Chapter 21 Despair

"What happened? What the hell is that robot?" Xincheng shouted into the microphone

"That guy is Impreza, he is called the Peerless Iron God in the universe," Xingye said bitterly, "Each Impreza can easily wipe out a third-level civilization. I didn't expect those down-and-out foreigners The starman can afford the Impreza, so let’s get out of here quickly and discuss countermeasures before taking action. I’ve already activated the automatic defense system and they can delay it for some time.”

"Boom, boom, boom..." The basically obsolete tanks, artillery and automatic landmines on the ground fired, and countless 'shooting stars' hit Impreza.

The sparks from Impreza's body exploded with the flames of the cannonball explosion that engulfed Impreza completely, and even the dust on the ground was lifted up like a sandstorm.

But what is amazing is that the wall of flames is still moving forward. The shells fired by hundreds of tanks and artillery even leveled a hill, but they couldn't stop Impreza from advancing.

The deafening roar continued to sound without any intention of stopping. At this moment, dozens of fireballs suddenly flew out of the flames and hit the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There was a louder explosion and the flames reached a height of 100 meters. The automatic artillery and tanks on the ground were thrown into the air one by one and exploded into a pile of scrap iron, rolling and falling to the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, dozens of large pits with a depth of more than ten meters appeared on the ground. The tanks and artillery that should have been there were left with scrap iron still burning and emitting black smoke.

"It's so powerful, it's really terrifying!" Hori looked at the damage caused by Impreza's attack in surprise.

"Quickly evacuate, we are not his opponent at all. I'm afraid even Ultraman can't defeat him." Xingye closed his eyes and said helplessly, calmly reminding Dagu not to leave the station.

"How is it possible? Our Victory Team will not retreat without a fight." Dagu pushed the joystick Feiyan No. 1 and rushed over to Inpreza and sent out several laser beams, hitting Inpreza Intense sparks splashed from his body.

"The enemy is right in front of us, how can we escape?" Lina manipulated the Phoenix to quickly draw an arc in the air, and the wings flashed. Several lasers hit Impreza's head, and violent sparks splashed.

"Victory team attack!" Zongfang sat on the Feiyan 2 and gave the order. Hori pressed the missile launch button on the Feiyan 2 fiercely, and the two missiles hit the Inpreza with white smoke.

Impreza only advanced tens of meters before being attacked by the victory team, but even though the lasers and missiles hit Impreza, even though sparks were flying, it did not leave any damage, even a little scratch. None remained.

Impreza stopped and raised the sensor on her head. The three-barreled Gatling cannon spun and sent an electron beam hitting the Phoenix. Lina pulled the accelerator on the tail of the Phoenix and turned on the speed of the Phoenix. The tremendous thrust pinned Lina to the chair as the electron beam flew behind the Phoenix.

The howitzers on Impreza's shoulders fired several balls of fire that flew up into the sky and hit the plane of the winning team. Feiyan-2 quickly lifted up and flew into the sky, but the fireball that should have been avoided actually drew an arc in the air. The line followed Feiyan No. 2.

"Damn it!" Hori pulled down the thruster again and Feiyan-2 quickly began to descend in an attempt to avoid the fireball, but the fireball turned a corner again and followed up, and the distance to Feiyan-2 was getting closer and closer.

"We're about to collide!" Zong Fang shouted in despair as he watched the fireball getting closer.

"Boom" a plane exploded into a ball of flames in the air, Hori looked around and found that Feiyan No.

The falling wreckage is still glowing, but the 1.

"Dagu!" Lina yelled, tears fell unconsciously, looking heartbroken at the wreckage that was blazing and falling to the ground.

"Dagu, Dagu!" Xincheng burst into tears instantly.

"Damn it!" Horii yelled and pushed the joystick. The lasers and missiles on Feiyan No. 2 shot towards Impreza non-stop.

Xingye could see it clearly on the screen. When the fireball was about to hit Feiyan No. 2, Dagu's Feiyan No. 1 suddenly bumped into the fireball and exploded. Feiyan No. 1 exploded into a ball of fire immediately, but Feiyan No. 2 was also saved.

"Dagu, do you still want to fight? Even if it is an unwinnable battle!" Xingye looked at the beam of light that appeared in front of Impreza with complicated eyes.

When the plane was about to explode, Dagu immediately raised the magic light stick and turned into Tiga.

"It's Dijia!" The sharp-eyed Lina saw him first.

Tiga took a fighting posture and looked at Impreza who was walking towards him with heavy steps. Dijia took the lead in attacking and raised his right fist and hit Impreza hard on the head.

"Kang Dang!" Dijia mourned while clutching his painful hand. He felt as if he had hit steel with his punch just now, even though he was indeed facing a robot.

On the other hand, Impreza's body was still standing steadily and Dijia's full blow did not make his body shake a little bit. Impreza waved his right arm casually and patted Dijia's body. Dagu felt as if Before transforming, he was hit by a car and flew hundreds of meters away and rolled several times on the ground, curled up in pain on the ground, and the place where he was hit was already numb with pain.

Impreza didn't look at Di Jia at all, as if she just swat a fly away, and continued to walk towards the launch pad.

"Spike missile launch." Xingye pressed the launch button, and all twelve spike missiles were launched, hitting every part of Impreza's body with white smoke.


A 100-meter-long mushroom cloud soared into the sky, mixed with flames, and the terrifying temperature melted the gravel in the center of the explosion. The shock wave set off a layer of smoke and dust, blowing it around like a sandstorm.

"Boom, boom!" Desperate footsteps sounded again. Impreza walked out of the blasted potholes from the smoke, and the powerful spike missile only blasted a few scars less than half a meter on his body. For Impleza's height of 60 meters, it is not worth mentioning.

Impreza stopped on the spot after being attacked, and her body was agitated for a while. The scars were quickly filled, and the damage caused by the twelve spike missiles was completely healed in an instant.

The repaired Impreza's shoulders gathered energy and dozens of light bullets flew forward, washing the ground again with an explosion. The sound of the explosion resounded for hundreds of miles, and the flames from the explosion were all within a radius of hundreds of meters.

Tiga stood up and transformed into a red powerful form, hugged Impreza's neck from behind and pulled it back forcefully. Impreza didn't care, just bent down easily and threw Di Jia off his back in front of him, raised his iron foot and stepped heavily on Di Jia's chest.

The ground shook for a while, and the sand and rocks around Dijia's body were lifted from the ground to a height of half a meter. Dijia cried out in pain and clutched his chest in excruciating pain, while Impreza raised his foot Stepped down again.

Dijia stretched out his hands and grabbed the huge soles of Inpreza, trying hard to remove it from his body, but the power of Impreza was too great, Dijia tried his best and was still defeated by Inpreza. Pleza stepped on his chest and couldn't move.

"Support Dijia!" Zong Fang immediately ordered when he saw Dijia's plight.

"Understood!" The two planes of the Victory Team immediately flew over, firing lasers and missiles that hit Impreza, sparking a series of sparks. However, these attacks only attracted Inpreza's attention and did not cause him any harm at all. When Inpreza raised his head and was about to launch an attack on Feiyan No. Lower the three-barreled Gatling cannon on Impreza's head.

The fireball that hadn't been released missed and hit a hill in the distance. The hillside collapsed amidst the violent explosion, turning into a pile of rubble.

Even so, the two planes still did not give up and were still pouring firepower on Impreza. Dijia stood up and hit Impreza hard, but it just made Inpreza shake.

"Do you still want to fight even though you know it's an invincible enemy?" Xingye had already walked out of the control room and came to the open space. Tijia was slapped by Impreza and flew hundreds of meters away, rolling violently on the ground After a few laps, he clutched his chest and curled up in pain.

But Tiga got up again, half-kneeling on the ground and posed a fighting posture towards Impreza, the Gatling cannon on Impreza's head turned, sending out a huge beam of powerful electron beam light rushing towards Tiga.


The flames were soaring into the sky, Dagu had already put his arms in front of him to meet the attack, but he didn't feel any pain in his body for a long time, he raised his head to see a silver body blocking his body, and a blue circular barrier blocked it. Impreza's powerful electron beam light.

Nexus felt an irresistible force coming from the circular barrier, and his body was pushed back by this force. The circular barrier was shattered in an instant, and Nexus was hit by the powerful electron beam and was thrown flying and fell to the ground.

Nexus got up from the ground with his arms on the ground, feeling a tightness in his chest after being hit, and the energy core across his chest with his right hand transformed into a red youth form.

He stepped forward a few steps and stood side by side with Dijia, looking at Impreza who was walking in front of him, every step of his seemed to be measured and the distance was exactly the same.

The two Ultramans rushed forward at the same time, grabbed Impreza's shoulders, and pushed back with force at the same time. Impreza, who has been advancing since her appearance, was actually pushed back.

"The countdown to launch is two minutes!"

Impreza slammed her arms inward, and the huge force brought severe pain to the two Ultramans, who couldn't help but half kneeled on the ground. But still clutching Impreza's shoulder tightly and not relaxing.

Impreza was a little annoyed, raised her right leg and kicked Tiga's chest violently, and Tiga was immediately kicked out and fell to the ground.

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