Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2097 The Limit of Defeat

I just heard 'Boom! ’ With a muffled sound, the mountain trembled violently at the moment it was hit, several huge gaps were opened in the mountain body, countless boulders of various sizes rolled down, and the whole mountain was on the verge of collapsing. Especially the place hit by Uub was even more sunken, forming a huge human-shaped crater. Tens of thousands of rocks were crushed into fine powder during the impact, falling like white snow one after another.

The cannon on Dai Borigu's left arm maintained the attack of the laser beam, and the fifteen metal spikes erected behind his head emitted intense electric light, and then began to tilt the laser beam again, crazily bombarding the mountain area where Uub was.

'boom! boom! boom! ’ The sound of violent explosions echoed among the mountains, and the billowing flames engulfed Uub completely, and the rocks at the explosion point melted into magma flowing down the mountain in the high temperature.

The SSP trio finally climbed up a slightly higher mountain, and saw a robot that had never been seen standing far away, and this robot was frantically attacking a mountain 1,000 meters ahead.

The flames from the continuous explosions engulfed half of the mountain. The lush forests on the mountain had already been burned to ashes, and even the rocks on the mountain began to melt. become rounded.

"Kai..." Nasumi Yumeno couldn't help shouting, but her voice was dug in and couldn't be transmitted. Compared with the continuous explosions, the human voice is too weak, and it hasn't been heard yet. Can't hear it ten meters away.

"Uub, did he lose?" Matsudo Mori looked at the sea of ​​flames in the distance with unbearable eyes. In such a berserk attack, even the mountains as high as more than 200 meters melted, and Uub inside What will happen is self-evident.

Seeing Jetta said anxiously: "Now it's not a question of winning or losing, it's a question of whether you can survive this way."

"How could he die? Uub is definitely still alive, and he will definitely stand up and defeat the enemy." Zao saw Jetta shouted loudly, but the billowing flames in the distance made his rebuttal extremely pale and powerless. Even he himself couldn't believe it.

"That's right, hasn't it been like this many times before? Every time we feel that he has lost, Uub will always appear again and defeat the invincible enemy. It must be like this this time." Meng Nonasumi said in an extremely firm tone: "Didn't Kai say it just now? We must strengthen our beliefs and believe in Ultraman unswervingly. Our hearts will definitely be passed on to Uub."

Saying that, Naomi Yumeno folded her palms together, and shouted loudly towards the mountain surrounded by flames in the distance: "Come on, Uub." Even though the voice was completely covered by the explosion, but Yumeno Nasumi still shouted Hesterly, Matsudo Mori and Hayami Jetta also shouted loudly, trying their best to spread their voices to Uub.

Dai Borigu's laser cannon fire lasted for nearly twenty seconds before stopping, and the tips of fifteen power towers all turned blazing red due to overload. And the mountainside in front of him has turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The mountain that was supposed to be in the shape of a cone is now sunken in a large area, and streams of magma are constantly flowing down. The trees on the entire mountain are burning, and the fire has spread to other mountains, killing this area. Completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

In the raging flames, the Thunder Cross defense supported by Uub's arms was so thin that it couldn't be any thinner. After Dai Borigu stopped attacking, he hung down powerlessly, relying on the hot rock to prevent himself from falling down. Down, the chest with the flashing red light heaving violently.

The last part of Sardis was put together on the body, and Guanghua Liu transferred the parts and body together. Sardis moved his neck vigorously, and the slight collision between the metal exoskeleton and the armor made a crisp sound.

"Yo, it's not bad, it's still persisting until now, not bad, not bad, it's fun to play this way." Sadis suddenly raised his hand, and the three laser guns on his left arm suddenly fired at Uub. The laser bombs roared and hit Uub directly, startling Uub who was panting, and rolled forward without hesitation.

One after another, the laser bombs hit the mountain wall that Uub was leaning on, and exploded, making gaps one after another in the hot mountain rock, and countless broken stones went 'crash! ’ flew forward, and hit Uub in the back indiscriminately when he stood up just now.

It's just that Uub didn't feel it at all. He rolled forward and stood up quickly. While standing up, his legs kicked the ground fiercely. With the help of the recoil force, his body jumped up and rushed towards Sardis. Ten black sticks His sharp claws grabbed Sardis's shoulders and with the force of pounced forward, he also threw Sardis to the ground, and the two of them rolled into a ball on the ground like a gourd.

The two huge figures rolled on the ground several times before they separated. Uub stood up quickly with a scale fish. Before he could stand still, the muzzle of Dai Borigu's left arm locked Uub, and instantly A beam of light was fired at Uub's body, blowing Uub out at once.

"Is your strength like this?" Sardis shouted in the ears of Uub who flew upside down, and then the three laser cannons on Sardis' left arm fired three raging laser beams to bombard Oub. Bu's belly directly flew straight flying Uub obliquely, hit the ground and rolled over ten times before stopping.

'Ding dong! Ding dong! The red light on the colored timer on Uub's chest flickered more and more frequently, showing Uub's current state. He was lying on the ground slightly curled up in pain, and even a slight movement would affect his whole body. The scars on his face were in piercing pain, and Uub lay on the ground for a long time without being able to stand up.

"Hey, hello, is this not enough? I haven't played enough yet?" Sadis came over very dissatisfied, knelt down and patted Uub's face: "Stand up, stand up for me , Did you hear me, I left Murunao and took Dai Borigu, I ran so fast just to have a good fight with you, how could it end so quickly?"

Saying that, Sadis stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled Uub up from the ground, shaking Uub's body vigorously, and kept saying: "Hurry up and keep fighting with me, don't look listless, hurry up!" Click and continue to fight with me, hurry up."

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