Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1920 Sky City

Wired telephones, instant messaging, mobile phones, etc. All kinds of signals burst out, some of them were calling from the city under the Sky City, and some were making calls to the shrouded area, all of which were to contact their relatives. Wanted to find out what was going on.

Many people didn't care about the collision between the cars and the responsibility was not determined, they hurriedly got into the car and drove out of the weird 'black cloud' above their heads. Although they didn't know what happened, such things It's definitely not a good thing, you can run as far as you can, and get involved unless you are too impatient to live.

The road leading to the north and south sides of Zhouzhou Island was congested for a while. Everyone wanted to leave here. Many vehicles collided with each other under the panic of the drivers, but no one got out of the car to scold the other party for not being able to drive, but urged the other party leave now.

At this moment, in a huge valley, there is a huge base with the words UPG clearly written on it, but the base looks like it is still under construction, and there are sandstones and hands and feet everywhere. shelf.

In a room full of technological colors in this base, six people stood in the room, looking at the picture displayed on the screen in astonishment. An unimaginably huge building was suspended in the sky. Everything on the earth is extraordinarily small, regardless of mountains and rivers, regardless of forests and vegetation, regardless of high-rise buildings, they are all so small that they cannot be more small.

"What the hell is this?" A long-faced young man wearing a mainly orange uniform looked at the screen in front of him in astonishment.

The only middle-aged man turned his head to look at a boy in a white coat, and said in a deep voice, "Youya..."

The young man named Ichijo Terayuya frowned, stared at the building on the screen, and quickly tapped the virtual keyboard in front of him with his ten fingers, analyzing the data from the satellite, such as length, height, width, etc. The data is the first and easiest to analyze, but the subsequent analysis of density and material and other data has encountered difficulties.

A temple friend also found that neither satellites, radars, nor optical observation instruments can conduct in-depth observations of this unknown building. It is obvious that such a huge building is here, but it is impossible to observe its interior.

One Terayuya said with a very ugly face: "Captain Jinno, we can't analyze this UFO. Our observation methods have no effect on this UFO. The other party's technology is far superior to ours."

"Then what should we do? You can't just do nothing, right?" Team member Matsumoto looked at the huge building indignantly, and said bitterly, "Now the other party has already blocked the door."

The female team member Sugita Yusuke patted Matsumoto's proud head, and said with a bit of hatred: "What do you want to do? Even if you can shoot down the opponent, you can't attack. There are many people below who have not escaped. Use you Think it through your head, idiot."

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki frowned and thought carefully, then turned his questioning gaze to the young man standing aside: "Xiaoguang..."

Auditorium Light shook his head slightly, and said helplessly: "No, even Ultraman Galaxy can't lift such a huge building. My strength is still not strong enough."

"Even if such a building is all made of stones, the weight is measured in megatons. Even if your strength is a hundred times higher, you can't drive such a huge building. Then you can only see what the other party's purpose is." A Si You also frowned and said: "Captain, I think it's better to evacuate the citizens in the covered area first, so..."

Before he could finish speaking, the screens around him changed, showing a resplendent room and a cosmic man in golden armor sitting on a high golden throne. Not only this base, but all TVs, computers, mobile phones, etc. all over the world have been transformed into such a scene.

Atalga stared at the screen in front of him, and what appeared on each screen was the scene of the battle between Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory, which people on this planet called Ultraman, which made Atalga coldly snort One sound, and then slowly said: "Ultraman Ginga, Ultraman Victory, you should be able to hear it, come out quickly, otherwise, I will destroy this world and give you a minute to think about it. In a minute, I will let the space-time city descend, crushing the city below..."

Aitarga's peaceful voice spread throughout the world, making people all over the world remember his voice, his figure... and the whole world was in an uproar, especially when the screen started Playing the distant view of the space-time city and the comparison with the city below, let countless people clearly realize the hugeness of this city in the sky. The city below is like a shrinking model, and human beings are as small as ants.

"Damn it," the hall light showed extreme anger, and immediately turned around and ran towards the outside. After taking three or two steps, UPG captain Yoshiaki Jinno called him, and asked in a deep voice: "Xiao Light, do you have any plans?"

"Plan?!" Hall Hikari stopped involuntarily, with a dazed look on his face, not understanding what Jinno Yoshiaki meant.

"The enemy is obviously coming for Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory. If you fight rashly, you may fall into the enemy's trap." Yoshiaki Jinno's voice echoed in the war room In the middle, everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Auditorium Light shook his head, and said very firmly: "But you can't just watch this hanging city fall, there are still many, many citizens below, I will delay time."

As he said that, the auditorium light had already ran out of the war room, and while he was striding, he took a silver-white sword-hilt-shaped thing in his hand and held it in front of him. Condensed into the spark doll of Ultraman Ginga, Hirohito held the spark doll in his hand and put it down, so that the left foot of Ultraman Ginga's spark doll buckled on the galaxy spark.

"Super-materialization, Ultraman Ginga!"

The brilliant crystal-like brilliance instantly illuminated the hallway where Guangzheng was striding forward, and then a stream of light flew to the north at an extremely fast speed, condensing Ultraman Galaxy at a place more than forty kilometers away from the Space-Time City. Only compared with this space-time city, Ultraman Galaxy is too small, even the minaret on the outer ring is hundreds of times larger than the Milky Way.

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