Ultraman Senki

Chapter 206 Failed attack (full sincerity, please subscribe)

The diameter of the sphere of this space channel is as large as 100,000 meters. The densely packed bright cracks are very conspicuous in the dark cosmic void, and this sphere channel is still slowly expanding.

Raise your right arm to the energy core on your chest, the energy core blooms with dazzling light, and condenses an arrow of light on the Nexus bow and arrow armament on your right arm, inputting almost all the energy in your body into the Nexus bow and arrow While armed, the light particles quickly condensed into a lightsaber.

He raised his right arm and aimed at the space channel to launch the ultimate bow and arrow beam consisting of the bow of light and the sword of light. The golden bow of light and sword of light turned into a meteor and hit the space channel directly.


The ultimate bow and arrow beam bombarded the sphere and exploded, but after the flames in the sky were extinguished, the space channel remained unscathed.

"How is it possible?" Nexus couldn't help being shocked. You must know that although there is not much energy, the space channel is a very sophisticated system. But there was no sign of a breakdown.

"Whoosh" a light wave suddenly came out from the space channel and attacked Nexus, Nexus hurriedly avoided the danger and narrowly dodged the light wave.

The red light on his chest became more and more urgent. Nexus glanced at the space channel unwillingly, and his body quickly blurred and shrank into a golden ball of light and flew towards the earth.

Stone Wings shuttled rapidly through the void of the universe, and flew towards the earth. Although the speed was very slow compared to when Nexus came, it was still very fast. It would take only two hours to reach the earth.

"The energy consumption is too great." Xingye lay weakly in the sea of ​​light, the surrounding sea of ​​light was much dimmer than before, the difference between Haoyue and Yingxing was huge.

"Why, why didn't that space channel collapse?" Xingye closed his eyes and kept thinking about the doubts in his heart, which had completely exceeded his expectations. Whether it is from the quantum leap in quantum mechanics or the wormhole theory in classical physics, these hyperspace channels that can cross space are unstable. Even if you use various means to stabilize him, once you receive a greater stimulus It becomes very unstable and then collapses.

"Forget it, let's go back and make plans!" Xingye fell into a deep sleep, he was already too tired.

Stone Wings shuttled quickly in the solar system, crossing the orbits of planets one after another, and soon approached the earth.

Jerumina 3 is hosting a simple welcome banquet for a returning member.

"Welcome Renee once again to Daughter of Time."

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Dozens of members enthusiastically clapped their hands to welcome the return of the friends who had passed away.

"Thank you!" Renee bowed to everyone with a smile on her face.

"What is this?" A young man inadvertently glanced at it. At this time, Jelumina 3 flew to the area in a straight line with Sun City, and Stone Wing entered the atmosphere from the middle.

"What's wrong?" Everyone heard the words and looked in the direction he pointed. A silver UFO quickly rushed into the atmosphere and disappeared. No.

"Report to SRC immediately!"

"What? A UFO has entered the atmosphere!" Just as everyone in the Youth Elite Team was still thinking about strategies to deal with the entity in Chaos' head, they received a message from Jelumina 3.

"Now transmit the image taken by Jelumina 3 to the big screen." Ayano Morimoto said and played the image on the big screen.

A silver stone wing quickly entered the atmosphere, and it took less than a second to cover a distance of several hundred meters. The images taken at such a high speed were somewhat blurred, but its outline was extremely familiar.

"This is that thing." Doi Heng exclaimed, and then quickly tapped the keyboard a few times to show the three images on the big screen at the same time. Although the background and clarity are different, the outlines in the images are completely different. The same: "This is it! What Nexus is hiding."

"How is it possible? Nexus is so huge, how could it be hidden in such a small thing." Ling Nai retorted looking at the things on the screen.

"What are you arguing about?" At this moment, the door of the command room opened and Xingye walked in.

"Are you okay?" Captain Ripu asked with concern looking at Xingye's pale face.

"Nothing!" Xingye smiled and sat down: "What are you talking about?" Turning around, he saw Stone Wings on the big screen.

Xingye turned her head nonchalantly: "I went to point P87 to check."

"Did you find anything?" Captain Ripu asked hurriedly when he heard the words.

"Well," Xingye nodded, took out a memory card, inserted it into the card reader, and tapped the keyboard a few times: "There is indeed a space channel established by Chaos' head, connecting to a certain corner of the universe."

"But isn't Nexus fighting Chaos' head there? Can you still get close?" Mizuki asked in bewilderment.

"If they hadn't fought, I wouldn't be able to get close to the passage guarded by Chaos' head!" After Xingye finished speaking, he imported the pictures of the space passage and some data of gravitational field, gravitational field and magnetic field into the central computer. middle.

"By the way, why didn't you see Musashi?" Xingye asked casually.

"Musashi was injured in today's battle, and he hasn't woken up yet." The cute girl Morimoto Ayano suddenly felt a little sad.

Xingye stopped typing on the keyboard, raised her head and asked, "What happened?"

Doi Heng sighed and told Xingye what happened today, especially when Ultraman Gauss lost, he felt that the atmosphere in the command room was even more depressing.

After listening to Xingye, he didn't know what to say. Musashi's weakness was very obvious, that is, he was too obsessed with saving monsters. Based on this point, Chaos set up a trap on his head and easily killed Gauss.

"Now Ultraman Gauss has lost, and Ultraman Nexus has also fought with Chaos's head at P87. Therefore, in order to prevent Chaos's head from appearing again, the Defense Force hopes to cooperate with us. "Captain Hiura announced the decision.

"Is it a coordinated attack?" Ayano raised her head and asked.

"That's right!" Captain Hiura nodded.

"There is no reason to refuse, because it is a battle against the head entity of Chaos, and now we can only choose to attack!" Mizuki Shinobi explained on the side.

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