Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1904 The Return of King Haipa Aire

The Helios has flown out of the atmosphere and entered the boundless void of the universe. Behind it is the earth emitting blue light, and in front of it is the sun hanging in the dark void emitting blazing radiance.

The bright figure of King Haipa Aire clearly appeared on the big screen. His silver scale armor against the sun's brilliance looked beautiful, but the bone spurs all over his body and the sharp claws on his hands and feet made him look extraordinarily beautiful. ferocious.

"Finally can't help it? Then let me see what you are capable of this time!" Xingye said, exuding dazzling brilliance, turning into a beam of light and flying out of the Helios, condensing a wave of light in outer space. The figure of Nexus.

More than 10,000 kilometers away, King Haipa Aire spread his wings and flew towards here at an extremely fast speed. The gap that originally existed on the wings has healed and disappeared. Perhaps this is why King Haipa Aire dared to come. Emboldened.

"Come on!" Nexus immediately raised his arms, and swiped across in front of him. The energy core on his chest bloomed with bright golden light, dyeing Nexus' body in brilliant colors wherever he passed. The silver and the dazzling gold, almost in the blink of an eye, Nexus transformed into a glorious form.

But before Nexus rushed forward, he felt a strong energy reaction from behind approaching here rapidly. Turning his head and looking, I saw X flying out of the earth and flying all the way to Nexus. Beside stopped.

Dadi in the data space turned his head to look at Nexus beside him, and said in a firm tone: "I know I am no match for this monster, but... I want to fight, to protect this planet .”

"Yes, it is necessary to have such an aura of never admitting defeat." Nexus nodded and praised: "Weakness in strength is only temporary, but weakness in heart is irreparable. A firm will will bring you Come to a stronger force, now... let's start by bravely facing a powerful enemy."

As Nexus said, he flew towards King Hypa Aire, and Ax also hurriedly followed after seeing this. King Hypa Aire also found these two guys, and immediately opened his mouth to show his sharp eyes. Tooth, the wings surrounded by lightning suddenly flapped, and a strong electric light appeared on the silver scales, and they quickly gathered into a group, and then sprayed two thick lightning pillars forward, hitting Nexus and Nexus on the opposite side. Aix left.

Facing this huge lightning column, Aix didn't dare to stand up and turned over in a hurry to avoid it, but Nexus had no intention of avoiding it at all, and instead accelerated his forward speed. At the same time, he straightened his arms, and the Nexus brilliance arm on his arms immediately glowed intensely, and the gushing light energy quickly converged into two shining golden light blades.

Ax turned his head to look at Nexus, and saw two silver-white lightning pillars rushing over as if cutting space, and collided with Nexus who was shining with golden radiance in an instant. Together.

Nexus folded his hands slightly in the middle, and then the light blades on his arms collided with the lightning column, and fierce sparks burst out immediately, and the arm blades of Nexus suddenly expanded several times, and instantly Split the lightning column.

'Chi la la! '

Nexus flew forward at an extremely fast speed, with both arms in front, and the arm blade split the lightning column in half. No matter how King Haipa Ailei enhanced the output of the lightning column, he could not hinder the forward charge Nexus.

Seeing this, King Haipa Aire opened his mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs. The orange light in his mouth was shining. After being spit out by King Haipa Aire, it quickly condensed into an extremely thin crescent-shaped light blade, along the The gap between the two lightning pillars moved towards Nexus who was rushing towards him.

Nexus is now resisting two lightning pillars. Once he stops or avoids it, he will be attacked by one of the lightning pillars. Along the gap between the two lightning pillars, several crescent moons fly in one after another. The light blade is like a train between the two tracks, rushing towards Nexus madly with the momentum of thunder.

"Good reflexes, but it's a pity that you underestimate me." Nexus looked at the light blade that was rushing towards him, and suddenly his figure flashed, and then several light blades sprayed out by King Hypa Airi pierced Nai Xoss' body flew backwards, and the phantom of Nexus disappeared.

Nexus suddenly disappeared. This change made Aix on the side stunned for a moment, and then he saw Nexus suddenly appearing on top of King Hypa Aire, standing upside down on King Hypa Aire The place above is only more than three hundred meters away. Dazzling light lingered on the right fist, and then Nexus raised his right fist high and pointed at King Hypa-Alei, and the light in his hand turned into a beam of light and went straight to King Hypa-Alei.

'boom! '

The light beam burst in the middle, turned into light spots all over the sky, scattered in the dark universe, as bright as stars all over the sky, and as beautiful as the Milky Way. However, King Haipa Aire, who was surrounded by these light spots, did not have such a leisurely mood. He hurriedly flapped his wings to escape from here, but just as the wings started to move, he saw the light spots all over the sky connected to each other, and quickly diffused into a circle. The huge golden light sphere expanded towards the surroundings, enveloping King Hypa Aire, X, and Nexus in it.

The ball of light formed in the universe was extremely dazzling, fleeting like a meteor, and disappeared without a trace as if it had never appeared before, and those three huge figures disappeared together.

This scene was captured by a satellite in a synchronous orbit, and then converted into electromagnetic waves, received by the radar on the ground, converted into images and played on the large screen in the XIO command room.

A few people from Asuna who just ran to the command room saw this shocking scene, a golden light flashed, and then Nexus, X and the huge monster disappeared, which surprised Asuna said: "Disappeared?"

The potbellied Dr. Geer stroked the jaw of his huge mouth and said thoughtfully: "It should be a different space. Ultraman Nexus created a different space. The ball of light just now was the inducement of the different space. Pulled into a different space to fight, so that it will not have an impact on the real world."

As Dr. Geer talked, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I thought, if the data of this different space can be obtained, then we can simulate and create a different space, although it is impossible to reach Nexus No, it might be possible to create a small different space that is completely separated from the real world..." Dr. Geer was so excited that he wished he could go to outer space to collect information about this different space right now.

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