Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1924 Combined Beast—King Bedra

"You are..." Yin Yin and Victory looked at this Ultraman who had never seen before in surprise.

The ultimate holy shield quickly melted and turned into a white streamer flying towards Sai Luo, causing Atalga, who was in the way, to dodge in a hurry, and just flashed sideways the white streamer, Two rapid and sharp whistles were heard next to the ears.

'Shua! '

The silver-white ice ax swirled towards him, causing Aitarga to dodge sideways again, narrowly dodging the silver-white streamer, and before Aitarga stood firm, the sound rang again A scream reminded Atalgar that there was another ice axe.

'Ping! ’ With a crisp sound, the swirling ice ax slammed fiercely on Aitarga’s right shoulder, and the collision with the golden scales caused intense sparks. Immediately, the ice ax soared into the sky, passed Aitarga, who was a little crooked under the heavy blow, and flew towards Sai Luo, and landed steadily on top of Sai Luo's head.

"Huh!" Sai Luo habitually raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, and then walked towards Aitarga step by step, moving his arms while walking, staring at Aitarga: "In Thinking about how to escape?"

The extreme anger made Aitargar's face twitch unconsciously, his fists and fingers were clenched together, the fully covered scales on his fingers squeezed together, sparks splashed, and there was a crisp sound.

"Ultraman Zero, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Hmph, so who ran away with his head in his arms." Sai Luo stretched his hands, and the two ice axes above his head shone like emeralds, and then they soared into the sky and spun around Sai Luo quickly, and were caught by Sai Luo In his hands, the outstretched arms immediately bent forward, and the ice ax blade, which gleamed coldly under the sunlight, faced Aitargar directly.

Yinhe and Victory were glowing with light, and their huge bodies quickly blurred and disappeared. The two groups of dim light flew into the distance and landed on an empty land, condensing two young people lying on the ground.

Aitarga just glanced at the disappearing Galaxy and Victory before turning his head, not paying attention to these two extremely weak Ultramans. Looking at Sai Luo who was ready to fight, Aitarga already understood that it was impossible for him to seal Ultraman in every universe without solving the pursuit of Sai Luo.

This Sai Luo also has the ability to travel through time and space. Although he doesn't know where his ability comes from, it is indeed a big, big trouble. Not just now or in the future, if Sai Luo's ability, which is more convenient than the star gate, is popularized in the Kingdom of Light, I am afraid that the power of the Kingdom of Light will expand towards the big universe, which will compress the activity space of their ancient survivors.

"Then let me see how powerful the strongest fighters of the younger generation of the Kingdom of Light are?" Aitarga said as he raised his hand, the dark red light flickered in his hand, and quickly condensed into four monster cards. It is the four cards that have been successfully simulated and fused with the mainframe of Time and Space City before: Red King EX, Gomora, Black King, and Bemonstein.

"Fusion!" Altar yelled loudly, and a light beam radiated from his forehead to cover the four cards. Under the light, the four cards were quickly fused together and turned into one card.

"Go, King Bedra!" As Atarga shouted, Atarga threw the card in his hand into the sky, and the cards drifting with the wind slowly fell down, and before they landed on the The ground had already turned into a huge monster with a length of more than 80 meters. Its legs as thick as 20 to 30 meters stepped heavily on the ground, causing the ground to shake violently.

The thick soles of the feet sank deeply into the ground, and the violent shock wave rolled up the dust hundreds of meters high, which almost covered the monster that Aitarga called King Bedra. It just fell and stepped on the ground, and the impact brought by it made the ground into a depression nearly 30 meters deep, and with King Bedra as the center, cracks spread out one after another towards the surrounding ground. , Like a spider web, it is densely covered on the ground around King Bedra.

Directly in front of King Bedra was a biological carapace made of Gomorrah's layered scales, and his back, arms, and legs were covered with skeletal carapaces like King Red's. There are a pair of black and red arms like Red King EX on the shoulders, and a pair of thick arms like Gomora protrude from the waist on both sides near the shoulders.

The head is very similar to Bemonstein, and there is a long golden tentacles of King Black growing on the top of the head. A long Gomora-like tail extended from the end of the spine, slapping the ground and smashing the solid ground into deep ravines one after another.

"It's such an ugly guy, can't you make some good-looking ones? Or is your taste as ugly as yours." Sai Luo said in a mocking tone, and at the same time, he touched the ice ax with both hands behind his back. Crisp sound.

"Hmph, King Bedra, go up." Aitarga waved his hand, and King Bedra, who was much taller than him, immediately opened his mouth and roared, then lifted his legs that were sunk deep in the ground, and countless The clods of soil and gravel were taken up by King Bedra's raised legs and splashed into the air, scattered randomly on the ground like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

'Boom! Boom! '

King Bedra walked towards Sai Luo step by step, stepping on the ground with heavy steps, causing the earth to vibrate accordingly, and the clods of soil and sand scattered on the ground were also shaken up by the vibration, like a ball on the ground bouncing up.

"Come on!" Sai Luo strode forward immediately, and threw the ice ax held in both hands forward vigorously. The ice ax flew out immediately, and rushed towards Bede who was walking towards him at a very fast speed. La Wang.

I saw two flashes of silver light in the sky, and the two spinning ice axes slashed fiercely on King Bedra's shoulders with lightning speed, and the collision with the scale armor sent out a "ping!" Ping! ’ crisp sound.

With the sparks flying, the two ice axes bounced back and flew high into the sky. Almost at the same time, Sai Luo stepped on the ground vigorously with both feet. With the help of this recoil force, he leaped high and turned over in the air, gathering strong energy in both hands. He stepped on the two spinning ice axes, and the force of the fall combined with the force of Sai Luofei's kick made the ice axes rush down at a faster speed.

Bright energy glowed from the blade of the ice axe, and it slashed fiercely at the shoulders of King Bedra standing on the ground at a high speed of Mach 3.

I just heard 'Boom! ’ There was a thunderous crash, King Bedra roared in pain, and two ice axes struck his body, cutting two deep gaps. As soon as the Si Luo ice ax was hit, it immediately flew back, and it was precisely stuck on the head of Si Luo who was falling rapidly.

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