Chapter 2139 Reversal of Time and Space

This planet is just a drop in the ocean among the billions of planets in the universe. Compared with the universe, these billions of human beings are even more insignificant, but... Sai Luo couldn't help but think of the scene not long ago. Countless Ultra fighters are suspended in the universe, watching desperately and helplessly that the planet in front of them explodes into pieces, and this power spreads across the entire universe in an instant, bursting the universe into gaps, just like the current planet, Broken quickly.

At that moment of life and death, a figure glowing with golden light jumped over the Ultra fighter, rushed directly into the center of the most powerful hyperspace bomb, and then scattered his body into countless light particles and merged with the universe. Countless lives were saved from extinction.

Since then, I can’t see the King of Ultra, nor can I hear his voice. The King of Ultra doesn’t need to be like this. He can easily leave that universe and go to a safe universe, but the King of Ultra Without the slightest hesitation, he resolutely sacrificed himself to save the universe.

"Oh, old man, the two of us really feel sorry for each other. I really want to know what was in your heart when you disappeared? Is there any reluctance and nostalgia?" Guanghui Sailuo shook his head and whispered Whispering, he suddenly raised his right hand, and the energy in his body continuously gathered towards his right hand, turned into a beam of light and went straight to the sky, forming a ball of light above Sai Luo.

The blue sphere of light is as incomparably gorgeous as a diamond, exuding dazzling blue brilliance, hanging in the sky as bright as the sun, and then a stream of blue light is emitted from this sphere of light, rushing towards the surroundings quickly Go, in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the energy storm produced by Beria's self-explosion, and then fell towards the ground, rooted deeply in the ground like a blue pillar.

The infinite blue light emitted from these beams of light quickly spread towards the sides, and in the blink of an eye, it was connected with the light emitted by other blue beams of light, forming a hemispherical mask that covered the flames below. The pervasive city was shrouded in it, and despite the impact of the flames, it did not move, completely sealing the tyrannical energy inside.

"Come on!" Sai Luo shouted angrily, and the pentagonal diamond-like radiant energy core on his chest burst into dazzling brilliance, spreading towards the surroundings. Neither the tyrannical energy shock wave nor the collapsed earth could stop the radiance. All the gaps between the collapsed earth were filled by this bright blue light in an instant.

, the city and the land that were collapsing in the entire hemispherical mask stopped collapsing instantly, as if time stood still, the blazing flame stopped beating, and the collapsing building was frozen at the moment of collapsing. On the collapsed streets and in the collapsed buildings, the faces of the individuals were terrified, and the flames rushing towards them were reflected in their eyes. stopped falling....

Everything gave people the feeling of a frozen frame of time, but the frozen frame didn't last long, and then endless blue light flew from one direction, filling the gaps between all the molecules. In this faint blue light, the violent energy shock wave quickly disappeared, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Brilliant Sairo's right arm trembled, the amount of energy needed to dissipate the berserk energy generated by Beria's self-detonation was beyond his imagination, which made him feel powerless, and Guanghui Sairo couldn't help but think about the explosion How terrifying would a time-space bomb that dropped the entire universe be, and what kind of mighty King Ultra would have to restore everything to its original state?

This idea just flashed from Sai Luo's mind, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, no matter what, he must stop Beria's atrocities and absolutely save this planet.

"Everyone, please help me." Sai Luo roared, the pentagonal diamond-like radiant energy core on his chest immediately revealed a dazzling brilliance, and through this dazzling light, one can clearly see the Ultra capsules inside. , and then the Ultra capsules shattered instantly, turning into endless golden radiance, and then merged with Sai Luo, bringing Sai Luo extremely powerful energy.

But this sudden terrifying force made Sai Luo snort, his face showed pain, and his body swelled up slightly, like a balloon that was about to be inflated. The energy in each Ultra Capsule was not Sai Luo All in all, Sai Luo was overwhelmed by rushing so much energy into his body in an instant, as if his body was about to explode.

"Come on, give me a reversal!" Sai Luo Hesteri shouted loudly, releasing all the energy gushing out of the Ultra Capsule, and Sai Luo emitted endless light particles like a small sun, filling the entire world. All the gaps in the frozen broken city connect the endless fragments with this light.

Immediately everything moved, the collapsed floor quickly floated upwards, flew to the original position and joined other pieces together, the original gaps also healed and disappeared, and became solid and solid again. And clean marble floors. On the ceiling above, the broken masonry and steel plates were reassembled step by step, and the raging flames were quickly extinguished as if they didn't exist.

The fragments of the collapsed buildings flew up from the ground out of thin air, and flew back according to the falling trajectory, and quickly reassembled into tall buildings like a jigsaw puzzle, standing on the ground.

The broken earth floated up again, and the lost soil and rocks also appeared out of thin air to fill the cracks, rebuilding the supporting rock layer under the earth, and then the roads that had been broken into powder instantly appeared between the buildings as if refreshed, Cars that have long been turned into molten iron reappear on the road as quickly as 3D printing....

The city that was originally caught in a sea of ​​flames and became fragmented seemed to go back in time. The raging flames were quickly extinguished, the collapsed buildings were erected again, and the collapsed land was refloated. The city was completely destroyed in less than a second, but the reorganization It took nearly 20 seconds to return to the state before Sai Luo and Beria came.

It's just that the hustle and bustle of the city can no longer be restored to what it was before. There are now less than 100,000 people left in this city where millions of people lived, and all of them are on the edge of the city. Not only that, but the whole city can't find A living tree.

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