Chapter 1955 Battle of Fate (12)

At this moment, Gaia raised her arms, and the round triangular color timer on her chest shone brightly. With the twirling of Gaia's arms, it quickly condensed into a white V-shaped boomerang.

Gaia pushed his arms out, and the flashing blade flew out immediately, rushing towards King Faib who was desperately shaking his wings to stabilize his body at an extremely fast speed.

'Shua! '

The sharp flashing blade pierced through the void at an extremely fast speed, and instantly slashed at the load-bearing bone of King Faib's left wing, cutting King Faib's left wing bone in two at once. King Feibu let out a painful roar, and the fracture of the load-bearing bones tore apart the rapidly shaking left wing.

'Chila! ’ There was an unpleasant tearing sound, and the huge left wing was torn in half, completely losing the power to float in the air, causing King Faib to fall crookedly to the side, ‘Boom! ’ A loud noise hit the group of machines below, smashing the four machines into scrap iron.

Tiga, Dyna, and Aguru flew to Gaia's side, and the four Ultraman looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then turned to look at King Faib who was struggling to get up below, tearing The cracked left wing hangs down feebly.

King Feibu waved his thick arms vigorously, knocked the scrap iron in front of him aside, raised his head and looked at the four Ultraman above him, and there was a strong light all over his body, which belonged to Gore The parts of Zan, Melba, Chaogob, Eye Q, and Rechubas glowed intensely, and the five colors of brilliance complemented each other, making King Faib shine like a lantern.

And the four Ultraman standing side by side suspended in the sky also started to move. Tiga clenched his fists on both sides of his body and bent up. The color timer on his chest immediately glowed with a strong light. Arms jerked forward and crossed together in front of him.

Endless energy rays gathered, and as Di Jia's arms stretched left and right, they quickly attached to Di Jia's arms. Immediately, Dijia clasped his left hand on the elbow of his right hand, and released the energy gathered in his arms, turning into Zapelio's light and hitting King Faib directly below.

Dyna clasped his hands together in front of his chest, gathering intense crimson flame-like energy on both hands. Following Dyna's movements, the gathered energy transferred to Dyna's right fist, condensing into a large red light. bomb.

"Ha!" Dyna shouted and pushed out his right fist vigorously, and Garnett's bombing shot immediately flew towards King Faib.

Aguru raised his right arm, and the color timer on his chest immediately glowed with a strong blue light, and then the light quickly converged on Aguru's right arm, making Aguru's right arm like a sapphire, and then Aguru The right arm slowly fell down, and the gathered strong energy converged into an emerald blue streamline of Aguru, which directly hit King Faib.

Gaia raised her arms above her head, and red and blue radiance immediately glowed all over her body, covering Gaia's body, turning Gaia into a supreme form, and then her palms were put together on top of her head, and then tilted back and forth to stagger Come on, endless energy quickly gathers on Gaia's arms. After the energy was accumulated to the maximum, Gaia's palms were put together in front of him, and then staggered up and down, and the palms released a dazzling stream of red and blue Sahu dry brilliance - photon streamline.

Almost all the energy in King Faib's body gathered, and then all parts of his body spewed out strong energy, converging into a huge beam with a width of more than 100 meters and hitting the four Ultraman in the sky.

Zapelio's light, Garnet's bombing shot, Aguru's streamline, and Photon's streamline, the four rays of light with different colors and shapes quickly merged together after flying more than 100 meters, forming a single The thick spiral beam, the main beam has a width of 100 meters, surrounded by small beams of rotating and advancing.

Two equally huge rays of light collided almost instantly, and a terrifying energy shock wave erupted immediately, like a billowing giant wave sweeping around, all objects that came into contact with this energy shock wave were instantly vaporized by particles and disappeared without a trace no trace.

The light from the Altec body defeated the beam emitted by King Faib bit by bit. No matter how hard King Faib tried, he could not reverse the situation, so he could only watch the Alt body that represented death. The light hit him.

The collision of light from the two sides lasted only seventeen or eighteen seconds, and the Alt combined light defeated King Faib. The light bombarded King Faib's body, and the terrifying energy impact smashed King Faib's scales, armor, Skin, muscles... washed away layer by layer, and then evaporated and disappeared.

The turbulent energy impact lasted for several seconds before gradually disappearing. The place where King Faib was originally located has become a huge sunken pit. and invisible.

'call out! call out! call out! '

A series of beams of light rushed out from under the broken floor and rushed towards the top of the space-time city. This made the four of Tiga turn their heads and look at each other. They nodded and then the four Ultraman raised their right hands at the same time. , emitting four beams of different rays of light rushing straight up.

Nine beams of light flew upwards in unison. In front of the nine beams of light, the thick floor was not much stronger than paper, and it was directly smashed into pieces. Almost in the blink of an eye, it came to time and space. The seventh floor of the city.

Galaxy and Victory were besieging the gigantic Lugiel, and light bullets and light blades hit the gigantic Lugiel body, splashing sparks, not even enough to tickle Lugiel.

On the other hand, the huge power brought by Luji Aier's punches and kicks made the ground shake violently. The giant black fist hit the stone pillar, and immediately sent the stone pillar flying far away, spinning and sweeping everything it touched , even solid steel was vulnerable in front of these flying stone pillars, and was flattened directly by the impact.

Yinhe raised his arms and staggered them together in front of him. The intersections collided with sparks. At the same time, the crystals all over Yinhe's body glowed red, and then the light condensed into balls of flames in front of Yinhe. With the movement of Yinhe's right arm, With a swing, more than a dozen balls of flame also attacked Lukiel.

Balls of flame bombarded Lugiel's body one after another, and exploded on his body, spreading into a sea of ​​flames that almost swallowed Lugiier's right half of his body. The last flame ball was still flying, a black fist suddenly rushed out from the sea of ​​flames, showing the tendency of crushing to wipe out the flame ball, and then hit Yinhe with a punch, sending Yinhe flying far away go out.

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