Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1875 New Civilization Direction

'Shua! 'The lightsaber drew an arc in the air, slashed towards the laser beam, and defeated several incoming laser beams with just one swing. Not only that, two crescent moons were emitted between the lightsaber swings. The light blade directly hit the Galadron floating cannon.

The Galadron Floating Cannon once again made a sharp turn in the air to avoid the whistling crescent-shaped light blade, but just after dodging the light blade, two arrows of light pierced through the air, instantly piercing through the two The Galadron floating cannon that slowed down a lot when turning.

'boom! boom! '

Two balls of flame bloomed in the air, Nexus lowered his right arm, and the arrow of light in his hand flashed again and quickly transformed into a sword of light. Nexus snorted coldly with some disdain: "Just With such a simple maneuver, it seems that your level of intelligence is only so small."

"Really?" Padil said and flew towards here. In the three or four seconds it took for Nexus to deal with the Galadron floating cannon, the sharp claws and sharp swords on both arms had already switched. in place.

The silver lines formed by the condensed silver energy form many large and small magic circles all over the sharp claws and the giant sword, making the two weapons look very different. Although they are made of unknown metal, they are similar to Energy weapons are no different.

Nexus carefully observed the magic circle-like pattern depicted on the robot's two-handed weapon. Judging from Galadron's actions just now, these magic circles did not exist for the sake of looking good, they enhanced Galadron's The power of the attack makes even an ordinary attack very destructive. Unlike the general use of energy as an attack method, these energies are only used to power the magic circle.

This made Nexus frown a little. The attack method like the magic circle has never been seen, let alone appeared. That is to say, this is probably a brand-new civilization developed by the ancient survivors, and it should be to deal with the four of them. After all, Before they developed technology, they were easily wiped out by Noah and Pete.

No matter how hard these ancient survivors are, it is impossible to push the technology to another level without losing the main civilization. After all, the higher the level of technology, the more branch projects to study. Just like an abacus only needs lumberjacks, carpenters, and blacksmiths, but making computers is not that simple.

Therefore, these ancient survivors gave up the route of science and technology, and began to study this magic circle instead. From this robot, it can be seen that they still made some achievements.

"Is this where your confidence lies?" Nexus flicked his left hand lightly, staring at the white robot opposite with bright eyes: "Let me experience your strength, and see what I need How long will it take to tear you apart?"

"Then try it." Padil roared, and Galadron started to move immediately, and rushed towards Nexus at a speed of Mach 8 without any jetting device, with seven or eight kilometers in between. It took only three or four seconds to cross the distance, and the huge blade slashed towards Nexus from top to bottom.

The sharp blade pierced through the air, making a sound of extremely high frequency, but the giant blade just cut down a few meters and stopped abruptly. A light blade less than two meters wide was tilted fifty degrees against the giant steel blade with a width of six or seven meters, blocking the downward force of the giant steel blade.

"Is this your strength? It's too weak." Nexus raised his leg suddenly as he said, and it popped out like lightning, and kicked Galadron's chest fiercely with his right foot,' Boom! ’ With a loud noise, Galadron was directly kicked out, flying thousands of meters like a cannonball before stopping.

Just as Galadron stabilized his figure, he saw a golden light flash in front of him, and then a golden lightsaber stabbed at the huge red gemstone in the center of his chest, where Padir was. .

Galadron retreated hastily, and swung the two huge claws of his right hand down, blocking the stabbing lightsaber, but even so, the powerful force of Nexus' forward charge still made the lightsaber continue to stab forward , and the friction with the magic circle attached to the metal claws, issued a series of '嗤啦啦! ’ The unpleasant friction sound.

While retreating violently, the giant blade in Galadron's left hand slashed towards Nexus' waist from left to right. And Nexus' right-hand lightsaber had been caught by Galadron's two huge claws, and it was difficult to get out for a while.

"Hmph!" Nexus snorted coldly, turned the lightsaber in his right hand slightly, and then exploded. When the energy of the lightsaber began to erupt, Nexus disappeared, leaving Galadron's The giant sword cut an empty space, almost missing himself. And the terrifying power of the zero-distance explosion of the lightsaber directly blasted Galadron's two long sharp claws into several pieces, leaving only stubble at the root.

'Shua! '

There was a flash of light in the void, and Nexus suddenly appeared behind Galadron, his bent legs jumped out violently, and he kicked Galadron's back fiercely, 'Bang! ’ There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and Galadron fell towards the bottom as if he had been hit hard.

When Galadron was falling, he still didn't give up attacking. The axis of Galadron was lifted up quickly, and the tip pointed directly at Nexus diagonally above, firing a raging energy beam.

Just the moment the axis of Galadron was raised, Nexus had disappeared. When it reappeared, the energy beam had just been emitted, and the lightsaber on Nexus' right arm suddenly swung from left to right. Cut it over.

'Chila! ’ With a sound, the shaft of Galadron was cut in half by the lightsaber, and the energy that had not been converted into energy beams spewed out, and endless light spots scattered in the air, as brilliant as fireworks.

"It doesn't look very good, it's almost demolished so soon." Nexus said with a mocking tone, and disappeared in place in an instant, slashed by Galadron's giant sword, and suddenly appeared On the side of Galadron's body, the lightsaber swung vigorously, slashing at the joint between Galadron's arm and shoulder. With the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, the protective armor was cut off immediately. , and then the lightsaber slashed fiercely on the delicate joint axis, cutting it into a gap half a meter deep.

Immediately, Nexus retracted his sword and turned over in the air, and jumped into the void three to four hundred meters away from Galadron. He stood with his sword in the air and looked at Galadron peacefully. His left arm was shaking unnaturally. Sparks of energy splashed from the gap in the shoulder.

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