Chapter 2021 Triple Star

Galatron immediately raised his arm, and the broad blade attached to the inside of the arm immediately turned 180 degrees. With the wave of Galatron's right arm, Galatron's blade faced Sailuo Bing The ax struck.

'Ping! Ping! With two crisp sounds, the sharp blade of the ice ax gleaming with emerald light slashed fiercely on Galadron's blade. The terrifying impact caused Galadron's blade to move back three to four meters and hit directly on the After touching Galatron's body, two deep gaps appeared on the broad sword body.

The ice ax whirled back and was caught by Sai Luo in his hands. Then Sai Luo closed his hands towards the middle, the two ice axes glowed with dazzling silver light, and then quickly fused together, turning into a crescent-shaped plasma spark knife.

Sai Luo held the handle of the plasma spark knife tightly with his right hand, flipped his right wrist so that the plasma spark knife was aimed vertically at Galatron in front, and then slashed down fiercely from top to bottom. Galatron's left wrist lights up, and a large amount of energy quickly gathers into radiant lines, and then with Galatron's left wrist as the center, they interweave into a rotating hexagram magic circle.

At the moment when the magic circle unfolded, Galatron's left wrist suddenly ejected, quickly gathered into a floating cannon, and flew towards Sai Luo. The center muzzle fired laser beams one after another, cutting through the void and hitting Sai Luo directly. come.

However, before these laser beams approached, they were chopped into pieces by the plasma sparks in Sai Luo's hand, and then Sai Luo slashed on the floating cannon flying towards him, cutting the floating cannon like melons and vegetables. It was cut in half, and then exploded with a bang.

When the floating cannon blocked Sai Luo, Galatron's body full of mechanical sense retreated back, the light behind him was shining, and quickly unfolded a magic circle with a size of 100 meters, Galatron retreated and rushed into this place In the magic circle.

Sai Luo just unfolded the floating cannon, and saw the scene of Galatron retreating from the magic circle. Without the slightest hesitation, Sai Luo immediately swung his right arm, and the plasma spark knife in his hand immediately came out, whirling and slashing towards Galatron.

As soon as the plasma spark knife was out of his hand, Galatron disappeared into the magic circle, and then the magic circle also dissipated, causing the plasma spark knife to cut through the air, spinning and flying towards the distance, Sai Luo waved the plasma spark Immediately, the knife shone with dazzling brilliance, and then it split into two and returned to the appearance of an ice axe, flying towards Sai Luo, and landed precisely on the top of Sai Luo's head.

"Want to run away? I don't agree." Sai Luo waved his hand, and the Palaji bracelet on his left wrist immediately shone with light, and then turned into several beams of light covering Sai Luo's body, condensing a silver-white ultimate armor.

Sai Luo stroked the ultimate sword on his right arm with his left hand, and then swung the ultimate sword vigorously, tearing a gap in the void, rushing in directly, chasing after Galatron.

In the same dark background of the cosmic void, an ice-blue spaceship suddenly appeared, with countless dots of light shining all over it, which is similar to the star-studded cosmic void.

In the main control room, densely packed curves and various data symbols and numbers are displayed on the screens around Xiaoqian, and a cold voice echoes in the main control room: "The time and space curves match to reach the predetermined time and space."

"Is this the hiding place of the ancient survivors who communicated with that space-time city?" Mayumi looked at the screen in front of her, and the cameras all around the hull presented all the scenes of the surrounding void in front of her, completely unfamiliar galaxies and constellations, with few familiar stars to be found.

"It should be in this universe," Xingye said in a very peaceful tone: "However, it is not ruled out that the other party and Aitarga will leave after talking, but as long as they stay here, they will definitely leave traces. At that time, it will be easy to find each other by following the clues."

"Yeah!" Mayumi nodded noncommittally, and dragged her right hand casually on the screen in front of her, zooming in on the image taken by the photon telescope from time to time, looking at the nearby celestial bodies with great interest.

The three stars are revolving around each other quickly, forming a multiple star system composed of three stars that is not very stable and may collapse at any time. Planets revolve around this triple star system. Captured by the gravity of another star will be captured by another star...

Mayumi's eyes lit up suddenly, and the zoomed-in screen showed that an asteroid very close to the triple star system was captured by two of the stars, and the strong gravitational force from two directions tore the asteroid apart at once. Shattered, large and small fragments flew towards the two stars under the strong gravitational force of the two stars, hitting the surface of the stars at an extremely fast speed, splashing billowing flames, and bursting out a strong solar wind.

"It's amazing!" Mayumi said with a sigh. Although space travel has been going on for a long time, she has never seen such a spectacular astronomical spectacle. Mayumi couldn't help but feel that the trip was worthwhile.

"What are you looking at?" Xingye came over, sat next to Mayumi, and leaned over to watch the scene of two stars erupting on the screen. A huge amount of matter was thrown into space with the big bang, and was then captured by the third star. The star was captured, crashed into the third star, and a strong energy storm erupted again.

"It's rare for a triple star system to erupt the solar wind at the same time." Xingye was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to see a naturally formed triple star system here and just three stars erupted the solar wind. This lucky value is really out of the table up.

"That's right, I found it." Mayumi also had an excited smile on her face, and said to Xiaozao without raising her head: "Xiaozao, slow down and save this picture at a fixed angle. Rare."


Xingye carefully observed the scene of the explosion of the three stars on the screen. This is not the energy explosion of the stars themselves, but the dissipated solar wind erupted by the impact of foreign objects. It is really too coincidental that the alien impactor is scattered and impacted on the three stars through the gravitational force of the triple star, instead of being captured by one or two stars.

At this moment, another solar wind erupted, throwing a huge amount of matter into the space. Xingye frowned watching the raging stellar storm. The original erupting solar wind should be energy and rays, but the stars on the screen The storm is mixed with material components.

"Xiao Zuo, analyze the material components contained in the erupting energy storm." Xing Ye raised his head and directed to Xiao Zuo.


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