Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1862 attacking his shield with his spear

All kinds of buildings made of steel are all over this steel fortress. Originally, the countless instruments and turrets were all hidden inside the planet, and the shape was also spherical, but it only took half a minute to become such a gigantic giant. The steel fortress is full of firepower. It is absolutely impossible for that talent to do it. I am afraid that this planet has been hidden under thick rocks, and this layer of rocks can also block other people's detection.

Although I still don't know why I chose talent to carry out this task, but this steel planet is definitely a masterpiece of the ancient survivors. Those civilizations in the ancient times wanted to gain a foothold in the new universe as soon as possible. What I like the most is to send a planet-level war fortress, which stores enough resources for hundreds of years and various factories, residential areas, power stations, etc., which can realize the internal air, water and other living things. The circulation of necessary resources maximizes the survival time of personnel sent to other universes so that they have enough time to adapt to the new universe.

Moreover, the star-level war fortress is the best space fleet to dock at the home port. When a planet worth occupying is found, the space fleet can be sent to conquer the planet, and then use the resources on the planet to transform the planet to achieve the purpose of colonization. This is to expand their sphere of influence in the new universe.

This planetary fortress made of steel is full of the architectural style of ancient survivors. After all, such a planetary level war fortress has not appeared for a long time. After all, the resources and technological requirements for transforming a planet into a fortress are really quite high. .

"You are really lingering ghosts. You have been able to persevere since the ancient times without cutting off the inheritance of civilization. I am even more curious about you. I really want to know which race you are, and you have such tenacious vitality." Naik Seth said in a low voice, the Nexus glorious arm on the hanging right arm was shining with an incomparably bright golden light, even the generator with electric arcs dancing around couldn't compare to the light on Nexus' arm.

Driven by mechanical gears and hydraulic columns, the hundreds of high and low turrets around them began to rotate. The long and short barrels were all aimed at Nexus in the middle, and then lasers and plasmas of various colors were emitted. Attacks such as beams and energy bombs all came towards Nexus.

But before these attacks approached, Nexus suddenly disappeared, making all these attacks bombard the place where Nexus was standing just now, 'Boom! boom! boom! ’ Large and small groups of flames soared into the sky one after another, and all kinds of buildings within the explosion range instantly became fragments, and the turbulent air waves mixed with steel fragments swept around.

The impact force caused by the explosion of various plasma bombs and energy bombs blasted the smooth and flat steel barrier into a sunken pit with a diameter of one kilometer. It can be seen that the layers of broken steel plates below were quickly melted under the high temperature generated by the explosion and turned into molten iron, which meandered towards the bottom of the pit.

Nexus reappeared on this steel planet, and a raging flame rose more than ten kilometers behind him, but he ignored the situation there, and the intense energy gathered on his right arm quickly transformed into a raging fire. Burning flames.

"Break it!" Nexus yelled, and his right arm, which was shrouded in raging flames, slammed hard on the ground made of steel under his feet.

'boom! ' With a muffled sound, the lingering flames on the right arm exploded toward the steel ground below. The high temperature of tens of millions of degrees instantly melted the hard steel into molten iron, and then gasified and disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the steel below The earth was melted into a deep pit more than ten kilometers deep, and this depth is still deepening, and the diameter is also rapidly expanding. No matter whether it is a steel plate or a circuit or what is in front of it, it all melts, vaporizes and disappears without a trace under the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees.

The energy suppliers near the big pit flickered for a few times, and then dimmed. Hundreds of turrets and laser emitters also stopped rotating after losing their energy supply. This is still visible on the surface. The blow of Nexus caused a large-scale power outage in the surface area of ​​the steel fortress, and there were problems in the operation of various facilities. Although the backup line was soon activated to start supplying energy, there was still a momentary stagnation.

And even though it was only a one-second stagnation, Nexus could do a lot of things. This was an opportunity he had painstakingly created with great difficulty. Although this steel fortress is not enough to attack or defend in front of Nexus, but this steel fortress is full of attack facilities, and the response is very fast under the unified deployment of an intelligent system, even if Nexus has space However, as soon as he appeared on the steel fortress, he was immediately attacked by the weapon system.

There is no time for Nexus to gather energy and launch an attack at all. Although it is possible to use the previous move to let his weapon system destroy his own facilities, it is too slow, too slow, too slow . Nexus didn't have that much time to play peek-a-boo with this steel fortress, so he wanted a fatal blow.

Complete the energy gathering first and then leave the place to launch an attack on an energy supply center hidden under the thick steel, causing a short loss of power nearby, which gave Nexus time to gather more energy.

Now Nexus' huge body is glowing with incomparably bright golden brilliance, spinning rapidly like a sharp arrow of light and drilling towards the interior of the planet. No matter whether it is a hard metal plate or other things along the way, it can't resist Nexus. edge.

In just three to five seconds, Nexus had penetrated more than 3,000 kilometers into this huge planetary fortress, and his goal was the birthplace of each order, the main control room at the center of the planetary fortress.

The surface of the intelligent robot in the main control room flickered a few times, and then issued a command, and then the light in the transparent lines connected to him also dimmed, and the surrounding holographic projection screens disappeared one by one. .

When Nexus was less than a second away from the main control room, he suddenly felt a strong energy burst out from all around him, and he was surrounded by endless flames and violent energy in just a moment. .

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