Chapter 2077 Burning, Flame of the Red Lotus

The Sapenter climbed up in embarrassment, and as he stood up, dirt and gravel fell down his silver-gray stomach like a waterfall of dust. He had just stood up When he came, he found a purple light flashing in front of his eyes, and then he was hit hard in the abdomen, and his body flew backwards involuntarily.

The huge body drew a 100-meter-high arc in the air, and then hit the back of the mountain heavily with a "Boom!" ’ With a muffled sound, the hills covered with vegetation immediately collapsed, and huge gaps were opened in the mountains, and countless rocks rolled down along the way, with an astonishing momentum.

Uub just didn't wait for the Sapenter star to stand up, the beam light on his forehead shone with purple light, and at the same time, the purple pattern on his body also glowed with dazzling brilliance, making Uub rush to the Sapenter star in an instant, With a heavy punch, under the blessing of high-speed movement, the Sapenter star was directly sent flying, even though the Sapenter star had thick armor, he couldn't bear this huge force.

The Sapenter star was holding his abdomen in pain, and there was a very clear fist mark on the armor, which made him extremely frightened. When he raised his head, he saw that Uub had already walked in front of him. The red light of the beam light on his forehead flashed away, and then the red pattern on his body became brighter, which made Uub's power instantly strengthen in this short period of time. a lot.

Before the Sapenter could resist, Uub bent down, grabbed the Sapenter with both hands, lifted the Sapenter from the ground with both arms, and then moved into the air without the slightest hesitation. Throw away.

Immediately, Uub raised his arms and separated them to the left and right, endless purple rays of light converged, condensing into a purple zigzag light wheel on Uub's raised right arm. He raised his head, slightly bent his right arm, and then swung forward vigorously, throwing out the Spiralia Nimbus in his hand.

The purple light wheel flashed across the air, and instantly caught up with the Sapenter who was thrown away by Uub. The hard armor was cut by the rapidly rotating Spiriole light wheel, as if it was paper. Not to mention the Sapenter Stars being cut apart. In just one second, the Sapenter star was cut in half from foot to head, and then fell into a valley.

"Huh!" Uub breathed a sigh of relief, very satisfied with how quickly he dealt with the cosmic man, then turned around and looked at the city behind him, from the Sapenter star who grew bigger to cutting him in half. In less than twenty seconds, many people didn't react and the battle was over, so there was no panic or anything.

Uub raised his head and raised his arms and immediately flew into the air. Only when he reached an altitude of more than 500 meters, suddenly a silver light beam attacked Uub obliquely from below, and Uub was completely defenseless and even He was hit without seeing anything.

The silver light beam passed by Uub's chest, splashing fierce sparks on Uub's body. The sudden attack and severe pain caused Uub to fall from the sky like a kite with a broken string, 'Boom! ’ It hit the ground with a bang, smashing the ground into a huge depression, and the powerful impact splashed dust all over the sky, covering the sky like a sandstorm.

Looking along the trajectory of the attack, a huge cosmic man covered in silver-gray armor stood up in the mountains, lingering in water vapor all over his body, and the green grass and green trees in the valley where the Sapenter star stood were visible to the naked eye Withering at a fast speed, in just three to five seconds, the originally lush valley became withered and yellow, as if the autumn wind was withering.

The Sapenter clenched his fist, and the place that Uub had cut in half with the Spyrio halo all healed and disappeared. It was as smooth as new, and there was no scar at all. The Sapenter's face showed With a look of anger, he yelled at Uub, and then continuously threw balls of light bullets towards Uub with both hands.

'boom! boom! boom! '

The light bomb exploded immediately when it landed on the ground, and pillars of flame rose from the ground. The terrifying shock wave set off billows of dust, covering the sky like a sandstorm. The earth-shattering explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before it finally came to an end. The Sapenter star lowered his hands as if he was tired, looking at the sea of ​​flames more than 500 meters away with a hint of pleasure and complacency in his eyes, straightened up very proudly He said: "Hmph, what Ultraman Orb, that's all..."

The Sapenter star stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, the eyes behind the helmet suddenly widened, the sea of ​​fire lost its source and gradually dimmed, and the dust was blown away by the hot wind, revealing a half-kneeling figure Ultraman Orb.

It's just that the current Uub is no longer in the heavy light form that is mainly purple, supplemented by red and silver. His whole body has turned into a flame-like blazing red, and the Uub ring color timer on his chest is depicted as if burning. It has flame-like golden lines, and a pair of silver horn-like tentacles on the ears of its head.

"Flame of the Red Lotus, burn!" Uub stood up abruptly, raised his arms and made a fighting gesture towards the Sapenter star, completely turning a blind eye to the blazing flames under his feet and around him. Against the backdrop of the flames, the red body looks even more mighty.

" is it possible?" The Sapenter looked at Ubu who was standing unscathed in the flames in astonishment. He launched continuous attacks with all his strength, and the ground where Uub was located was completely destroyed. The high temperature scorched it black, and even turned into red bricks. It can be seen that the temperature is so high, but Uub, who was in the center of the explosion, didn't seem to be hurt at all, so he couldn't believe his eyes.

Half a minute ago, Uub fell heavily on the ground. The recoil brought by the high impact on the ground made Uub feel like his back was about to be broken. When he fell from the sky, he saw standing The Sapenter in the valley made Uub extremely astonished. He saw with his own eyes that his Spiriole halo cut the Sapenter in half, but the one standing in the valley unscathed who is it?

Before he could think clearly, the sky was bombarded with light bombs. The rumbling explosion made Uub feel that his ears were almost deafened. Uub hurriedly raised his arms, and purple light came out from his palms. , quickly gathered into a light shield to block in front of Uub.

At this moment, Xingye's voice sounded in Uub's mind: "Kay, look at this..." With Xingye's voice, another perspective appeared in front of Hong Kai's eyes, the Sapenter who fell down before In the valley, all the plants withered and became extremely dry, and a single spark could form a prairie fire, turning the valley into a sea of ​​flames.

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