Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1899 Aix in Special Form

The Kingdom of Light conducted research based on the monster spark dolls obtained from the Plasma Galaxy to develop the Ultra Capsule. Aitarga stole the Ultra Capsule and related information, and then researched the monster card. And this Dr. Geer from Vatican Star accidentally got a monster card, developed an electronic monster card after painstaking research, and combined with the data form of X Ultraman, so that Ax can use electronic monster cards. Armed with monster cards to enhance X's strength.

From monster spark dolls to electronic monster cards, in fact, it is not a big improvement, but a convenient application, just like a computer, a desktop computer and a notebook computer, with similar functions, but their applicable places are different.

Dr. Geer opened his mouth and threw a few skewers of barbecue into his mouth, and said in a low voice while chewing: "Now the electronic gomora can realize virtual data materialization, and the electronic gomora can be manipulated with human brain waves. Mora, it’s just that the electronic Gomora battle will consume the operator’s brainpower, and the attack will also be fed back through the brain wave synchronization, so that the operator can empathize. Although the body will not be injured, the brain will feel pain. Not until now So far, the only monster that can realize virtual reality is the electronic Gomora, and other electronic monsters cannot be manipulated at all."

Speaking of Dr. Geer's right hand tapped a few times in front of the computer, a soft blue light appeared on the virtual keyboard, and quickly converged into two electronic Ultraman cards above, and the one displayed on it was Max Alt Man and Ultraman Zero.


Dr. Geer held the two cards in his hand, looked at the beautifully crafted cards in his hands and nodded in satisfaction, but then said with regret: "Until now, the electronic Ultraman card has not been able to be compared with the electronic monster card. Such a wide range of applications can only be used by Aix, and the reason has not been found out until now, so these two cards can only be placed here."

Xingye took the two electronic Ultraman cards handed over by Dr. Geer, looked at them carefully and handed them to Mayumi, and began to check the various data about the two electronic Ultraman cards stored on the computer and compared them with the electronic cards. Monster cards for comparison. Especially the data difference between the electronic monster card and the electronic Ultraman card and X when he was dressing, the various data can be said to be piled up into a mountain, even if the starry night browses ten lines at a glance, it takes a long time to read.

Just glanced at the data, Xingye looked away, looking at the data is to understand the basic data of the electronic monster card and the data changes when X is dressed. After all, Dr. Geer and the others must have studied these data repeatedly. Countless times, they spent so long without finding the problem. Xingye didn't think he could solve the problem with just a glance.

Xingye nodded in satisfaction after reading all the data, and said with a complimenting tone: "Dr. Because, this point may be resolved, but I think the price to be paid is definitely high. Let’s focus on researching electronic monster cards.”

"I think so too." Dr. Geer said with a smile, and then took Xingye to continue wandering around the underground research institute. Dr. Geer also took him and Mayumi to the equipment area, which was 15 meters long and 100 meters wide in a huge warehouse, where two Xio Muscadi and a Daichi Muscadi were placed, and a group of ground staff Personnel are inspecting these brand new fighter jets, a car and a truck are parked side by side on the ground. The equipment that XIO lost in the battle half an hour ago has been replenished, and it can be dispatched again at any time.

Dr. Geer introduced his proud work while walking. Through his story, Xingye had a general understanding of this base. It can be said that a large part of the technology of this base was provided by him, especially the attack equipment. On the one hand, he has made great contributions, not to mention electronic monster cards and the like.

After visiting the base, Xingye's biggest impression is that the base is basically developed based on the spark dolls, and the power station outside simulates King Aire's biological power generation to supply a large amount of energy to the base. All kinds of attack equipment are also based on the research on the spark dolls. Although the outbreak of the Otto flare fifteen years ago brought disaster to the earth, it is also an opportunity, because human beings got the spark dolls, which contain endless possibilities and opportunities magic props. Just like now, human technology has been greatly improved through the study of spark dolls.

The top of the base is a vast platform. Two high-strength runways with a width of 25 meters intersect in an X shape, and below the intersection is also a hangar. An ascending passage connects it up and down. You can go out immediately.

Xingye and Mayumi walked around the base like tourists. Along the way, Dr. Geer introduced the base to Xingye like a tour guide.

After visiting the base, Xingye pulled Mayumi out of the base and came to the square behind the base. This vast square is surrounded by many fitness facilities. In the distance, there are row upon row of facilities with various functions, neatly arranged in the distance. But now it is working hours, the whole square is empty, hardly anyone can be seen.

Xingye only saw a person wearing an XIO uniform sitting in the gazebo, and the logo on his clothes confirmed his identity: Dakongdadi. He was sitting on a stone bench, wearing a pair of headsets, concentrating on fiddling with a receiver-like thing in front of him.

Xingye pulled Mayumi and walked over, and asked with a hint of ridicule: "Daichi, what are you doing? Are you listening to the radio?"

There is always 'Sand!' in the headset. sand! 'The noisy land suddenly heard the voice, and he was overjoyed at first, but the subsequent words made him understand that it was the sound from outside, which made the earth look disappointed, took off the headset, looked up and saw the starry night and Mayumi walked up the steps and entered the pavilion.

"It's you guys," Dadi put the headset on the table, and the dim screen of the X terminal on his waist lit up, revealing the figure of Aix in digital form. Aix said restrainedly: "Really Thank you very much for saving me and Dadi, I didn’t expect to be able to see you, I’m sorry I couldn’t show up.”

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