Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2061 Cooperation and Disagreement

Continuous cloud mountains piled up in the blue sky, stretching all the way to the sky. It was impossible to count how many clouds there were. Suddenly, black shadows swooped down from the sky and hit the cloud mountains one by one. The shock wave tore these huge cloud mountains into pieces, slightly revealing the figures of these shadows. The strange appearance is completely different from that of human beings. It is the group of Murunao who came to the earth from the universe My subordinates, in order to confirm whether this planet can produce energy crystals of appropriate purity as Juggula said, they also need to investigate whether this place is really being watched by people from the Kingdom of Light.

They will definitely collect enough information before making a decision. No one will trust others just by saying a few words, and run over like a fool. For such a fool, these cosmic people just want to say a dozen.

Twenty or thirty cosmic beings landed on several nearby mountains one after another, and they kept a distance from each other to prevent them from being attacked suddenly. After all, black people eat black people, as long as they have conditions, they will never soften their hearts. , It is necessary to be ruthless and merciless in the universe, and those who do not have this quality have already overturned.

A group of cosmic beings looked at each other, then looked away, and began to look around at the green hills and the bustling city in the distance, but they were thinking about how to let other people die, and then monopolize this crystal that can produce energy. planet.

Jugula folded his arms in front of him and looked at this group of cosmic beings who had their own plans in their hearts. A trace of sneer and contempt appeared on his face, but he was not interested in caring about these guys, he just watched this group of people who were not only at odds with each other. And in his heart, he wished the other party would die. These cosmic beings have divided into many small groups, but they don't know how much trust they have with each other.

The crimson pupil of the killer of the universe, Huppnas, looked at the distant city casually, and said casually: "What's the use of looking here, I want to know if this planet can extract qualified energy crystals? Is there an Ultraman here? Try it and you’ll know.”

"Hmm! Hmm!" The Imperial star nodded in agreement, and said with a full smile: "I didn't expect Shuppnus to be so wise, so I will thank you."

"Hmph, okay, then you guys leave quickly and don't meddle in the affairs of this planet, so as not to hinder me..." Before the words of killing the cosmic man Huppus were finished, the Metronian laughed and said: " Alas, I can’t say that, Lord Murunao wants us to work together to complete her task, if you do this, Lord Murunao will be unhappy, so let’s do it together.”

"Speaking is better than singing," the Sapenter snorted, and said with a cold snort, "Who doesn't know what you're thinking about."

"If it's useful to quarrel, you can quarrel to your heart's content," Channv, the star traveler, said impatiently, "The most important thing is to quickly take down this planet and produce energy crystals. Nothing is confirmed yet. There’s nothing to argue about if you don’t get it.”

The Hippolyte star also said: "Yes, let's figure out the planet first before talking about other things. As for the distribution of energy crystals, it should be calculated according to the amount of effort. Take less. If you agree, then everyone will start to act, if you don’t agree, you can continue to quarrel.”

All the cosmic beings looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They agreed to the distribution plan for the time being. As for what will happen to the energy crystal after it comes out, only God knows.

"What a bunch of idiots." Looking at these cosmic beings, Jugula sneered even more in his heart, disdainful of Muluna'ao's management level, no matter how many such subordinates were there, they would still be there to deliver food. You are working hard here, instead of helping, your teammates are thinking of how to kill you. I am afraid that you will only use two points of your energy to fight the enemy, and the remaining eight points of your energy to defend your teammates.

A group of cosmic beings argued for N for a long time before finalizing the final implementation plan. The five small groups gathered together each produced a Galatron to test whether there are Ultraman stationed on this planet, and how many Ultraman there are. Man? Use this to judge whether the Kingdom of Light is really paying attention to this place.

The alloy plates laid on the walls and the floor of the power cabin of the Helios have been disassembled, revealing the densely packed various transparent crystal-like lines embedded in circuit boards, criss-crossing like a network. The whole Helios.

Beams of light of different colors poured out from the power cabin and spread along these lines to various places on the Helios. Xingye placed the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together on his temple, staring at the countless lines. Swipe in the center, record the damaged lines due to long-term operation, and then activate the repair system to repair them.

Now Xiaozuo's host has undergone a shutdown self-test. It is a photon quantum host with a volume of four to five hundred cubic meters, containing 580 trillion photon computing chips, using picometers (one millimeter is equal to one billion picometers) )-level manufacturing process, so the inspection is quite troublesome and time-consuming. Now that I finally have a free period, Xingye asked Xiaozao to restart and self-inspect.

As for the ship, it is now relying on the backup automatic control program to maintain basic functions, so Xingye needs to activate the repair system by himself to repair these damaged lines. Xingye's left hand that was beating stopped suddenly, and then he raised his head and looked up at the sky. He felt extremely subtle fluctuations in time and space. Generally speaking, time and space are as smooth as calm water, but if someone shuttles The ripples that appear like a stone thrown into the water spread out towards the surroundings, which is also the principle of capturing space jumps or time travel.

"There are a lot of them," Xingye said to himself as he felt the chaotic space-time waves, "and this fluctuation...is only generated by Galatron traveling through space. It seems that there are a large number of Galatrons." Tron is here."

Xingye stopped the inspection, reinstalled the cover of the power compartment, then walked towards the main control room, swung his right hand to open the augmented reality virtual projection screen, and then quickly tapped on it with both hands, turning the Helios The detector onboard is turned on.

Before Xingye finished this action, he felt that many time-space waves were transmitted here again, and they were waves far away from the vicinity of the earth. This change made Xingye stunned. Why did he just leave when he came here? Could it be that he was passing by? ? Otherwise, why did they all run away?

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