Chapter 2135 Inversion

'boom! '

A crashing sound burst out from the clashing fists of Sero and Beria, causing the ruins around Sero and Beria to shake, and a lot of reinforced concrete was immediately cracked or even shattered. It caused the layers of debris to begin to collapse again.

However, the surrounding noises couldn't impress Sai Luo and Beria. The reaction force brought by the blow with all the strength of both sides made the arms of the two people numb at the moment of collision, but whether it was Sai Luo or Bei Lia Leah didn't care about this, and quickly raised her legs to kick towards the opponent.

The right legs of Sero and Beria collided in the air, and they said 'bang! With a muffled sound, Sai Luo couldn't help but groaned in pain. Under the reaction force, he staggered back two or three steps before standing still, while Beria only took a step back with his right leg before standing still. , and then stepped on the ground with his right foot, his body immediately stepped forward, and his left fist hit Sai Luo fiercely from bottom to top.

Before Sai Luo could stand still, he saw Beria's uppercut attack, hurriedly raised his hands and crossed them in front of him, and then felt a heavy blow to his arm, the terrifying force made Sai Luo's hands The arms could not help but be lifted upwards, revealing the empty door of the chest.

"It's really too weak." Beria shouted loudly, taking the opportunity to attack with his right fist, a heavy punch passed through the lower end of Sai Luo's arms crossing point, and then hammered on Sai Luo's chest, Say 'Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound.

'Well! Sai Luo snorted in pain. Under a series of attacks, his body couldn't help but backed away. He staggered back seven or eight steps before stabilizing his figure. He covered his chest and looked at Beria in surprise. The guy's strength and speed were more than three or four times stronger than before, so that Sero, who could have suppressed Beria for three points, fell instantly.

Even if it is converted into a powerful Corona Cerro with the strongest power, it is comparable to Beria's power, but compared with Beria in terms of speed, it is completely inferior, so that just now Beria's series of swift attacks There was a flaw in his lower body, and he was hit on the chest by Beria's heavy punch.

"Hmph, hum," Beria sneered a few times, clenched his right fist in satisfaction, and a hoarse voice sounded: "It really is a very powerful force, and the fusion of different lights will indeed bring incomparably powerful power. Even if that light is dark."

"Damn it!" Sai Luo looked at Beria angrily. The Otto Capsule that Hikari researched for peace was now dyed dark by Beria and used for destruction. Thinking of this Sai Luo You can't contain your anger.

"Haha!" Beria raised his hand, and fired one after another of the dark eight-point light wheels towards Sai Luo, and the fast-spinning dark eight-point light wheels whizzed through the void, and went straight to Sai Luo.

Sai Luo didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly raised his arm, gathering a lot of energy in the palm of his hand, and condensed into flame blades with the wave of his arm, which collided with Beria's dark eight-point light wheel, exploding Terrible flames.

'boom! boom! boom! Groups of flame balls exploded in mid-air, and terrifying air waves swept around, rolling up large chunks of earth, rocks and debris, flying around indiscriminately, colliding with each other, turning into smaller debris and dust, blowing the air They were all dyed yellow.

Beria frantically threw the dark eight-point light wheel at Sai Luo as if venting, twisted the black and red neck and looked at the tall buildings standing in this huge city, which was prosperous and orderly. But the scene of the scene made Beria feel extremely dazzling and irritable, and coldly snorted: "Destroy it, destroy it all for me, and use your desperate wailing to form the most beautiful doomsday movement."

Speaking of which, Beria waved his hand abruptly, and a dark eight-point light wheel flew towards the north, spanning a distance of more than a thousand meters in an instant, and hit a towering building with a solid reinforced concrete structure. Under the dark eight-point light wheel, the building was instantly cut in half like tofu, and then the dark eight-point light wheel continued to rush forward, splitting all the more than ten buildings on this straight line into two halves. It exploded with a bang, blowing the last building to pieces.

And the buildings between the explosion point and Beria that were cut in half fell to the left and right at this time, some hit the street and some hit the nearby buildings, the buildings collapsed and collided with each other When the 'Boom! ’ The voice echoed in the city.

There are still many people in these collapsed buildings. After all, it has been less than 90 seconds since Beria and Sailuo arrived. Although their existence and fighting scenes were captured by the TV station, most of the people in this city People don't even know they exist, especially those who are busy working.

Therefore, when the building cut in half by Beria's dark eight-point light wheel began to collapse, the people in the building realized that something was wrong, and the desperate cries were completely overwhelmed by the thunder when the buildings collapsed and collided with each other. The sound was masked.

Sai Luo looked at the buildings collapsing one after another in the distance, his right hand trembled with the anger in his heart, he could clearly see many people thrown out of the collapsed buildings, falling on the street and smashed into meat paste, and then They were crushed by the collapsed building, but more people were smashed together with the building. In just a moment, more than ten buildings turned into ruins and thousands of people lost their lives.

And it's all because of Beria that this city let those who lost their lives suffer such bad news. Seeing all this, Sai Luo's inner anger could no longer be suppressed, and he roared and rushed towards the city. Beria, completely disregarding the power gap between him and Beria, only wanted to stop Beria's sabotage.

"Are you easily irritated like this? You are really a child, so let me teach you the true laws of this world." Beria rushed forward suddenly, and rushed to Sai Luo in two or three steps. The arm blocked Sai Luo's right fist, and the body rushed into Sai Luo's arms with the inertia of forward rush, and then his shoulder hit Sai Luo's chest heavily.

'Boom! With a muffled sound, Sai Luo retreated again under the impact, but before he took two steps back, Beria rushed up again, caught up with the fallen Sai Luo and punched Sai Luo's body. On the chest, Sai Luo was directly thrown into the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

"It's really vulnerable." Beria snorted coldly, and returned to Sai Luo the words that Sai Luo said when he kicked him back in the monster cemetery.

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