Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2109 Sai Luo's Interception Battle

The five diamond-shaped gemstones inlaid on the Y-shaped giant bow and arrow shining with silver light all over the body exuded blue light, and the light made Mu Lunaao couldn't help showing surprise and greed, and said with longing: "How much!" Beautiful gems, such gems are completely reckless in the hands of others..."

Before she could finish her words, the swirling silver bow and arrow flew across the void like a stream of silver light, and in just three or two seconds, it spanned a long distance of millions of kilometers and bombarded Murunao on the spaceship.

The collision of the sword tip of the Ultimate Zero Bow and the energy shield of the spaceship made a 'clang! There was a loud noise, and Mu Luna'o's spaceship shook violently. It was obvious that one spaceship was only more than 30 meters long and the other was hundreds of kilometers in size, but the result of the collision was the ultimate Sai Luo's bow and arrow ended in victory.

The energy shield, which was not damaged even when it collided with meteorites at super high speed, was declared broken in just a second under the attack of the Ultimate Zero bow and arrow. A big hole was drilled out of the energy cover in an instant, and then the Ultimate Zero bow and arrow mercilessly hit the hull, this time more cleanly, and a big hole was drilled out of the hull in an instant, stirring endless metal debris towards the ship. Rush to the inside of the spaceship.

Murunao was still marveling at the beauty of the gemstones on the Ultimate Cyro Bow and Arrow. The next moment, all the screens around her body flashed red light representing an alarm, and at the same time, dialysis images quickly appeared on the screen. List all the conditions of the damaged parts of the spaceship and the images of the spaceship.

"What?" Muluna'o's eyes widened suddenly, and pictures of damaged parts on the surrounding screens had begun to superimpose, making Muluna'ao a little at a loss, not knowing which one to deal with. . She has never had such an experience before. After inheriting this spaceship from the previous generation, nothing has caused any damage to this spaceship, let alone being breached and causing such serious damage. up.

When Murunao was at a loss, the Ultimate Cyro bow and arrow had penetrated the spaceship of more than 100 kilometers, drilled out from the other end, then turned around and flew towards the direction it came from, spanning about two or three The distance of a million kilometers spread out, and the silver-white ultimate armor was condensed on Sai Luo's body again.

"Huh, what a broken spaceship, it's not vulnerable at all." Sai Luo looked at the spaceship in the distance that he shot through with an arrow very disdainfully, and then rushed forward, the speed was so fast that it was in the dark space of the universe. A silver-white straight line was drawn in the middle, and it flew straight to Mu Luna'o's spaceship.

As for Mulunao, the main control computer of the spaceship finally counted the damage of the spaceship and the impact on the spaceship, and then displayed it on the screen in front of Mulunao. Mu Luna'ao almost passed out, and his blood was almost bursting out of his head.

The main pipeline of the energy transmission system was damaged, the main parts of the space jump engine were shattered, and multiple cabins were destroyed... From a series of damage data and descriptions, in general, the spaceship lost 21% of its speed, and the space jump function was completely destroyed. GG, the power of the energy delivery system is reduced by one-third....

"Damn guy," Mulunao stood up angrily, glared at Sai Luo on the screen, and roared like gnashing his teeth: "Attack with full firepower, shoot him into a sieve."

The flaps around the spaceship were all opened, revealing the densely packed launch ports for various weapons below, and at the same time, the twelve star destroyer cannons with a diameter of one thousand meters around the spaceship also turned in the direction of Sai Luo. All the weapons locked on to Sai Luo who was rushing in this direction, and the energy transmission system sent all the energy to each weapon.

'call out! call out! call out! '

Countless laser beams and ion beams flew out from the spaceship, densely filling the entire pitch-black void of space, making people daunting, especially the huge and incomparably huge energy beams fired by the twelve main cannons gave people a feeling. An overwhelming sense of powerlessness.

Sai Luo raised his head slightly and stared at the countless laser beams and ion beams coming towards him. The number was too large to count, and this was only the first wave of attacks. The spaceships behind were still launching attacks one after another. , once the dense attack explodes, it will absolutely engulf everything in the vicinity with a radius of a million kilometers into a sea of ​​flames.

"Come on!" Sai Luo didn't mean to dodge, but charged forward against the attack, the two ice axes above his head glowed with azure blue light, and the silver-white Sai Luo ice ax immediately turned into blue in this light. Immediately, the blue light quickly flowed through Sai Luo's body, dyeing Sai Luo's body as blue as the sea, and in the blink of an eye, he became the miracle form of the moon god.

At the same time as the whole body glowed with blue light, Sai Luo raised his right arm, and the Ultimate Sai Luo Long Sword attached to his right wrist immediately flew away from Sai Luo, so that Sai Luo put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together in front of his forehead, Shen Sheng said: "Luna Miracle Sai Luo!"

Then the ultimate armor on Sai Luo's body immediately dispersed, splitting into dagger-like sharp blades, there were as many as forty or fifty, and under the control of Sai Luo's mind, they rushed forward in unison, instantly Flying several kilometers away, shuttled back and forth in front of Sai Luo at an extremely fast speed, blocking all incoming attacks.

In this way, Sailo manipulated the split ultimate armor to resist the attack of the spaceship and rushed forward. No matter how dense the attack of the spaceship was, none of them could break through the defense formed by the darts of the ultimate armor controlled by Sailo's mind. lock up.

The screen in front of Murunao was covered with large and small flames, and nothing else could be seen at all, but even so, the spaceship still did not stop attacking, and continued to attack the sea of ​​flames one after another. I don't care that a lot of energy is consumed.

At this moment, a sea-like azure light suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​flames, which was particularly conspicuous in the fiery red of the screen, no matter how the surrounding flames tumbling, they could not shake this blue light, but made this blue light The brightness of the flames continued to increase, making Muluna'o's attention involuntarily focused on this piece of blue, and he looked in amazement at the blue light rushing out of the sea of ​​flames.

"Aim the main gun and fire!" Murunao immediately issued an order to aim a main gun at this tiny blue area, then quickly gather energy, and launch a huge and incomparably large beam towards the blue area. energy column.

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