Chapter 1964 Lei Birds

In the dark void of the universe, a black mist suddenly appeared, and quickly gathered together, condensing a figure in a blue tight armor.

Looking around, there is nothingness around, only the starlight in the sky can be seen, this place is far away from the river system. Even the nearest river system is tens of millions of light-years away, making this place empty. Tens of thousands of kilometers may not be able to find a speck of dust, it is a complete void, nothing exists.

Leiboldes raised his right hand, his whole body glowed with faint blue light, clusters of faint blue light were particularly conspicuous in this dark cosmic void, it looked like a gathering of will-o'-the-wisps from a distance, which made people feel Looking at it, it feels like being in the underworld of the Nine Netherworld, which is generally gloomy and cold.

Clusters of faint blue will-o'-the-wisps spun around Leibodes rapidly, dazzling like a spinning kaleidoscope. With the rotation of these clusters of will-o'-the-wisps, a illusory to the extreme appeared gradually in the dark universe. shadow.

"Even if there is only such a little remnant soul, it still has great power. You really deserve to be Zhou Da. I have heard many stories about you." Be willing, let me help you."

As Leiboldes spoke, he raised his hands, releasing endless pillars of faint blue smoke from his palms, which poured into the body of the phantom in front of him at an extremely fast speed, making the paper-like undead that was originally thick and thin quickly become Solidified.

There are two huge horn-like horns on the top of his head, and his body is covered with thick dark golden armor. He holds a giant sword bigger than his body in his hand, and two dark golden beams shoot out from his eyes. Immediately, Zhou Da swung his right arm forcefully, and the giant sword in his hand followed suit.

"Very good," Leiboldes nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Zhou Da: "I will send you to a universe to catch the Ultraman there, you know?"

"Yes!" Zhou Da nodded like a robot, and then obediently flew into the space channel that Leiboldes opened for him, and disappeared.

After seeing Zhou Da disappear, Leibodes immediately disappeared into streaks of mist, and when he reappeared, he was hundreds of millions of light-years away. The star in the distance exudes a dark red light. Even with the naked eye, the light emitted by this star can be seen directly. The nuclear fusion that is constantly erupting on the surface of the star is also weak. It is obvious that this star has entered the countdown.

In a short while, the star will go out and collapse due to gravitational imbalance, and then expand into a red giant star with millions of times its current volume. After expanding to the extreme, there will be the most luminous supernova explosion in the universe. Most of the matter is thrown into the universe, producing countless cosmic rays, which become cosmic storms sweeping the surrounding airspace, turning planets into flaming hells.

The remnants of the supernova explosion will undergo internal collapse to form a neutron star with super gravitational force in the universe. At that time, the countless steel fragments floating in this galaxy will completely disappear, and no one will know that an extremely powerful cosmic empire once appeared here—the Gu'a Empire.

Leiboldes looked at the fragments of artificial creations such as space battleships, steel fortresses, and war fortresses all around him. There were fragments ranging from micron scale to tens of thousands of kilometers, densely distributed in this galaxy.

Just hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of Reboldes, a planet with a diameter of seven to eight thousand kilometers is revolving around this star, but when the planet turns to Reboldes' side , let Leiboldes see an incomparably huge gap, like an apple that has been gnawed by someone, and made the planet less than half out of thin air, which is extremely ugly.

Not only this planet, but many planets in this galaxy are like this, and some of them have even been blown into large and small pieces, and the better ones are also pitted, like pockmarked faces.

Just looking at these, Leiboldes can imagine how cruel the battle between the Ancient Ah Empire and the Kingdom of Light was. The result of the war was that the Kingdom of Light won a complete victory, stepping on the wreckage of the Ancient Ah Empire to create the current universe. overlord.

The Ancient Ah Empire has since disappeared in the long river of time, and no one remembers the former cosmic overlord, just like the Rayblad civilization, which has been completely forgotten. The dilapidated scene in front of him made Leibolds, who was also exterminated, feel the same. He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were fierce, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he roared crazily. The body erupted with intense energy, sweeping across the surroundings, and the faint blue phosphorous fire flew to the surroundings. Anything that was contaminated with this flame, whether it was steel fragments or planetary fragments, was immediately ignited, and then quickly burned to ashes.

"Noah, Saiga, our Rebrad family will never give in. I will turn the universe you desperately guarded into a world of undead." Reboldes roared frantically, and then waved his hand, endless The phosphorous fire gathered quickly, and then summoned two shadows that were also extremely illusory.

"The two of you go to the universe where one of the new recruits from the Kingdom of Light is located, and attract the attention of the Kingdom of Light there." Following Leibodusi's words, the phosphorous fire that filled the surroundings quickly filled the two phantoms In the body, these two phantoms quickly became solidified, rushed into the space channel opened by Leibodusi and disappeared.

After the surroundings returned to calm, Leibodusi looked at the endless ruins around him in a daze. There were countless fragments, large and small, densely distributed in this vast galaxy, using this sadness to reflect the glory of the year.

"It must have been like this after our Reyblad civilization was destroyed." Reboldes muttered to himself, and the last witness of the ancient era, the King of Otto, was also designed by them to disappear not long ago. , no one remembers what the ancient times were like. Up to now, the ancient survivors can't even find out in which universe their former main civilizations developed. They are completely a group of rootless ducklings, hiding all day long, panicking all day long, even now... Knowing that the King of Ultra has disappeared, but most of the ancient survivors They still refuse to come out. The long-term comfortable life has wiped out their fighting spirit, and they have forgotten the hard work of their parents to maintain the inheritance of civilization. I am afraid that after a period of time, most of the inheritance of civilization will disappear.

Therefore, after Leibodes put forward the plan to eliminate King Ultra and return to the universe, it received wide support, and gathered a large amount of resources to create the space-time bomb. His plan was so successful that King Ultra, who guarded the Kingdom of Light, had to take action, and he disappeared from sight.

But Leiboldes's plan is not limited to this. The reason why he made such a radical and risky plan is because he accidentally heard that there is a place called the monster cemetery near the Kingdom of Light, and he also heard that In the Kingdom of Light, there once appeared a dark Ultraman who could control monsters.

This made him sure that there must be the relics of Rayblad near the Kingdom of Light, and it is likely to be the small universe space that the Rayblad civilization sent to other universes, and there are complete relics of the Rayblad civilization in it.

Leiboldes clenched his fists tightly, and said firmly in his tone: "When I get the monster cemetery and get the souls of hundreds of millions of monsters inside, no one can stop me. Only Leibold is needed in this big universe." The Ladd family is enough, those wastes are not worthy to rule this universe with me. Hmph, although I don’t know who defeated Aitargar, but since I can defeat Aitargar, then I can also eliminate other people. Let me guide you to the hiding places of other ancient survivors, and clear them one by one."

PS: People are outside, two chapters will be released first, there will be a traffic jam, I don’t know when I will get home, the update time of the third chapter is uncertain

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