Chapter 2008 Big Energy Collision

Saigegu took a few steps back and stabilized his figure. The oval crimson luminous body in front of his chest flashed with light, and suddenly released several flame bombs, hitting Dijia who was half kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Dijia immediately rolled towards the left side and quickly moved away from the original position. He quickly got up and swung his right arm forward vigorously, firing a sword-shaped bluish-white light bullet, which hit Saige Gu's left shoulder exploded, splashing violent sparks.

Almost at the same time, several flame bombs fired by Saigegu also hit the desert-like ground at the same time. With the sound of thunderous explosions, pillars of flame flew into the air, and the scorching flames made Di Jia All felt hot. Large pieces of rock on the ground melted away, turning into puddles of magma that flowed wantonly on the ground.

However, the strong muscle mass on Saigegu's left shoulder, which was hit by the light arrow in the palm of Tiga's hand, was still unscathed, not even a single white mark could be found, completely ignoring Tiga's attack .

"Very strong defensive power, it looks like a powerful monster." Dijia nodded silently, then raised his hands and crossed them at the crystal on his forehead, while standing upright, his arms had already staggered from side to side. .

'Shua! '

The fiery red light shone from Tiga's crystal, and then spread to Tiga's whole body, making Tiga immediately transform into a red powerful form.

"Ha!" Dijia clenched his fists and raised his arms, posing a fighting gesture towards Saigegu, and then took a step forward, striding towards Saigegu, every step of his heavy body Stepping on the ground made the ground tremble.

Saigegu's many compound eyes stared at Di Jia who was rushing towards him, and swung his mace-like right arm, smashing towards Di Jia from left to right with a biting momentum and a sharp howling sound. Terman.

Di Jia suddenly stopped his forward body, and the inertia of running made his feet slide forward on the ground, rubbing against the rocks on the ground and making a "chuck!" Chi! The sound of ', the sudden decrease in speed made Saigegu's predicted attack come to nothing, and the huge mace passed by only five or six meters away from Dijia's chest, and the huge right arm brought The inertia of the forward rush caused Saigegu's body to move a meter or two in the direction of the swing.

Dijia immediately raised his leg, and hit Seggu's abdomen fiercely with a whip leg. The sudden burst of force and the collision of Seggu's abdomen splashed sparks. Saigegu was also beaten and shifted a few meters to the side. His huge feet were like a bulldozer pushing the uneven ground into flat ground.

Saigegu roared angrily, rolled his tail like a compound saw, and slammed towards Dijia fiercely like a whip. Dijia didn't dare to take it hard and hurriedly took two steps back to avoid the blow.

The tail full of sharp thorns fell to the ground fiercely, only to hear 'Boom! ’ With a loud noise, the rocky ground was suddenly cut by sharp sawtooth into a deep ravine, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror.

Saige's ancient tail twitched and twitched outwards, 'Shua! ’ With a soft sound, the tail was pulled out from the gully on the ground without hindrance, and pieces of gravel were splashed into the sky.

When Tiga retreated to avoid Saigegu's tail, Saigegu had already stabilized his body, raised his huge mace-like right arm, and smashed towards Dijia in front of him from top to bottom.

Dijia took a quick step towards the right with his right leg, and at the same time, his body's center of gravity shifted to the right. The right dodge action is completed. The oval luminous body on Saigegu's chest suddenly fired a flame bomb, which instantly bombarded Di Jia's chest, and then exploded.

'Chila! 'With a loud noise, raging flames spread across Di Jia's chest, and the powerful impact knocked Di Jia into the air at once, and fell heavily on the ground more than 300 meters away. The pain and burning in his chest The burning sensation made Di Jia curl up unnaturally.

"Ang!" Saigegu roared loudly with his sharp mouth open, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth like a hacksaw, shining in the sunlight. Immediately, the oval luminous body on the chest radiated crimson rays of light towards the surroundings, and quickly expanded to all parts of Saigegu's chest. In the crimson light, the firm and bulging chest opened like a blooming petal, revealing The skin under the epidermis is full of spikes.

Endless crimson light gathered around this oval-shaped luminous body, reflecting that Saiggu's wide-open chest was dyed a flame-like crimson. Di Jia stood up holding his chest and saw this scene without any With hesitation, he immediately raised his hands and crossed them in front of him, and then separated them left and right on both sides of his body. Dazzling light appeared on his palms, and as Dijia raised his arms from bottom to top, they accumulated on his chest. It is a photosphere composed of high-density particles with ultra-high thermal light energy.

The ultra-high-level energy gathered in Saigegu's chest turned into a crimson beam of light, whistling and hitting Tiga in front of him, and Tiga, who folded his hands in front of him, also swung his right arm forward at the same time, and the gathered super At the same time, the high-heat light-energy particles also turned into Dilashum's light flow and directly hit Seggu and went away.

The crimson beam of light and the light golden flow of Dilasium's light were emitted almost at the same time, and then collided in the middle, only to hear 'Boom! With a bang, two pillars of light of different colors collided and splashed intense light. Under the impact of this energy aftermath, the solid rocky ground cracked one after another, and the terrifying shock wave that collided broke out like a ten-level hurricane. All around, even Ultraman Tiga couldn't resist the too strong shock wave, and his feet slid back a little bit.

On the other hand, Saigegu was not afraid, despite the impact of the hurricane caused by the energy explosion, the spikes on his back gradually faded from the crimson red with the continuous output of energy, turning into a color like ashes.

Saige's complex eyes turned a few times slightly, and two long tentacles popped out of his wide open petal-like chest, and they rushed towards Dijia who was emitting Dirashum's light flow from left to right.

"Danger!" The auditorium light, who had been watching Tiga's situation from a distance, couldn't help shouting, but his voice just blurted out, and the two long tentacles launched by Saigegu had already flew in front of Tiga. A tentacle wrapped around Tiga's neck, and a tentacle wrapped around Tiga's right arm, interrupting Tiga's Dilasium light flow.

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