Chapter 1831 The Tree of Life

'boom! Boom! Boom! ’ The successive explosions engulfed a large area of ​​cosmic void with flames, and the sudden attack caused the formation of these leisurely circling Baalzebubs to suddenly become chaotic, and several Baalzebubs were directly blown into pieces all over the sky.

Taking advantage of this hole, the Helios directly broke through the Baalzebub group and flew towards the interior of the planet. The speed of that ride made Baalzebub unable to catch up.

The Helios quickly penetrated the atmosphere, and the last veil was unveiled by Wang Li's planet Ganon. Looking around, the surface of the planet is full of tall and lush trees, which can't be seen all the way to the end of the horizon. edge of the forest. It makes people feel that the surface of this planet is covered by endless forests. This endless emerald green makes people feel relaxed and happy. Even though they have not had contact with the outside world, everyone has the illusion that the air has become fresh.

Xingye was also a little surprised, and turned to Yuyan and Lihua and said: "The environment of your planet is well protected, and it didn't cause any damage to the planet's environment during the development of civilization. I haven't seen such a civilization for a long time. "

"Actually, it's not our credit." Lihua shook his head, looked at the sky and said with some admiration: "Because of the tree of life, the trees on the planet grow very fast and have a strong purification effect on the environment. That’s why we have maintained such a large green coverage.”

"The tree of life? What is that?" Mayumi was a little confused. The name seemed to be a kind of tree. Could it be a tree in the endless forest below?

"Is that the one?!" Asuka pointed to a cluster of huge tree crowns emerging from the extremely distant horizon. Under the reflection of this cluster of tree crowns, the surrounding trees seemed as small as ants under the feet of an elephant, and they were far apart. You can feel the hugeness of this tree, and people can't help but think about what kind of tree can grow so huge.

As the Helios moved forward, the tree became more and more clear, which surprised everyone who saw him for the first time. Now it’s not just the huge canopy of the tree, the diameter and height of the trunk are also jaw-dropping. The Helios is still three or four thousand kilometers away from the tree, but the tree has already occupied the front view One-third of the tree, the size of this tree is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Xingye looked at the growing tree, nodded silently, and thought in his heart: "It seems that this is what the manipulator behind Baalzebub wants to get, the tree of life? I seem to have heard about it somewhere. Pass?"

Yuyan glanced at Xingye standing aside and said: "Yes, as you guessed, the other party is indeed coming for the tree of life, this tree is the sacred tree of our royal planet Ganon, no matter what the price is Never let the enemy take it away."

" don't seem to have the strength to defend it anymore." Xingye said softly. When he broke into Wangli Planet Ganon just now, he saw the wreckage of spaceships all over the outer space of Wangli Planet Ganon. Thinking about what happened to that planet before, if it wasn't for the operators behind Baalzebub who wanted to keep it, I'm afraid it would have been turned into ruins long ago, and it would be impossible for them to rescue it.

"I found twelve small spaceships flying towards here, open the protective cover." Xiao Zuo's voice woke everyone up from their surprise, and before Xing Ye could speak, Yu Yan hurriedly said: "That... Xiao Zuo , don’t launch an attack, that’s our planet’s spaceship, let me tell them.”

Xingye's attention has always been on the towering tree. The current height of the Helios is 4,000 meters, but it is still not as tall as this tree. This tree can only be seen from a distance. Approximate appearance.

The big trees towered into the clouds, and layers of clouds of different sizes floated around the bushes. The emerald green trees were dotted with dots of light, which looked extraordinarily beautiful from a distance.

"This tree is very warm," Mayumi tugged Xingye's arm, looked at the tree of life in the distance and said with some doubts: "I feel that this tree and the light are echoing each other."

Xingye held Mayumi's hand and said: "I got your light from a dying planet. It is the only remaining light of life on that planet. This tree is called the tree of life by them, and it should also be the essence of the planet. Gathered together, it's the essence of such a huge tree and a planet really enough to make it survive for a long time?"

Under the explanation of Yuyan and Lihua, more than a dozen small spaceships outside released the alarm, but they still surrounded the Helios vigilantly, 'protecting' the Helios towards a distant building on a high mountain. Fly to the city above.

Only when you get close can you feel the size of this tree of life. Even though there are hundreds of kilometers apart, under the shade of this tree, the crown of the tree spreads for nearly 170 to 80 kilometers. , covering this vast land under his shade.

And the height of this tree is even more frightening, it is more than 200 kilometers high, even in space, you can see this giant tree standing tall, and around this giant tree, you can vaguely see many moving creatures. The black spot is exactly the spaceship belonging to the royal planet Ganon that guards this towering giant tree.

It can be seen from the sky that there are continuous buildings surrounding this towering giant tree. Cities are concentrated around this tree of life in a ring shape. The Helios landed at a distance from this giant tree. On the tarmac of the city farthest from the tree.

The hatch door opened slowly, and several people came out in a file, stepping on the hard ground, and dozens of soldiers in black close-fitting armor with large beam guns in their hands ran over quickly in four columns, forming a semicircular shape. Several people were surrounded, and then a young man wearing leather armor in the style of medieval armor walked over, with a beautiful scabbard hanging around his waist, his right hand resting on the hilt, and a red belt on his forehead, There is also a jewel-like thing inlaid in the middle.

Yuyan and Lihua hurried over and saluted the leader: "Captain Sen Luo!"

The person named Sen Luo nodded, then walked towards Xingye and the others, and said: "Thank you very much for saving Yuyan and Lihua, I should have treated you well, but our planet is facing a crisis now, I believe you came in It's time to see the cosmic demon hovering in orbit, so you should leave quickly, I will let the fleet of the Kingdom of Ganon escort you away."

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