Chapter 2153 Hongkai's Special Training Journey

On a planet that is all fiery red, lava rivers criss-cross the planet, and large and small lava lakes can be seen everywhere, constantly bubbling out, and the steaming heat that rises exudes the smell of sulfur. The pungent smell makes this planet extremely harsh both on the ground and in the atmosphere.

In the center of a magma lake with a width of more than 100,000 square kilometers, there is an island in the lake with a width of about 2,000 to 3,000 square kilometers, but the condition of this island is not very good now. The scorching magma surrounding it erodes the rocks around the island non-stop, melting the rocks into magma makes the area of ​​the island shrink little by little, and it is unknown how long this erosion lasted.

Long-term roasting and heat transfer have already made this island extremely hot, not to mention that the atmospheric environment is not allowed, but it can allow plants to survive. The island itself has reached a high temperature of thousands of degrees, which is enough to kill all life.

However, looking down from a high altitude, two figures can be seen moving in the center of the island. Looking closely, it is Astra and Uub. The two are fighting fiercely, er, or one of them is crazily abusing the other side. During Astra's attack, Uub didn't have any power to fight back at all, and he couldn't even do a parry, which looked extremely embarrassing and miserable.

Astra punched out, Uub hastily raised his arm to block it, but his arm just raised up and before it touched Astra's right fist, he felt a heavy blow to his right knee The blow made his right knee bend involuntarily, and the inclination of his body caused his defensive arm to deviate, intersecting with Astra's right fist, and then hammered hard on Uub's left shoulder. superior.

'Boom! With a muffled sound, the huge force on his shoulder made Uub grunt. In addition, his knee was hit, and Uub flew upside down, hitting the ground more than a hundred meters away heavily, turning the dark red Rocks and broken stones flew.

Astra withdrew his right fist and left foot, stood up straight, and said to Uub who was lying on his back on the ground: "When fighting, you must not only look at the opponent's obvious attack, but look at all parts of the opponent. Pay attention to every movement of the opponent at all times, and judge whether the opponent's attack is true or false the moment the opponent makes an attack."

"I understand!" Uub endured the pain and stood up, took a deep breath, and then made a fighting gesture again, and then rushed towards Astra, taking the lead in attacking Astra. attack.

Astra's feet were slightly separated, facing Uub's heavy punch without dodging or dodging, she reached out like lightning, and precisely grabbed Uub's right wrist, and with the help of Uub's right fist, The body receded slightly, and the relative reaction force also slowed down Uub's tendency to charge forward. In the end, the forward force of Uub's punch was exhausted within three meters of Astra's chest. He couldn't move forward, and it took only half a second from when Uub punched to when the fist stopped.

"Don't put all your strength on one blow. Unless your strength is far superior to the opponent's, it is impossible to win or lose with one move. You must learn to gain the upper hand in every confrontation, even if Not at all. The absolute advantage is established time after time like this.” Astra said, she looked up at the sky, and an ice-blue spaceship penetrated the atmosphere mainly composed of sulfur, heading towards Fly here.

Astra let go of Uub's right wrist, took a step back, and then said: "I'm here first, when you rest, think about what mistakes you made in the battle just now, I hope you won't fight in a while. will make the same mistake."

"Yes!" Uub replied respectfully, and then his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and then he felt pain all over his body, and all the exhaustion rushed up, making Uub feel tired even standing up.

At the moment when Uub's muscles relaxed from the tense state, Astra, who had already turned around, suddenly raised his right leg, and kicked back suddenly, the red right foot carried the weight of Wanjun. The force kicked towards the rear, the strength compressed the air into ripples visible to the naked eye, and the speed reached Uub in an instant, and finally stopped at a position five meters away from Uub's neck.

Ubushi didn't even have time to react, he only saw a red shadow flashing in front of him, and then Astra's right foot was almost touching his neck, and then Astra's serious voice reached Uub's ears: "Remember, even if you win, you can't relax, because if you relax completely, your state will become extremely poor, and you will not be able to return to the battle in a short time. If the opponent is pretending to lose, or there are other If someone is in ambush nearby, then you will not be able to react in time."

Astra spoke and slowly lowered her right leg, and then she stepped forward and continued to walk forward. Uub was stunned for a long time without recovering, until the Helios landed only a few meters away from the ground. It was more than 300 meters before walking towards it, and along the way, I was still thinking about what Astra said just now and the last kick that was so close to the extreme.

Beside the cabin window of the Helios, Xingye said to Uub below: "Kai, how is the training going? How is Astra's hospitality?"

Uub raised his arms and folded them in front of him, his whole body glowed with dazzling brilliance, turning into a ray of light and flying into the Helios, sitting on the ground without a trace, leaning against the wall, I don't even want to move a finger.

Xingye folded her arms in front of her body, looked at Hongkai who was slumped on the ground in a funny way, and nodded seriously: "Looking at you like this, I know that Astra must have warmly entertained you."

Hong Kai turned his head, glanced at Xingye, and performed what he meant by "I'll give you a look, you can experience it yourself", without even wanting to say a word, so he hurriedly rested, every time he fought with Astra It's not long, but Hongkai feels more tired than the original Maga Yamata no Orochi.

Astra's every attack requires full attention to deal with, and Astra's attacks hit you in unexpected places, so you have to rack your brains to think about where he will attack next time , although he hasn't guessed it yet, he still has to think about it. It's a state of physical and mental exhaustion.

"Well, well, it's time for a break now, here, have a cup of black tea to replenish, and we will continue later." Mayumi reached out and handed Hongkai a cup of black tea.

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