just two shots of the not-so-powerful lightning spears made a large area of ​​Guerra's mane useless. If this is the case, this Guerra is indeed powered by plasma. With such a huge body, once the plasma is disturbed, it is equivalent to cutting off Guerra's nerve lines, making him unable to control his body anymore.

Seeing this situation, Uub, who was surrounded by lightning all over his body, immediately stretched out his arms and rushed towards Gera at a high speed. Strong lightning lingered on his bent right fist. Mao fired small beams of light. This time, instead of firing the map cannon like before, they all rushed towards Uub. Obviously, the attack just now made him realize that Uub was the biggest threat to him. that person.

The beams of light that filled the sky whizzed towards them, but Uub rushed forward without dodging or evading, his bent right arm suddenly flew forward, and the lightning lingering around his fist instantly turned into a grid that filled the sky and rushed forward, together with a The crimson rays of light collided together.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every ray of crimson light collided with the power grid and exploded, turning into balls of flames that bloomed in mid-air. The dense flame balls were next to each other, dyeing the sky in the color of flames.

The flames churned, making the surrounding air extremely hot, but Uub rushed directly into the sea of ​​flames. The hurricane brought by the super fast speed tore the sea of ​​flames apart, and then his whole body was surrounded by lightning. Uub rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, hitting the middle of Guerra's chest like a lightning arrow.

The powerful impact caused Uub to pierce through Gera's body and rush into Gera's body. Uub was about to radiate all the energy from his body in one breath, and endless lightning spread from Uub's body towards the surroundings. .

The strong plasma instantly gasified all of Gera's bodies within ten meters around Uub, and then gathered and spread along the plasma. In front of the lightning emitted by Uub, the plasma was completely Vulnerable to a single blow, it was utterly destroyed.

Seen from the outside, Uub plunged headlong into Gera's body, and then a bright electric light emerged from the gap, and then Gera's swaying body stopped moving, and then his body was torn apart, as if he had been hit by water. Like a soaked clay figurine, it began to collapse little by little, and eventually turned into a pile of chaotic rocks and flowing magma.

In the pile of rocks, the raging lightning quickly retracted towards the middle, revealing the figure of Uub standing in the pile of rocks. Uub slowly lowered his raised arms, and the lightning on his body slowly dissipated. Come.

'Ding dong! Ding dong! '

The ring-shaped colored timer on Uub's chest flickered red. Uub didn't hold anything back in the attack just now. He released all the energy in one breath, and it broke down in an instant and circulated in Guerra's body. The massive plasma caused this gigantic monster to collapse in an instant.

The rubble of Gela's collapsed body was still bouncing on the ground, and wisps of black mist gushed out from the pile of rocks, gathered together quickly, and then turned into a dark beam of light and rushed towards the sky. The speed was as fast as the blink of an eye. It has already rushed to an altitude of a thousand meters.

"Want to run? Did you ask me for my opinion?" Xingye stood in the Helios looking at the dark light beam rising into the sky, and disappeared into the Helios in a flash. The time to reappear has come In the atmosphere that is mainly made of sulfur, he raised his right hand facing the dark beam of light below, and the palm of his hand glowed with colorful light, spreading downward like ribbons, forming a colorful cage in mid-air. Cage this dark beam of light inside, then quickly converge towards the middle, and finally turn into a ball of light to wrap this dark beam of light inside.

The colorful ball of light slowly flew back into Xingye's palm, Xingye looked down at the colorful ball of light, and whispered: "Let me see what you are?"

Astra and Uub also flew up, hovering on both sides of Xingye, Uub looked at the lingering dark mist in the ball of light in Xingye's hand, and was very surprised that Xingye caught it unscathed There was a dark beam of light, but he was just surprised, and asked hastily: "Xingye, what is this thing?"

Xingye raised his arm, brought the ball of light in his hand to his eyes for a closer look, and then said slightly: "I don't know, but it looks very similar to the unknown dark energy discovered by the Space Guard in multiple universes. I don’t know if it’s the same kind.”

Uub carefully recalled the dark light beams he encountered on that extinct planet, and then said: "It should be the same kind, they can all turn into monsters, and after being eliminated, they will return to dark energy and leave quickly. "

Xingye smiled and said: "You can't just look at the surface, Kai, your training is about to be suspended. Astra, go back to the Kingdom of Light and report this matter immediately. The opponent seems unwilling to be lonely."

"Yes!" Astra nodded, turned around and flew into the sky without the slightest hesitation, and flew towards the Kingdom of Light through the thick red atmosphere in the blink of an eye.

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