Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1855 God of War

Located in the highest part of the city's royal complex, there is a resplendent and magnificent palace. The highest rooftop overlooks the entire city. Standing here gives you a sense of relaxation and joy.

Queen Amaterasu stood on the edge of the roof, looking at the towering tree of life in the distance, no one could see the overall outline of the tree of life, because it was too big, even if it flew out of the planet, only a part could be seen That's all.

Those giants of light from other universes went to the foot of the tree of life, where few people set foot, just looking at the tree of life from a distance is enough to make people feel its vastness, and seeing it at a closer distance makes people feel their own I feel so small, that feeling is very bad, really very bad.

Queen Amaterasu went there once when she was a child, and she stood at the foot of the tree of life. She couldn't see the crown of the tree of life when she looked up, because it was too high, and the word "looking up high" seemed pale and barren.

General Laiying has already reported the latest news. The astronomical observation center sent the latest news. They found that the light of the three stars in the same direction disappeared, and it had disappeared for half an hour. This proves that the three stars are The light was blocked by something. After further detailed observation, it was discovered that hundreds of slightly dim stars in this direction had also disappeared.

According to the calculation results obtained by the triangulation method, it is confirmed that there are a large number of unknown objects in this direction, so that the light of the stars is covered. It is estimated that these unknown objects spread over a million kilometers. The Ministry of Astronomy has mobilized all its forces to observe the situation in this direction to determine what happened.

The new results haven't come out yet, but Queen Amaterasu can feel that there is something in that direction that makes her feel trembling. The blood is boiling quietly, the body is changing quietly, and everything is stating a fact: Kuin is here, and the battle that has lasted for thousands of years is about to begin again. This is her destiny, and she has been carrying the mission since she was born: to defeat Kuin, protect the tree of life, and use her life to practice the beliefs of the royal family generations.

"My life is up to me, and my future is up to me," Queen Amaterasu murmured to herself. Musashi's words are what she has always pursued, to go where she wants to go freely, and to be happy when she is happy. Laughing, crying when sad, finding someone you like to fall in love with... It is so easy for ordinary girls, but it is extremely difficult for her. She must maintain the majesty of the queen at all times, and her every move must reflect the royal demeanor. She is the belief of hundreds of millions of people in the Ganon Kingdom and even their hope in their hearts.

Come to meet the general who has worked hard for more than ten years to build his power network, but there are still a large number of troops and subjects loyal to the queen. They have been following her since she was seven years old, because the royal family guarded the Ganon Kingdom. Queens have powerful powers to protect the Kingdom of Ganon.

And now is the time for her to respond to these expectations. Those spreading objects should be the army of Dr. Talent. His army has arrived, and Ganon has only two choices: hand over the queen. Ganon is in Talent. Survive at the mercy of God, or wage a desperate war that will destroy the entire planet after proving Ganon's mettle.

Captain Sen Luo came over, bent his right leg and half-kneeled on the ground five meters away from Queen Amaterasu, bowed his head and said loudly: "Your Majesty, all the guards are ready for battle, everyone They will fight until the last moment."

Following Captain Sen Luo's words, the guard girls standing around knelt down one by one, their faces full of determination, as long as the queen gave an order, they would not blink even if there was a sea of ​​swords and fire in front of them.

Queen Amaterasu turned around slowly and looked at the young faces in front of her. Each of them had determination on their faces, and their clear eyes clearly showed their attitudes. They will fight for this The country dies.

Such looks and gazes were those of the soldiers of the Ganon Space Fleet who went out last time. Now those brave fighters can no longer be seen. Their heroic spirits are floating in the air, and their families can only cry and mourn. Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers have already died since the war started, and even more people will die once the war starts.

Every piece of land in the Ganon Kingdom will ignite hellfire, turning the prosperous cities into ruins, turning the lush forests into scorched earth, and turning the clear rivers into dry riverbeds... The Ganon Kingdom uses The civilization developed for more than a thousand years will be destroyed once and disappear into the universe.

"It's not necessary, the target of talent is me, you don't need to get involved, sacrifices are enough. Once the war starts, the Kingdom of Ganon will be destroyed..."

Before Queen Amaterasu could finish speaking, the deep voice of General Yingying came from the side, his tone was full of firmness: "The Ganons will never surrender without a fight, even if they become a piece of scorched earth. , must not trust the fate of the kingdom to the mercy of the enemy."

Yu Yan raised his head and said firmly: "Your Majesty, this is our planet and the hometown of each of us. We must fight for Ganon and protect our hometown. No matter who it is, we cannot trample on our planet at will. Our hometown, we are willing to die to protect our hometown."

Queen Amaterasu scanned the young faces from left to right, then slowly turned around, looked up at the huge tree of life, and whispered: "Yes, this is Ganon, we Everyone was born and grew up here, it is the hometown of each of us, if we lose this place, we are nothing but rootless ducklings, we can only drift with the wind."

A relaxed smile suddenly appeared on Queen Amaterasu's face, and the big stone that had been pressing on her heart disappeared. What happened to her mother when she was a child made her always resist turning into a god of war, and wanted to resist the arrangement of fate. But now she somewhat understands why she is going to fight even though she knows she will die, because she wants to protect this kingdom, this planet, and her hometown, even if it means giving her life.

"Tell the Council of Elders, get ready to welcome the rebirth of the God of War." Queen Amaterasu's words surprised everyone. Captain Sen Luo looked up with surprise and anxiety in his eyes, eager to dissuade him: "Your Majesty the Queen …”

Queen Amaterasu raised her hand to stop Captain Sen Luo's next words, and said in an extremely firm tone: "Ganon needs the power of God of War now, you have the courage to fight for Ganon with your life, and I do the same."

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