Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2141 Perishing Civilization

There are countless stars hanging in the empty universe. No matter which direction you look in, you can see countless starlights of different shades. Compared with the starlight, a streamer of light that is extraordinarily bright cuts through the dark universe at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of this streamer is already extremely fast, but compared to the vast and boundless universe, this speed is really too slow. After all, the distance between many star systems is even light. It takes several years to travel.

Looking closer, Hongkai is holding the Holy Sword of Ubu in his right hand, and the sword is covered with dazzling light, allowing him to move forward in the universe at the speed of light, although this speed makes 99% of civilizations They were all far behind, but for Hong Kai, this was really too slow.

After leaving the planet where Murunao died, Hong Kai began to wander in this universe, and he couldn’t do without wandering. Sai Luo left him and didn’t know where he went, and he still hasn’t found the planet yet. door, there is no way to leave this universe. I had no choice but to fly aimlessly in this universe, looking for clues to the star gate.

Hongkai flew in the universe for a long time before arriving at this star system, but he was startled not long after he flew into this star system, and saw countless wreckages scattered in the void of the universe in front of him, some of which were penetrated from left to right or Only the first half or the second half of the spaceship remained, and more of them turned into piles of distorted parts, densely distributed in the void of the universe, and Hongkai even saw several wars with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers Strongholds and Iron Fortresses.

It’s just that these war machines that are powerful enough to run amok in the universe are now full of huge gaps on the surface, revealing the densely packed cabins, corridors, and pipelines inside... Hong Kai can’t help but wonder whether these war machines also had the domineering posture of sweeping Liuhe back then Across the universe, but now it is full of scars floating here like scrap iron.

"It seems that an extinct space war once took place here." Hong Kai sighed as he shuttled through the countless debris and wreckage, but soon he discovered something was wrong, the construction of each spaceship The style is consistent, that is to say, the victor defeated the civilization without losing a spaceship at all, which made Hong Kai feel a little heavy in his heart, and couldn't help imagining the scene at that time in his mind.

For the continuation of civilization, the backward party tried to repel the opponent with all their spaceships, but their efforts were completely useless. The space battleships and war fortresses built by the sweat and wisdom of civilization are completely vulnerable to the invaders. The war ended with the overwhelming attitude of the opponent with almost no losses. This civilization was extinct, and hundreds of millions of lives also disappeared.

"Hey!" Hong Kai sighed heavily. After traveling in various universes for so long, he has also seen too many battles between civilizations. Every battle has a wide impact and heavy losses. This is an advantage. Even if he is Altman, there is nothing he can do about it.

Hong Kai turned a corner and flew towards the planet closest to him, wanting to stay away from the ruins of the battlefield that made him feel very uncomfortable. It didn't take long for Hong Kai to fly into this earth-colored planet.

The thick atmosphere is filled with endless dust, as if hundreds of millions of tons of dust were thrown into the atmosphere, Hongkai felt as if he was digging into the ground, and finally rushed out of the dust, but felt that the surroundings were dark , as dark as when the sun has sunk below the horizon and night is about to come.

But Hongkai clearly remembered that the planet he was in now was facing the star, but the dust all over the sky blocked most of the light and heat, making the temperature on the surface of the planet extremely low, even if it was Steel will also be frozen and crisped at this low temperature, the kind that will shatter when broken.

This made Hong Kai sigh very disappointed. In such an environment, even if this planet was suitable for life before, it may become a dead place now. Anyway, there is basically no one in his field of vision. The presence of grass.

Hong Kai unintentionally glanced to the left and was stunned for a moment. There was a huge valley between the mountains far away, and there were five or six huge automatic excavating robots digging in the valley. A large piece of ore is dug out from the ground, then placed on the conveyor belt aside, and transported to the refining factory on the side through the conveyor belt.

"Is there anyone else in this place?" Hong Kai was very surprised. It is extremely difficult to survive in such an environment. Thinking of Hong Kai, he hurriedly flew towards it, and wanted to see if he could survive with these people. to provide any assistance they can.

The silver-white streamer shuttled through the dusty sky, as bright and conspicuous as a shooting star, but within three to five seconds, Hongkai had already crossed a distance of tens of kilometers and arrived at the top of this valley.

Before Hongkai could stop, two missiles emitting white smoke and spouting scorching flames from their tails rushed towards Hongkai at an extremely fast speed, scaring Hongkai into a big jump and hastily changed the flight trajectory. , Narrowly escaped the attack of these two missiles.

'Boom! '

A small mound in the valley suddenly collapsed, endless dust and gravel scattered, and a dull footstep sounded in the dust, every step made the valley tremble, and many rocks were shaken and fell down. Countless rocks rolled down towards the valley which was two to three hundred meters deep, and the loud crashing sound echoed in the valley, which did not disperse for a long time.

Hongkai stared at the dusty place below, and saw a gigantic robot walking towards Hongkai with heavy steps. On the left chest was an oval energy core emitting blazing white light, standing on the dark ground. It is particularly eye-catching, with two huge crescent-shaped metal horns on the top of the head, and a pointed metal horn above the long mouth, which is Mecha Gomora.

Mechanic Gomora, whose whole body is made of metal, raised his head and looked at the streamer of light in the air. The metal mouth opened, revealing a mouth full of sharp silver-white metal teeth, and then the short pointed cone on the abdomen suddenly opened, revealing Missile launch port in the rear. Immediately, eight missiles were launched from it, directly hitting Hong Kai in the air.

Hong Kai looked at the mechanical Gomora below, and turned his head to look at the refining factory not far away. There was no breath of life in it at all. It was completely automated production and refining, and all the extracted metals were installed In an unmanned cargo spaceship. Obviously, there is no one here at all, and all robots are operating, mining the minerals of this planet and transporting them to other places.

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