Ultraman Senki

Chapter 185 Defense Army (4th update today)

PS: Chapters 181 and 182 were written last night. The automatic update was set at 11 o’clock. I was too sleepy and didn’t check it. As a result, a chapter was repeated. Xingsha has changed the second chapter 181 "Mysterious Life Form" to After reading Chapter 183, you can re-download or clear the cache to see the revised chapter. Xingsha apologizes to everyone, this is the fourth update released today.

Xingye stood up and walked outside. Captain Ripu couldn't help but glance at Xingye, and followed Xingye out of the command room.

"Looks like I'm going to do it!" Xingye unzipped his coat and took out the Evolutionary Trustee, and the dazzling light immediately enveloped Xingye's whole body before turning into a ball of light and rushing out.

"Please!" Captain Ripu turned his gaze and said inwardly.

The three huge muzzles on the robot's chest moved and aimed at several buildings in the city that were only a few hundred meters away, and the muzzles began to gather energy and become brighter.

"Oops, that guy wants to destroy the city!" Doi Heng was shocked, and hastily pulled out his laser gun and adjusted it to the position of the destruction bullet, aiming at the robot with one shot, and the destruction bullet hit the robot's body, only splashing a few sparks , did not cause any damage to him at all, and could not even affect him to continue firing lasers: "How could this be?"

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" There was a muffled sound of engines not far away accompanied by the vibration of the ground. Doi Heng turned his head and saw six huge tanks approaching slowly.

"This is the King Tiger tank of the Defense Force." Doi Heng exclaimed.

"Aim and fire!" Following the order of the commander inside the tank, the raised muzzles of the six tanks shrank suddenly.

Six armor-piercing high-explosive shells spun and bombarded the robot's body, and then exploded. The dazzling flames covered half of the robot's body.

The impact of the huge explosion knocked the robot back a step. The robot lowered its head and saw that the gun barrels of the six tanks on the ground began to shrink again and then fired six shells.

But this time the robot just swung its right hand in front of the body and slammed it hard. The shell hit the robot's right hand and exploded without hurting the robot at all, and the robot turned the three gun barrels on the chest to aim at the ground. The six tanks on board began to gather energy, and the barrels were already lit up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three laser beams shot out from the muzzle and hit the tank on the ground.

"It's over!" The defenders in the tank were desperate, but they gritted their teeth and began to load the shells, preparing to fire a shot when they were dying.


A cloud of light flew from the sky and quickly flew in front of the robot to block the three laser beams.

"This light is..." The defenders inside the tank were amazed at the extremely warm light shining on their bodies in front of them.

"Ultraman Nexus!" Doi Heng exclaimed in surprise.

The light gradually converged and condensed into Nexus' half-kneeling figure. Compared to humans, the tank, which was already huge, did not reach his ankles in front of Nexus.

Nexus stood up and looked at the robot. When the robot saw Nexus' figure, its body immediately moved and made a clicking sound when the machine was operating.

Nexus raised his right hand and swiped across the energy core on his chest. Water waves rushed over Nexus' body immediately, and azure gem light was emitted from it, and Nexus instantly turned into a blue form.

The energy core on the chest burst into dazzling light. Nexus concentrated the energy on his right fist, and then raised it above his head to emit a golden beam of light, which instantly rushed to the sky and exploded. Make a golden mask covering the area.

"That's it!" Doi Heng suddenly became excited and turned his head to see that the light mask had completely covered this area, and he was even more excited: "Oh my god, I'm going to enter a different space."

Gauss was entangled with the alien life form Ugaro, and when he suddenly looked up, he saw the golden mask falling from the sky.

"Is this a different space?" Gauss looked at the golden mask falling from the sky with some surprise, and then the surrounding environment changed suddenly.

"This is a different space!" Doi Heng looked at the sudden changes in the environment around him and admired: "It's really beautiful."

"Indeed, it's very space-like!" Leni was immediately attracted by the aurora-like light bands hanging in the sky.

Xingye strode forward and punched the robot in front of him. The robot that hit him took a few steps back. Nexus jumped up and kicked sideways, kicked the robot on the head and kicked it staggeringly.

The robot quickly stabilized its figure, and the three cannon ports on its chest moved suddenly, counting shots at Nexus who jumped into the air.

"Bang!" Nexus had just jumped into the air when he saw three streaks of light rushing towards him. Before he could dodge in time, he was hit straight on. Dazzling sparks splashed from his chest and flew back at a faster speed, smashing hard. on the ground.

The machine strode towards Nexus, who was lying on the ground and moaning. The three laser cannons on his chest kept firing and enveloped Nexus in a raging flame hell.

Finally, the robot stopped shelling, and retracted the red cannon barrel. The bombarded area was already a fiery purgatory, and the surrounding rocks and gravels were all melted into magma, flowing slowly.

"Nexus!" Doi Heng looked worriedly at the flame zone, and unconsciously took a step forward.

In the flames, Nexus knelt on the ground and lowered his arms covering his face, his body was already shrouded in a layer of armor of light shining with golden light.

Nexus stood up slowly, looked up at the robot through the wall of flames, and shook his hands: "Now it's my turn!"

A somersault jumped out of the wall of flames, and Nexus ran towards the robot with both legs, and the robot walked towards Nexus with heavy steps, not to be outdone.

Before getting close to the robot, he raised the huge scissors hand, trying to clamp Nexus' waist, just when the scissors hand was about to touch Nexus, Nexus stomped on the ground and flew into the air Then, the scissorhands brushed past Nexus' body, and Nexus jumped onto the robot's body.

The arms passed through the armpit of the robot and clasped the shoulders of the robot tightly, and the legs sank deeply into the low ground trying to pull the robot back.

"Boom! Boom!" The robot stretched its legs and wanted to drag Nexus forward, but Nexus also pulled back with all its strength, and Nexus' legs were deeply sunken. The ground was dragged forward by a huge force, pulling out two deep ravines.

"Ugh!" Nexus growled, and with a violent push of his arms, he pulled the robot up from the ground and lifted it above his head.

Then he threw his arms into the air vigorously, and the robot drew an arc and hit the ground fiercely, causing the ground in the Meta domain to tremble violently.

And Gauss's side is also going smoothly. Gauss in the corona form, coupled with the strengthening of light in the Meta field and the battle of alien life forms, has gained the upper hand, almost overwhelming the alien life forms.

Gauss blocked the attack of the alien life form with his arms, but his affectionate palm hit him back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

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