Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2128 The Eternal Gem

Beria raised his head and saw Sero flying towards here at a very fast speed, which made Beria very irritable and said: "What an annoying guy, just wait, the day I succeed, The first one will kill you."

Saying that, Beria immediately soared into the sky and rushed towards Sai Luo. Under the impact of the speed of both sides, the distance of ten kilometers between the two sides was instantly crossed, and then they collided heavily.

Dazzling sparks erupted when the black-red light and the silver light collided, and the two sides staggered in an instant. Beria quickly flew towards the air with the help of the inertia of the impact. As a beam of light rushed to the sky, and then quickly expanded in the air, creating a wormhole, and then Beria rushed in without looking back, and disappeared.

After Sero and Beria passed by, he hurriedly turned around, but saw that Beria built a wormhole with dark energy, rushed in and disappeared.

"I won't let you run away again this time." Sai Luo said that the Palaji bracelet on his left wrist had turned into several rays of light, covering his body, condensing into a silver-white ultimate armor. He didn't have time to gather energy to build a wormhole like Beria did. He simply and roughly cut open the unclosed wormhole with the Ultimate Zero long sword, and then rushed in.

The sky that was noisy just now returned to silence again. Only Murunao lay motionless in the chaotic world, looking up at the sky, lost the support of the dark ring, and her last vitality was also cut off. The blood in her body flowed from Beria The resulting wound continuously flowed out, allowing her to clearly feel the passage of life, so much so that now she couldn't even move a finger.

A ray of light of four colors flashed across the pitch-black space of the universe, and then fell towards this side, and gently landed on the ground, revealing Uub's figure, and the original color timer on his chest flashed red rapidly. Light.

Uub looked down at Mulunao who was lying in the pile of rubble not far from his feet, Uub couldn't help being taken aback by her miserable appearance, especially the big hole in her chest made Uub extremely astonished. It was not conical, but extremely cylindrical. It was not caused by Sai Luo's Ultimate Sai Luo bow and arrow at all, but was caused by something very sharp.

'call out! Dazzling light appeared all over Uub's body, and then it turned into a beam of light and fell towards Murunao. This dazzling light illuminated the dark land. Murunao turned his head slightly with great difficulty, stunned. Staring blankly at the dazzling four-color light, he murmured: "What a beautiful light..."

The light converged and Hong Kai's figure appeared beside Muluna'ao. Hongkai lowered his head and looked at Muluna'ao who was lying in the rock pile with a disheveled face. The other party's condition was obviously dying.

This made Hongkai sigh, and lowered his head slightly. Even though he was in such a state of embarrassment and his life had come to an end, the crown inlaid with many gemstones on Mu Luna'ao's head was still gorgeous, shining in the starlight. Underneath, there are colorful lights shining, which looks extraordinarily beautiful, and people's attention can't help but focus there.

Mu Luna'ao's sad voice sounded in Hongkai's ear: "Primeval Survivors, this name is really nice and sad. There is nothing left to show except the glory of the ancestors. Don't dare to leave Going out, for fear of being revenged by Noah and the others, I lived in trembling from birth to death, for fear that one day the hidden place would be discovered by Noah and the others. What everyone can do is to enjoy every day, because no one knows what will happen next. Is one second the time to die?"

Hong Kai stood there quietly listening to Mu Luna'ao's words. No matter what happened to the two sides before, what he is facing now is the dying words of a dying person. The other party does not need him to answer. What he can do Just to listen.

"I like gemstones very much, because they are all natural substances with high hardness formed after high temperature and pressure that no life can bear, and they are still so beautiful. They are the objects that every life must learn, no matter they face You have to persevere in any kind of predicament, and you will become the most beautiful gem." Mu Luna'o's tone became full of joy: "If... we can also be like gems... that's great, so many The ancient survivors will not disappear one by one, but will rise from the predicament and become...more beautiful...good..."

Muluna'ao's voice gradually disappeared. At the last moment of her life, she seemed to have seen her civilization rise. The offspring don't need to be trapped in a small and hopeless small universe, but can roam freely in the universe. ...

Muluna'o's eyes were full of hope and longing, with a smile on his face, and then his life was frozen at this moment. It is the scarred body that is transformed into the most radiant and hardest gemstone.

Hong Kai stood there, watching Mu Luna'ao's body being transformed into a magic circle by the gems she arranged in the crown and turned into her favorite gem. It seemed that she had actually expected that one day she would die outside, So such a magic circle was arranged in advance, so that at least her body could become her favorite gem.

Hongkai sighed, and said with emotion: "Beautiful gems will also be corroded by time. In the end, there will be no such intoxicating beauty. The eternal beauty is actually the human heart. Pass on the beauty of the heart and pass on the destiny Entrust to the next generation, so that future generations also have a beautiful heart, the most beautiful things are passed down from generation to generation. If you understand this, then the ancient survivors will definitely become beautiful gems as you wish, Instead of waiting for a rotting stump."

Hongkai reached out and put the harmonica to his mouth, then turned around and walked towards the distance. The melodious sound of the harmonica echoed in this empty and quiet place, and did not disperse for a long time. The last visitor left too.

The shimmering light from the stars in the sky shone down and projected on the body of Muluna'ao gemstone, making it glow with colorful brilliance, which looked extraordinarily beautiful. It's just that no one gets to see the beauty, but that's probably lucky because it means no greedy people will want to take this beautiful gem for themselves. This beautiful gem can stay in this pile of rubble forever. Unless the planet is destroyed to make this beautiful gem disappear, otherwise it will always show its splendor and splendor.

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