Chapter 1994 Boosting Aix's Power

Dr. Geer picked up a meat clip on the side and stuffed it into his mouth while muttering: "What Ultraman Nexus said last time is absolutely right, just relying on the armor of electronic monsters is not enough. You need to exercise yourself, just relying on external forces is not real strength."

"It's useless to talk about it now," Dadi couldn't help muttering, then changed the subject and asked, "Doctor, do you have any ideas about improving X's power?"

"Of course," Dr. Geer swallowed the food in his mouth, and then quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands, calling out all the three Ultraman cards and X's information: "Every Ultraman card Man's lights are all different, and the fusion of different lights will bring powerful power, so I plan to fuse the power of Zero, Max, and Nexus into new light particles based on this point, and then import X's body and X's light are fused together to gain powerful power."

Dadi's eyes straightened when he heard it, and he really wanted to say that there is still such an operation, so he asked cautiously: "Is this really possible?"

"You have to try it. Come on, Da Da, we only have one night." Dr. Geer sat down and began to type on the keyboard, Da Da nodded and immediately sat in front of another computer and began to assist Dr. Geer got busy.

The entire XIO base is brightly lit at night. Except for the team members who will leave the station tomorrow, other ground crews, technicians, and other assistants are all up all night, helping to modify the fighter jets, checking the status of the fighter jets, and preparing for tomorrow's attack. Everyone knows that tomorrow's battle is very important. It can be said that it is a matter of life and death.

Everyone wished that time would stand still, but the heavy darkness of night faded away bit by bit, and the sun gradually rose from the horizon, shining light on the earth to dispel the thick haze.

And in Captain Shenmu's room, he sat on a chair, and in front of him were virtual projected figures, just like a whole series of movies, including leaders from various governments, the United Nations, and other bases of XIO... all kinds of people Filled all the seats in this virtual meeting room.

"Captain Shenmu, how sure are you of your plan?" An officer with two general stars on his shoulders asked.

"I'm not sure, but I have to try it." Captain Shenmu replied neither humble nor overbearing: "One thing I can be sure of, that is, my subordinates will do their best to complete this mission."

"I trust Captain Shenmu and your subordinates, but we have to be prepared," a gray-haired government official stroked his eyes and said, "The other party's request is fifty spark dolls, which is not difficult. , It is easy for all countries to get together and take it out. The opponent did not cause damage to the city. After defeating Ultraman, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. The opponent should come for this. After all, the price of spark dolls in the universe Very high, if you satisfy the other party..."

"Do you want to repeat the appeasement policy again? If I say that we should do our best to destroy the other party, no matter how powerful she is, she is just a monster. I don't believe that throwing down a few nuclear weapons can't destroy that monster." An officer said forcefully.

"This can only be used as a last resort. We still need to find a way to get in touch with the other party. You can talk about anything. They are just some spark puppets. They are not of much use anyway. Just give them."

"What if the other party gets it, but refuses to leave, and makes even more excessive demands, I think it will be resolved by force in the end..."

Captain Shenmu sat there expressionless, looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, he felt extremely tired in his heart, the enemy had already attacked the door, and the group of people were still discussing whether to meet the other party's request or negotiate.

The sun was hanging in the sky, shining on the XIO base. The gate of the XIO base, which had been silent all night, slowly opened, and then two cars and one truck drove out along the wide road, and at the same time, two fighter jets rose one after another from the top of the base. Glide for a certain distance on the runway at the top of the base and then fly.

Yabosi and Bortes flew from the gate immediately, and overlapped with the two fighter jets at different heights. The two fighter jets and two cars quickly completed dressing and transformation, and the Azur Mascadi took the lead towards the destination Fly away, while the Earth Mascadie, which has an anti-gravity system, is suspended on the ground and flies towards the destination together with Aramis.

Aix sat on the co-pilot of Aramis, looked down at the X-terminal whose frame had been restored to silver, couldn't help but clenched his right hand, vowed to save Aix absolutely, and prayed for the doctor to complete it quickly Dr. Geer kicked him out of the laboratory in the middle of the night, and told him to go back to rest and deal with tomorrow's battle. He immediately attacked early in the morning. I still don't know the progress of the doctor's work. Woolen cloth.

All the residents within 15 kilometers around the mountain where the Cross of Aix was tied were evacuated, and the surrounding roads were cordoned off to prevent them from entering. However, even though they knew it was dangerous, there were still people Quite a few reporters who were not afraid of death sneaked across the mountains from the path in the dark and approached this 'forbidden area! '

All kinds of long guns and short cannons were set up, and Aix, who aimed at the top of the mountain, directly started the live report. The news of Aix’s defeat was originally spread on the Internet and suddenly exploded. Although there were photos spread, they were taken at night. , the light was severely insufficient, and it was approved as PS, but now the TV news is reporting and it is still live broadcasting. Under the sunshine, Aix, who is tied to the cross on the top of the mountain, is transmitted to thousands of households by high-definition cameras.

Many people dropped their briefcases and squatted next to the TV to watch this desperate scene. You mean going to work? The world is going to be destroyed, so what work is there?

'call out! A sharp engine roar sounded from the sky, causing the cameras on the scene to turn to space. The host also said excitedly: "Have you seen it? It's XIO's fighter jet. XIO has finally started to move, ah, And XIO's...well, tanks? Guys, let's wait and see what XIO's battle plan is."

Kazama Du on the Blue Sky Muscadi hovering in the sky shouted loudly into the communicator: "The Blue Sky Muscadi has arrived at the scheduled location!"

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