Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1949 Battle of Destiny (6)

'Chi la la! ’ There was an ear-piercing and unpleasant rubbing sound, as if a cutting machine was cutting steel. In this sound, Nexus’ lightsaber cut Lightning Zaki in half until the source of the light.

From when Nexus stepped forward to pass by the dark Zaki, in less than two seconds, the black-purple light that originally traversed the void was cut in half by Nexus' sword and disappeared in the in the air.

Darkness Zaki still maintains the posture of folded arms. There is a clear golden line at the elbows of both arms, extending forward to the body, cutting his upper body obliquely in half, which is in line with the slanted marks of the elbows of both arms. a straight line.

The lightsaber emitted by Nexus's hanging right arm spread out, completely disappearing and invisible. Nexus stepped forward, and the dark Zaki behind him shook his body twice, and then moved towards The ground fell, and the heavy body hit the ground, making a 'bang! ’ A sound.

'boom! '

There was an earth-shattering explosion sound, and the dark Zaki exploded immediately, and a huge flame mushroom cloud rose from the spot, endless shock waves swept around, and piles of bricks and rubble were scattered, and they were swept away by the air waves. high altitude.

Nexus raised his head, his shining eyes penetrated through the ceilings and saw the situation on the seventh floor of the Space-Time City, Nexus said in a low voice: "You two are doing really well. , let me wish you a helping hand."

As he spoke, Nexus raised his right arm, and the palm of his hand shone with light. As Nexus' right arm was raised above his head, it turned into a bright silver beam of light that penetrated the ceiling above his head and flew towards the city of time and space.

On the second floor of the Space-Time City, a silver dart shone with bright energy, shuttling through the void like a shooting star, cutting off the phantoms of the Silan Stars along the way, and chasing the Silan Stars at the front. go.

However, even though the darts controlled by Max's mind quickly sliced ​​through the phantoms of the Silanians, more phantoms appeared around Ultraman Max, and the speed at which the darts cut through the phantoms was not as fast as that of the Silanians walking. Phantom speed.

Max Altman waved his right hand back, the light on the surface of the dart that was turning rapidly flashed, and it was divided into more than 30 in an instant, and spread out towards the surroundings, and the Slan star people were scattered at a speed 30 times faster than before. The phantom cut open.

'call out! call out! call out! '

The continuous sound of breaking the air echoed in the empty ruins, and the phantoms of the Silanians all over the ground decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just five or six seconds, as many as seven or eight hundred phantoms of the Silanians were captured by Mike. The Si dart hits the target, disappearing and invisible.

Dozens of Max darts all flew in the same direction, collided with each other and merged into one, and then chased after the only remaining Silan star and attacked.

Seeing that there was no phantom of himself around, the Silan star stopped running at super high speed, turned around, put his arms together, and the arm blades extending from the armor on his wrists were also joined together to form a side. The small shield collided with Max's dart.

'Ping! ' With a crisp sound, Max's dart slashed fiercely on the arm blade shield of the Slan Starman, splashing violent sparks, and then the dart flew backwards, was picked up by Max Ultraman and placed back on the horn of the top of his head. in the crevices of ornaments.

The Silan star separated his upper arm again, and with a turn of the arm blade, the tip pointed directly at Ultraman Max on the opposite side. Then he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, so that all the Silanians that Max saw were a series of phantoms, but this time they did not create illusory clones.

Ultraman Max immediately raised his right arm, the silver brilliance shone, and gathered into a winged bird-like Max Galaxy, and then the spread wings merged together, and then spewed out bright light particles to gather into a shining light blade— —Max Galaxy Sword.

The Slan star who was advancing at super high speed came to Ultraman Max in an instant, swung his silver-white arm blade and stabbed Ultraman Max who was standing there fiercely, but the arm blade only swung halfway. It was blocked by the light blade in the hands of Ultraman Max, and the weapons of both sides collided together, splashing sparks, which looked very dazzling in this dark space.

The Slan star immediately swung the other arm blade and stabbed Ultraman Max from the other side. Ultraman Max immediately raised his left hand to caress the horn ornament on the top of his head. down wave. The Max dart held in his left hand slashed down quickly, colliding with the arm blade stabbed by the Slan star.

The weapons of both sides were all pressed against each other, and they were completely caught in the wrestling. The squeeze of the two arm blades of the Slan star, Max's light blade, and the darts splashed sparks, which were as brilliant as fireworks.

Ultraman Max exerted strength with both arms, and pushed the lightsaber and dart forward, pushing the Silan star who was also doing his best to take two steps back. Almost at the same time as the Silan star retreated, Max left He raised his arm and threw the dart in his hand vigorously, hitting the Silan star who was close in front of him.

The oncoming dart made the Slan star subconsciously raise his arms to block in front of him, causing the dart to slash on the solid shield composed of arm blades, even Max's dart could not leave a trace on it.

At the same time that the dart hit the shield of the Slan Starman, the Max Galaxy sword on Max's right arm was already raised high, and the energy in his body poured into Max Galaxy continuously, making Max Galaxy sword immediately Extending to more than 200 meters, it really turned into a giant sword.

Before the arms of the Silan Stars were separated, Ultraman Max’s Max Galaxy Sword had already slashed from top to bottom. With infinite momentum, he chopped on his head.

The Max Galaxy sword easily cut the head of the Slan star in half, and then continued to chop downwards. The arm blade of the Slan star who was so hard before was cut directly like tofu in front of the Max Galaxy sword. open.

'Boom! ’ Max Galaxy’s great sword slashed heavily on the ground behind the Slan Starman, cutting the ground into a deep gully, and the dust flew like a sandstorm.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, the Silan star who was cut in half exploded immediately, turning into a turbulent mushroom cloud of flames that soared into the sky, soaring into the sky, until it was blocked by the ceiling above, and then spread towards the surroundings Suddenly, a terrifying shock wave swept across the surrounding area, rolling up countless large and small bricks and rubble, and smashing them indiscriminately, like a tornado.

Ultraman Max stood up slowly, and the giant sword of the Galaxy Max in his hand also shrunk until it completely retracted into the Galaxy Max on the right arm of Ultraman Max. The Milky Way also dimmed, revealing the metal face that was originally wrapped in light.

'call out! 'A silver beam of light broke through the floor not far from Max and flew upwards, which made Max Altman stunned. Looking in the direction of the beam, his eyes saw the seventh floor through the ceiling. Looking at the situation on the first floor, he couldn't help but nodded, and immediately raised his right arm, Max Galaxy emitted a bright beam of light and rushed towards the seventh floor following the silver beam.

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