Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1945 Battle of Destiny (2)

The distance of three to four hundred meters between Nexus and Dark Zaki was crossed in an instant, and the silver right fist and the black red right fist swung towards each other at the same time, cutting through at an extremely fast speed The air screamed.

'boom! ' With a loud bang, the two fists collided together, and the air waves created by the collision swept around, and the bricks and rubble that had been piled up on the floor indiscriminately flew up layer by layer, hitting the wall indiscriminately, one after another Constant crashing echoed in this long corridor.

As soon as Sai Luo and the others flew to the second floor, they saw the endless black mist gathering quickly, condensing into a slender cosmic man, covered in a layer of reddish-brown leather armor, with arms covered With a pair of sharp arm blades, two antenna-like tentacles erected on the top of the head, and a huge gemstone in the middle of the forehead.

Atalga's voice also sounded all around: "The high-speed cosmic people, the Slans!"

Max took two steps forward and walked in front of the Ultramans. He raised his arms and made a fighting gesture against the Slan aliens on the opposite side: "The future of the earth must be grasped by human beings."

As he said that, Max flew towards the Silan star, raised his right hand and caressed the horn on the top of his head, and a dart shining with silver light flew out of it immediately, like a silver meteor piercing the sky, colliding fiercely To the Sri Lankans.

But the dart was still on the way, and the Silan star moved his body instantly, drawing a series of phantoms in the air, so that the dart only smashed the phantoms he left in place. With a wave of Max's right hand, under the control of his thoughts, the dart immediately changed its direction towards

The other Ultraman didn't stay, and immediately flew up and continued to fly upwards. After flying to the third floor, this place was obviously different from the corridor below that was covered with bricks, stones and rubble. Although this place also collapsed seriously, it didn't There are so many ruins, of course it is still a deserted place.

A card flew over at a very fast speed, and stopped at a distance of several hundred meters from the Ultramans, and then endless black fog poured into the card, quickly letting the card Condensed into shape, revealing a person wearing black scale armor, a thin black cloak fluttering in the wind, and the whole body is the purest black.

"Dark Universe Emperor Ampera Starman!"

Mebius took a deep breath and walked towards his former rival step by step with firm steps: "The most important thing is never to give up until the end. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely. No matter how meager the hope is, we must firmly believe in the future belief, the power of this belief can make the impossible possible, this is Ultraman."

As Mebius said, he strode towards the Ambella star on the opposite side, and at the same time, his right hand quickly swipe past the Mebem breath on his left arm, and with a flick of his left arm, the Mebem breath immediately shone with fiery red brilliance , Intense energy emerged and quickly condensed into a shining fiery red dream lightsaber.

Mengbimu's lightsaber came to the front of the Ampera star after it was condensed and formed. The lightsaber struck the shoulder of the Ampera star from top to bottom, but it hadn't touched the body of the Ampera star. He had already raised his right arm, and powerful thought power came out through his body, wrapping it around the Mengbimu lightsaber.

The Ambella star waved his hand vigorously, and the Mebius lightsaber was shifted aside, and Mebius was also taken away. The whole person spun 90 degrees and then hit the ground heavily. The body shook the ground violently, shaking the gravel and gravel on the ground.

Immediately, the Ambella star waved his hand and fired a black flame bomb directly to Mebius who fell to the ground. However, before the light bullet hit Mebius, Mebius quickly waved the bullet in his hand. The lightsaber split the black flame bullet with one strike.

'boom! ’ The black flame bomb exploded immediately, and the raging flame immediately swallowed Mebius in its entirety, and the endless flame soared into the air and even reached the ceiling. The light emitted by the flame group was reflected on the body of the Ambella star, but it was completely swallowed up by the black scales on his body, without any reflection at all.

On the fourth floor of Space-Time City, a dark Ultraman who is almost exactly the same as Gauss stands on the floor. The difference from Gauss is that his eyes are bright red, his body is mainly black and blood red, and the chest is from the color The timer is also red and looks intimidating.

"Ultraman Chaos Calamity!"

"As long as you are willing to believe, dreams will come true! Once you give up believing in the future and dreams, then everything will end!" Gauss suddenly raised his arms above his head, and his hands emitted a strong light, quickly covering his body , let Gauss immediately transform into a corona form.

Gauss waved his hand and strode towards the Ultraman Chaos Calamity on the opposite side. Before Gauss got close, the right arm of Ultraman Chaos Calamity swung forward suddenly, launching several destructive bombs of messy colors. The light bullet hit Gauss directly.

Facing the oncoming light bullets, Gauss showed no fear, and did not intend to slow down. Instead, he accelerated his running speed, swung his fists quickly, and collided with the oncoming destructive light bullets.

Flames splattered and sparks flew together. The light bullets were smashed immediately, and then disappeared into nothing. However, they could not cause a little damage to Gauss. In three or two steps, Gauss ran to Chaos Calamity Otto In front of Man, he raised his right hand and clapped the chest of Ultraman Chaos Calamity.

It seems that Gauss's palm is weak, but Chaos Altman, who was photographed, felt a huge force coming, which made him back involuntarily, and he stumbled back seven or eight steps. Stop your figure.

As soon as he stood firm, Ultraman Chaos Calamity immediately raised his arms, put his hands together, and waved from left to right, forming a crescent-shaped purplish-red light blade in front of him.

The sword of Clementi, which is very similar to the blade of Gauss's eclipse, was pushed out by Chaos Calamity Ultraman, and hit Gauss on the opposite side. Gauss raised his arms in a hurry, and his hands released a radiance like the blue sky, which quickly spread around, and quickly condensed into a shining Otto barrier in front of Gauss.

The sword of Clementi slammed heavily on the Otto barrier. The terrifying impact made Gauss's feet on the ground unstoppable and retreated, and his arms bent under the heavy pressure. , until it was bent from 180 degrees to 120 degrees, it was able to withstand the pressure from the Otto barrier. But then there was a thunderous explosion in my ears, and the sword of Clementi exploded. The terrifying impact blasted the Otto barrier into pieces, and the rest of the force hit Gauss's body, knocking Gauss down all at once. The blast flew out and hit a thick stone pillar behind him heavily, breaking the stone pillar that was touching the ceiling in the middle, and then fell to the ground.

Gauss clutched his painful chest, quickly got up from the ground, clenched his fists and stared at the opposite Ultraman Chaos Calamity, raised his hand slightly and ran towards Ultraman Chaos Calamity again , actually took the initiative to launch an attack.

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