Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1825 Kai (4 million word medal)

"Can't start it?" The young man in linen clothes couldn't help frowning.

"Get out of the way, let me try." The gloomy-faced man squeezed over, his slender eyes scanned the console, and then tentatively pressed his hands on it, while paying attention to the information fed back from the display screen.

The girl named Yuyan looked at the man suspiciously, and said suspiciously: "Do you understand? Don't make the spaceship worse, we have no place to repair it now."

"Hmph!" The man just snorted coldly, completely ignoring and continuing to be busy, but the young man at the side looked at the ice-blue spaceship outside the window of the ship, turned his head and asked, "Jagula, how is it? Can you start it here?" spaceship?"

Juggler kept pressing the button without saying a word. After a few clicks, the spaceship shook slightly, and then heard the slight roar of the engine. This sound made everyone happy, but they didn't wait. After laughing, the engine hummed a few times and then stopped.

Jugula stood up straight, shook his head, glanced at Yuyan and Lihua, and snorted softly: "Your actions were too rough just now, resisting Bemonstein's suction force, the engine was overloaded and burned out the energy circuit."

"Do you know how to cultivate?" Lihua looked at Juggula with expectant eyes, his eyes were full of stars, but unfortunately his eyes were completely ineffective for Juggula. He snorted coldly and said mockingly: "You think I Is it Kai? I can't become a giant, and I can't move in the universe for a long time. Besides, do you have materials on your spaceship? I don't have so much time to waste here. You can try to ask that spaceship for help. Maybe someone will help you."

"By the way," the young man named Kai's eyes lit up, and he said with some joy: "Just now I heard the people on that spaceship ask if they need help."

"Did you hear that?!" Kay's words made Jugula, Yuyan, and Lihua all face question marks. They heard voices in the universe, sound transmission in a vacuum, are you sure?

"That voice appeared directly in my mind," Kai hurriedly explained upon seeing this, "Just now that spaceship wiped out Bemonstein and saved my life. I haven't thanked him enough yet."

Jugula frowned in displeasure when he heard the words, and said, "Hey, Kai, do we still have tasks?"

"But I can't just leave like this. Anyway, I want to thank the other party and just ask the other party if he can help repair this spaceship. Wait here, and I will be back soon." A dagger, the body of the sword is silver-white with a circle of red on the inside, the joint between the hilt and the sword body is black and round, and the edge is golden.

Dazzling silver-white light bloomed from the dagger, completely enveloping Kai inside, and then turned into a silver-white streamer that directly penetrated the spaceship towards the large ice-blue spaceship that was parked not far away. The spaceship flew away.

"I found that high-strength energy is approaching, do you want to start defense and attack?" Xiaozao turned her head slightly and looked towards Xingye and Mayumi. Staring at the silver streamer flying out of the small spaceship, Xingye shook his head slightly: "No, let him in."

The silver-white streamer passed through the shell of the Helios and directly entered the central control room. Kai's figure was condensed in the room, and the right hand holding the dagger was slightly lowered, showing that he did not have any malice. He looked around , Only then did he discover the luxury and beauty of the cabin he was in. The surrounding walls were dotted with countless light spots of different shades, which illuminated the cabin without being dazzling, making it look like a starry sky. And the floor under his feet was covered with a carpet of a material he couldn't name, and it was soft to step on. No matter how you looked at it, it was more comfortable and luxurious than the small spaceship he just came out of.

But what attracted Kai's attention was the girl on the left whose body was surrounded by virtual screens. Although he couldn't understand the data, he could still recognize the structural diagram of the spaceship from the picture, which made him think in his heart: " Is it the pilot of this spaceship? Why are you standing there?"

After seeing Xingye and Mayumi, Kai was obviously stunned for a moment, never expecting that there are only these three 'children' as passengers on this huge spaceship, although he was complaining in his heart, Hong Kai still nodded politely Said: "My name is Kai, thank you very much for saving me."

"It's nothing, you can call me Xingye." Xingye waved his hand, staring at the dagger in Kai's right hand, and said calmly, "Are you the Ultraman of this universe?"

"Ultraman?" Kai's face was full of confusion. It was the first time he heard this name, and he said uncertainly: "Is it the giant I turned into? Have you ever seen a giant like me?"

"Sure enough, he is a pure rookie, no wonder he is so unfamiliar in battle." Xingye thought in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said with a gentle smile: "I have seen it in other universes, but their fighting power is more You are much stronger, did you just get this power? You were always suppressed by Bemstein in the battle just now."

Hearing Xingye's words, a trace of surprise and unconcealable joy flashed across Kai's face, and he hurriedly asked: "Is there any other place where I can get this power? That...although it's presumptuous, but can you tell me?" Where can I get this power?"

Mayumi asked curiously: "Aren't you already able to become an Ultraman?" She rolled her eyes and asked with a smile: "Do you want your wife to become an Ultraman too?"

"No, I want my friend to try it, his name is Jugula," Kai scratched his head, and said, "I will go to the planet O-50 with him to climb the Warrior's Peak and accept the test of the brave. In the end I got this power, but he was not chosen by that light. He has swordsmanship and strength beyond my reach, and he is more suitable as a fighter than me, so I want to try it elsewhere and find new ones powerful."

"Wait a minute," Xingye raised his hand to stop the overexcited Kai: "You mean, you got Ultraman's power on a mountaintop?"

"Well," Kay nodded, and then explained: "The planet O-50 has the worst climate, which can be said to be dripping into ice. The top of the warrior is the highest peak on the planet with a height of 30,000 meters. The 15-degree cliff is surrounded by hurricanes all year round. , only true warriors can climb to the top, those with excellent aptitude will be selected by the shining light, and will be endowed with great power to become the powerful known in the universe.”

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