Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1981 Armor of the Hikari Warrior

Ultraman Hikari and Ultraman Victory strode on the ground, letting the light bullets fall and explode around them, the blue body shuttled through the cloud of flame mushrooms, even though Even the scorching heat could not hinder their progress.

Seeing that this could not cause any damage to the two Ultramans, the Wraith Super King Grunt's slender eyes flashed, and then he raised the giant cannon on his right arm, pointing at the one who was avoiding the two light bullets falling from the sky. Hikari, the energy rays of the muzzle lingered and then fired a huge energy beam, hitting Hikari directly.

Hikari had just dodged the light bullets falling from the sky when he saw a turbulent energy beam attacking him. There was no time to dodge. Hikari subconsciously waved the knight beam blade in his hand, and struck the energy beam with his sword. superior.

'laugh! laugh! laugh! '

The collision point of the sword blade and the energy beam splashed fierce sparks, the brightness was so high that it even overwhelmed the light emitted by the energy beam and the knight beam blade, the huge impact made Hikari unable to stop sliding backwards , two deep ravines formed on the ground with both feet.

Victory at the side turned his head and saw that Hikari was being pushed back by a shining beam of light. Without the slightest hesitation, Victory kicked the ground with both feet, and his body jumped into the air immediately. rise.

The Wraith Super King Grant then raised his head to look at Victory who jumped up. The two rows of luminous bodies on his chest shone brightly, and then scattered twelve rays of light at the same time, rushing towards him in unison. Victory, who was still in the air, covered all the spaces he could avoid in the attack range.

Viktley leaped high and looked down at the Wraith Super King Grunt, raised his right arm, then raised his left hand, grabbed the knight Tian Lai who was in sword mode, and quickly moved the pump.

'bing! '

A sound like the sound of a clear spring came from the Knight Tianlai Sword, accompanied by 'one! ’, the Knight’s Sword of Heaven immediately glowed with a strong blue light, Victory held the Sword of Heaven and shouted loudly: “Knight Victorium Slash!”

Immediately, Viktori turned into a blue light beam and went straight to the Wraith Super King Grunt. From a distance, a blue streamer and twelve scarlet streamers collided instantly, which was shocking. What's more, the blue streamer actually cut the twelve scarlet streamers apart.

The Knight Tianlai Sword in Viktley's hand slashed from top to bottom on the right arm of Wraith Super King Grunt with great momentum, and only heard 'click! ’ With a sound, the Knight’s Tianlai Sword fell, and the rest of the force caused the Knight’s Tianlai Sword to slash on the ground, and half of the sword body sank into the soil.

'Boom! '

Half of the heavy gun barrel fell down and hit the knight Tianlai sword only five or six meters away, splashing dust. When the dust rose, Victory stood up and lifted the knight Tianlai sword from the dirt. Pulled out.

Without the slightest hesitation, Victory immediately jumped back and quickly jumped away from the Wraith Super King Grunt. Just as he left the spot, a huge dark golden sword fell from the sky and slashed fiercely at him. The position where Victory had just stood cut out a deep ditch in the soft ground.

Viktley had just landed four or five hundred meters away from the Wraith Super King Grunt, when Hikari had already run over to fight side by side with him. The two looked at each other and nodded, then turned their heads to look at the Wraith Super King Grunt at the same time.

The broken part of the gun barrel of the right arm, which was severed by the knight Viktorium, glowed with blue light, and the power of the knight's breath contained in it hindered the Wraith Super King Grunt from repairing the broken hole. Cannons cannot be used.


Wraith Super King Grant opened his huge mouth, making the only sound of the battle so far, and then the luminous body on his chest fired light bullets and rays of light one after another, attacking Hikari and Wei indiscriminately. Ketley walked towards the two Ultraman with heavy steps at the same time.

Hikari and Victory immediately waved their sharp swords, splitting all the incoming light bullets and light rays, without missing a single one. Hikari waved the knight's beam blade to block the incoming attack, and watched Victory's movements leisurely: "Not bad, it seems that Mebius' teaching is still very fruitful, your swordsmanship has a dream Beus is pretty good, but it still needs to be strengthened."

"Yeah!" Victory nodded heavily, and then he swung the Knight's Sword of Heaven vigorously, firing a blue light blade, obliterating all seven or eight light bullets. In the burst of fire, A huge dark golden sword rushed towards him through the flames.

"Not good!" Viktley hastily raised the Knight's Tianlai Sword and placed it in front of him. Just after completing this action, the dark golden giant sword slashed over and collided heavily with the Knight's Tianlai Sword.

'Boom! ’ There was a thunderous sound of gold and iron colliding, and a huge force came from the Knight Tianlai Sword, pressing down on Victory’s right arm holding the sword and bending it until it reached his body. Even so, Victory, who was still fighting with all his spare strength, couldn't help but backed up, and was almost shot flying.

"Victory!" Hikka swung the knight's beam blade vigorously, and fired a crescent-shaped light blade to sweep away the light bullets and light in front of him, and then strode towards the monster supercharged by the wraith. King Gurant went to the suppressed Victory.

While running, the knight beam blade in Hikari's hand waved one after another and fired light bullets bombarding the Wraith Super Gulant King, bursting out clusters of flames, trying to attract the Wraith Super Gulan's body. King's attention.

Victory slammed his right leg on the ground, stopping his receding body, holding the Knight Tianlai Sword in both hands, trying hard to resist the giant sword of Wraith Super Grunt King, but Wraith Super Grunt King's The power is not something he can resist at all. The tremendous force made Victory's body bend little by little, and his feet sank deeply into the mud. Victory felt that his spine was making a bad sound, as if it was about to be broken at any time.

Just when Victory felt that he could no longer hold on, a shining golden light blade came into Victory's field of vision, drawing a shining trajectory under the night, slashing fiercely at the Wraith Super King Grunt's giant sword, together with Victory's knight Tianlai sword, supported the giant sword of Wraith Super Grunt King, making it unable to continue to press down. It made Victory Altman, who was almost arched by the pressure, relax a bit, and stood up straight.

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