Chapter 1962 True Fusion of Light

In the kingdom of light shrouded in light, the emerald-like plasma spark tower exudes dazzling brilliance, transmitting the light to all parts of the kingdom of light. On the roof at the center of the Plasma Spark Tower, Otto's father and Otto's mother stood there, while Mebius and Max were reporting the cause and effect of the disappearance in front of them.

After listening to Mebius and Max's report, Otto's father nodded, and said solemnly: "It seems that these ancient survivors are behind all these things, but why did they do this? The number of them should not be large, just finding any universe is enough for them to live for a long time, why should they pick troubles in each universe?"

The mother of Ultra thought for a while and said: "Will it be related to the King of Ultra? I once heard the girl named Mayumi say that Noah and the others used to be the guardians of the universe and destroyed many ancient times. super civilization. Could it be that these ancient survivors are also..."

Otto's father shook his head lightly, and then said: "The things of the ancient times, let them be in the past. The important thing is now, we must not let those ancient survivors harm the peace of the universe. The universe is not in danger for the time being, and dispatch as soon as possible." Ultra fighters go to other universes to prevent these ancient survivors from harming other universes."


In the Science and Technology Bureau, Hikari was quickly tapping on the screen in front of him. Sairo leaned against the wall boredly, looked at the busy Hikari, and said impatiently: "What? When is the right time? I still have a lot of things to do, so I can't keep wasting them here."

Hikari stopped the movements in his hands and turned around and said, "This is to increase your strength. If you don't want to, you can leave at any time."

"Cut!" Sai Luo snorted coldly, turned his head away, and ignored Sai Luo who was slightly teasing.

Hikari shook his head, didn't care, and took another ray of light from Sai Luo, which made Sai Luo even more unhappy, feeling like he had become a guinea pig, especially when he saw Hikari immediately put the light in his hand. Putting the light into the instrument in front of him, he stared at the screen in front of him, paying close attention to the changes in the data on it, especially after adding another light, he stared intently.

Sai Luo looked at Hikari very unhappily. After he helped Xingye bring the main storage template of Time and Space City, he mentioned the situation of the fusion of Atalga monsters, especially the huge fusion with monsters. The situation after the robot made Hikali excited all of a sudden.

Hikari immediately summoned all the people from the Science and Technology Bureau to test the main storage template, and analyzed the information and data stored in it as quickly as possible. All straight.

The Kingdom of Light also has research on the fusion of Ultraman light. For example, the cool and powerful Ultraman light is based on the research results of Ultraman. After all, the light fusion of different Ultraman is really the same. This is a dangerous thing. Facing the irresistible Ampera star, Otto's father took the risk of fusing the power of the entire Kingdom of Light and defeated the Ampera star.

The Ultra card fusion technology developed by Aitarga based on the fusion of monster cards has opened Hikari's eyes. It is not necessary to let Ultraman carry out adventure fusion, but to use different Ultraman rays to completely fuse, thus obtaining infinite the power of.

The current fusion of the Kingdom of Light is to inject different Ultraman energies into an Ultraman's body, and to enhance the power of an Ultraman through energy accumulation and fusion of a small amount of light. The reason why a small amount of light is fused is to maintain the independence of other Ultraman. After all, if all of them are fused, then other Ultraman will become a part of this Ultraman, just like if a bunch of paints are completely mixed, then it will be Other colors are produced, and the previous colors disappear.

And Aitarga's method is to extract the light of the Ultraman, and then completely fuse with an Ultraman. In this way, the more light that is fused, the more powerful the power that can be generated.

After in-depth research on this, Hikari found that there are also optimized combinations of different Ultraman light fusions. Some fusion strengths are 1, while others are 3, and some are more, which makes Hikari very impressed. Surprised, this is a brand new discovery. After all, Ultra fusion did not dare to fully integrate before, so naturally I didn't know that such a situation would happen.

After discovering this situation, Sero, who was the first in the Kingdom of Light to have other Ultraman rays and was completely fused, was pulled over by him as the experimental material. After all, Sero can transform into a strong corona form and a miracle Form, and the more powerful glorious form, such a good fusion example has long been placed in front of them, but they have never paid attention to it. Now that they have discovered it, it is natural to study it carefully.

"You said you can increase my strength, how can I increase it? I have tried it, and the hard training doesn't have much effect on me," Sailo turned his head and said to Hikari: "My strength seems to have reached its limit. No matter what kind of improvement, it is extremely limited.”

"No, it's just that you didn't find the right method," Shikali shook his head lightly, and said very firmly: "Siro, you have extremely powerful power in your body, and your potential has just been developed a little bit. The quickest way is to send light to you like Ultraman Dyna, Ultraman Gauss and Ultraman Nexus, and then let you completely integrate these lights. After you have fully mastered these lights, your The power will increase by leaps and bounds."

Sai Luo immediately thought about it when he heard the words, and it was indeed the case. Although he was changing his form, his own strength was also increasing at a constant speed. Later, according to Xingye's words, after practicing hard, he even combined the strong corona form and the moon god. The speed and power of miracle form merged into normality. Now he uses the strong corona form and the luna miracle form, which is at least three times stronger than when he was in these two forms in the beginning.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo stopped complaining, stood up straight and watched Hikari's movements. Hikari quickly tapped on the virtual screens around his body with both hands, processing huge amounts of data, and From time to time, he drew a little energy from Sai Luo, and it lasted for a long time before Hikari let out a long sigh, fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him, then turned his head and said to Sai Luo: "Okay, let's go here, Sai Luo you You can leave."

"It's finally over." Sai Luo relaxed all of a sudden, moved his slightly stiff neck and body, and hurriedly left this horrible place for him. There was no instrument he knew how to use, one by one. The data displayed on the screen can be understood individually, but it is not clear when combined. But Hikari and the others processed the data quickly, making Sai Luo feel like an idiot here, knowing nothing and knowing nothing.

Hikari looked at the figure of Sai Luo going away, turned his head and glanced at the value of Sai Luo's energy displayed on the screen, it has completely exceeded the measurable range, even the father of Otto in his peak period can barely reach the highest level. It's only four-fifths of the value, but the result of measuring Zero's original light is instantly off the charts.

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