Chapter 2049 The Power of Light and Darkness

"If you want to compete with me in light, you are still 20,000 short!" As Sai Luo shouted angrily, the energy delivered suddenly increased, making Sai Luo's wide-area rays nearly twice stronger in an instant, splitting Gala who lacked energy Tron Flash headed towards the deep sea. The fierce energy collision stirred up the surrounding sea water, and the originally calm sea immediately set off huge waves, like a tsunami, layer after layer of huge waves rushed towards the surroundings.

In just five or six seconds, the Zero wide-area ray hit Galatron's body, and the turbulent energy impacted Galatron's body recklessly, tearing Galatron's body apart... .

'boom! There was an earth-shattering explosion, and a water column with a height of four to five hundred meters and a diameter of 100 meters was set off on the sea surface. The water column mixed with a large amount of sediment and metal fragments of various sizes suddenly swept Sai Luo in the sky. It was submerged in the water column, and after reaching the highest point, it fell towards the sea level under the attraction of the earth's gravity, revealing the figure of Sai Luo suspended in mid-air, covered with crystal water droplets everywhere, in the Glittering under the sunlight, Sai Luo seemed to have a new look.

'Shua! The ice axes on both sides of the colored timer flew up, flew around Sai Luo for a few laps, and landed precisely on top of Sai Luo's head. Sai Luo raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth habitually, then turned his head and looked behind him Uub on the beach and Galatron with the broken arm.

Ubu, who had turned into a thunder armband, opened his arms left and right, and his sharp black fingers swayed slightly as Uub moved forward, piercing the air and saying, "Huh! call! ’ The screaming sound, people can feel its sharpness by smelling it.

The broken arm Galatron on the opposite side raised his right arm, driving the huge Galatron Blade on his wrist to also lift up, and slashed towards Uub with infinite momentum, the sharp blade The air was cut, and out of nowhere a breeze blew across Galatron.

Facing the giant sword that was slashing head-on, Uub did not dodge or dodge, tilted his head slightly, stared at Galatron with his slender red eyes, quickly raised his right hand, and grasped it with five black fingers. Hold the downswing of the blade. The collision between the sharp Galadron Blade and the sharp claws splashed sparks, and then the Galadron Blade, which was slashing down at an extremely fast speed, stopped immediately, only falling two or three meters before stagnating in the air.

Uub's five fingers on his right hand firmly grasped the blade of Galadron's blade, and the tip of his sharp black finger scratched the blade of Galadron's blade with a 'stab! ’ The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other, sparks splashing from time to time between the fingertips and the silver-white blade, are extremely conspicuous even in daytime.

"Ugh!" Uub roared, the roar was extremely low, sounding like an angry lion, his arm was slightly bent under the weight of Galadron's blade, and his right arm was also bruised due to excessive force. Trembling slightly, but successfully resisting Galadron's blade, no matter how hard Galadron tried, he couldn't hit Uub.

"Are you at this level?" Uub shouted, the muscles in his arm tensed immediately, and his right arm suddenly exerted force. The sudden burst of force caused Uub's right arm to be lifted immediately, and Galadron The blade was also pushed up, causing Galadron's right arm to be raised high, leaving Galadron's chest wide open and losing all defenses.

Seeing this, Uub's high-raised right arm immediately slashed down, with a strong purple light lingering on the palm of his hand, slashing fiercely on Galadron's wide-open chest with a violent momentum. There was only a loud "bang!", and violent sparks splashed from the collision between Uub's hand knife and Galadron's armor. The violent force made Galadron back unstoppably. There was a deep gap in the body, and the internal parts could be vaguely seen, which showed the strength of this blow.

When Galadron retreated, the tail in his mind also lifted up. The originally loose sections of the tail were quickly combined to become the axis of Galadron, and the tip of the square prism opened like a petal. Come on, without even having time to store energy, he directly fired a beam of light not much thicker than the Galadron flashes fired by binoculars at Uub.

In the midst of this flash, Uub moved his left foot to the right, and at the same time twisted his waist, causing his body to rotate, allowing Galadron to pass by his body in a dangerous and flashing manner, and at the same time On the black five fingers of Uub's right hand, intense crimson and light golden thunder lingered, and with the swing of his body, he slammed on Galadron's body fiercely.

All I could hear was '嗤啦! With a loud noise, violent sparks splashed from Galadron's chest from left to right. The force of the impact caused Galadron to retreat again, and the axis of Galadron, which was originally aimed at Uub, could not help but deflect. Moved the original attack trajectory.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uub immediately jumped up, his body somersaulted in mid-air, jumped over Galadron's head, turned his back to Galadron and landed firmly behind Galadron.

Before Uub could stand still, the assembled Galadron's Axis was already in a series of 'crash! ’ scattered with the sound of the collision, and turned into a whip again with a biting momentum and slammed it towards Uub, who was also facing away from him.

"Don't try to repeat the old trick." Uub shouted loudly, twisting his waist forcefully, driving his body to turn suddenly, while swinging his right arm, he raised his right hand high, and a strong dark red light glowed in his palm, Converging into a dark red sawtooth light wheel, Uub held it in his hand.

At this time, Galadron's long tail just swung over, and collided with the Jaytosium light wheel in Uub's hand, only to hear '嗤啦! There was an unpleasant friction sound, and the shaft of Galadron snapped in response, and was effortlessly cut in half by Getossum's light wheel. The broken half flipped half a circle in the air, and then smashed heavily Falling to Uub's feet.

Uub had already stabilized his body, and took a big step forward. At the same time, he swung his right hand forward, and the Jatosium light wheel in his hand slammed the sharp sawtooth spinning on Galadron's back. Incomparably, the sparks from cutting the armor behind Galadron flew everywhere, cutting a deep gap.

Galadron immediately walked forward to stay away from Uub's attack range, but he only took a step before Uub caught up with him, and the Jetosium light wheel in his hand swung again and hit Galatron. , in a series of 'chi la la! ’, a deep gash was cut on Galatron’s body again.

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